I agree would def be better to be on stanley forum. First I would like to thank Ex Landlord for showing a balanced view on his own forum....
Secondly, as you pointed out on there. Any games changed to Friday are with the agreement of the other team and the conference. The forest green game has now been changed to a friday night but then so has the away match. So Forest green are obviously keen to give it a go.
It is never stanley's view to go for all matches fri night but just a few throughout the season. This allows some people to attend who can't on a saturday. And if it helps increase attendances and along with it bring in some extra cash into the club then GO FOR IT!!
Personally I would not like to see all matches changed to friday (and don't believe that would ever happen) as I am also one of those who traditionally like the 3pm saturday KO but have no problems with the occasional fri night match, the same as we have occasional mid week matches..... this would go for home and away!!!
To have some of the fans on your forum bleating on about how we are trying to change the face of traditional footy is a load of bull**** but I will not descend to their depths and start slagging off your ground or town..
Nuff said!!! Feel free to copy and past this onto your forum if you so wish - harwood red