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Old 18-02-2007, 19:18   #1
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im going to have gripe about yesterdays match and where we are heading.we are heading down unless drastic action is taken .we seem to just pump the ball up to a non existant paul mullin i think its time we had a new captain he doesnt encourage them he doesnt shout out instruction 100% effort is alright if your in the right position how many time did we lose posession when we tried the same old tactics the way we are playing now we are not good enough..and to those people who think it wont be a disaster if we go down take your head out of the sand it will be a disaster because i think the way this team are playing we would struggle in the conference and if we did the wages the players are on with dwindling crowds would bankrupt the its time for action now i dont know what im not the manager bit its decision time for john coleman he could be the manager who took stanley to the league he could also be the manager who killed stanley. i dont see any drastic action from him now but maybe soon thats me finished and anybody who thinks im talking tripe look at other league clubs who have gone out of business...
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Old 18-02-2007, 19:29   #2
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Re: gripe

Could I have that with subtitles?
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Old 18-02-2007, 19:48   #3
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Re: gripe

to sum it up we need drastic action to stop the slide out of the league and those who say it wont be a disaster if we went out of the league. ill tell you it will cause the way the team is playing we would struggle in the conference an d most players are on three year contracts their wages woul cripple the club with dwindling crowds nobody woul want to buy them either...plain enough and the way to start stopping the slide is to change captain
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Old 18-02-2007, 19:57   #4
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Re: gripe

paul mullin is not the chosen captain( but works hard) and cav will be back soon. To be honest i dont think you can just say that if we changed the captain everything will be sorted out. it may help but i dont think it will make th team play alot better. there are other factors that need sorting. One thing isnt gunna help much. stanley need to start changing all the little things which will mount to a big change. I think stanley will stay up. We have players coming back from injury and even though we arnt playing to our full potential at the moment our recent form isnt too bad ( for a team that may be going down). the team will start to gel and understand each other.

Last edited by stanleyfan; 18-02-2007 at 20:02.
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Old 18-02-2007, 19:57   #5
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Re: gripe

The captain will change very soon. Cav will be back so u can have your wish.
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Old 18-02-2007, 20:48   #6
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Re: gripe

I can understand your comments to a point... But changing captain wont change much... You say Mullers doesnt motivate the team ??

For goodness sake the eleven players chosen to represent the club are being paid, it's their job !! they shouldnt need motivating, personel pride, they are playing for our club and playing for their professional and football league careers.

Most of the players worked hard to get the club into the Football League they WONT want to go back trust me.

No Mullers isnt Roy Keane... It's time all eleven players became captain and stand up and be counted.
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Old 18-02-2007, 22:09   #7
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Re: gripe

well do they look motivated no somebody needs to motivate them coley mullers isnt nobody is they look like they have accepted relegation how many shots on target in the last 4 home games i am m,ega peed off going to fes and not even having a shot on target the only one we had was boco and thet was off-side somethings gotta change quick like give tony grant the captaincy a new broom.cause cav wont be back for another 3 weeks and even if he does come back as captain itll just breed more complacency because they are used to him they need a kick up the jacks y
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Old 18-02-2007, 22:58   #8
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Re: gripe

Originally Posted by stanleyfan View Post
paul mullin is not the chosen captain( but works hard) and cav will be back soon. To be honest i dont think you can just say that if we changed the captain everything will be sorted out. it may help but i dont think it will make th team play alot better. there are other factors that need sorting. One thing isnt gunna help much. stanley need to start changing all the little things which will mount to a big change. I think stanley will stay up. We have players coming back from injury and even though we arnt playing to our full potential at the moment our recent form isnt too bad ( for a team that may be going down). the team will start to gel and understand each other.
our form isnt bad 4 wins in 17 league games your having a laugh
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Old 19-02-2007, 13:45   #9
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Re: gripe

Over 40 years we were out of the league unless you've forgotten. What did you think we were just going to walk the league? JC does what he can with a non existent budget and on top off that has lost his most influential players, Craney, Roberts, Barry to bigger clubs and Cav to long term injury.

I agree with some of your points but we do not have a god given right to be at the top of the league. It's always been about survival this year and consolidate our position and build from there.

You need to let the memory of winning most games last season (in the CONFERENCE) out of your heads because the league is a different story. Apart from a few exceptions most of the team haven't played in the football league before.

I don't enjoy watching Stanley struggling but it was always going to be that way this season.
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Old 19-02-2007, 17:02   #10
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Re: gripe

[COLOR=black]Recent form i.e. the last 9 games we have come out with 11 points. We are classed as a team in the relegation fight. For a team that looks like we might go down 11 points is better than none. Therefore our recent form is ok (when classed as a relegation candidate) compared to others near us- Boston and tourquay. you can stay up if you get 11 points in 9 games. If a team drew(gained a point) all their matches they would stay up.

Last edited by stanleyfan; 19-02-2007 at 17:05. Reason: spelling
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Old 19-02-2007, 22:54   #11
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Re: gripe

Originally Posted by Maverick View Post
Over 40 years we were out of the league unless you've forgotten. What did you think we were just going to walk the league? JC does what he can with a non existent budget and on top off that has lost his most influential players, Craney, Roberts, Barry to bigger clubs and Cav to long term injury.

I agree with some of your points but we do not have a god given right to be at the top of the league. It's always been about survival this year and consolidate our position and build from there.

You need to let the memory of winning most games last season (in the CONFERENCE) out of your heads because the league is a different story. Apart from a few exceptions most of the team haven't played in the football league before.

I don't enjoy watching Stanley struggling but it was always going to be that way this season.
no i havent forgotton this is why it is pivitol we stay in the league .why try and get to the promised land and say it dont matter when it does this is accrington stanleys future but who cares we,ll be happy weve had one season in the league. well im not cause this season will dictate if there is a future or if the club will survive to exist .this is our biggest test to try and attract more supporters the only way we will if we stay up i never thought we would walk this league because what is happening now i predicted way back in august i even suggested we should have gone out and bought a big target man cause paul mullin is too slow and thet he should play just behind the strikers..and whats happened to the money for craney etc
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Old 20-02-2007, 10:03   #12
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Smile Re: gripe

Sod ya doom and gloom cmonstanley. Gone too far. The most annoying thing for me in Stanleys current situation is that we are only 3 wins away from midtable - THATS whats griping me - its so close its annoying...

Jimbo T blower

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Old 20-02-2007, 12:19   #13

Re: gripe

Spot on Jimbo, Grimsby being the case in point. After getting hammered against Torquay a few weeks ago they've since strung a few wins together and now look to be safe.
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Old 20-02-2007, 12:22   #14
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Re: gripe

Noone is safe when Stanley are still in the running
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Old 20-02-2007, 12:48   #15
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Re: gripe

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
im going to have gripe about yesterdays match and where we are heading.we are heading down unless drastic action is taken .we seem to just pump the ball up to a non existant paul mullin i think its time we had a new captain he doesnt encourage them he doesnt shout out instruction 100% effort is alright if your in the right position how many time did we lose posession when we tried the same old tactics the way we are playing now we are not good enough..and to those people who think it wont be a disaster if we go down take your head out of the sand it will be a disaster because i think the way this team are playing we would struggle in the conference and if we did the wages the players are on with dwindling crowds would bankrupt the its time for action now i dont know what im not the manager bit its decision time for john coleman he could be the manager who took stanley to the league he could also be the manager who killed stanley. i dont see any drastic action from him now but maybe soon thats me finished and anybody who thinks im talking tripe look at other league clubs who have gone out of business...
Haha, so Coley is everybody in accrington that dont bother coming to games? whats Accringtons Population? about 35 thousand? and only 1500 come (and all them arnt all from accy) thats pretty shockin IMHO.

Yes the club i feel could do alot more to attract fans like giving 500 or however many free schoolchildren tickets when we play teams like torquay at home where its never gonna be a big attendance because the kids will go home buzzin they have got a free ticket and keep annoying their mums, dads etc so if a parent comes its £13 already plus a drink or even a chocolate bar at half time, aswell as a possible fan for life, then he goes home and tells hes mates from down the road how good it was then they may come. I know maybe not all the kids will come and many people have said things like this before and nouts been done, but atleast it has been tried and i dont think we have alot to lose by this.
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