20-02-2007, 12:48
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Re: gripe
Originally Posted by cmonstanley
 im going to have gripe about yesterdays match and where we are heading.we are heading down unless drastic action is taken .we seem to just pump the ball up to a non existant paul mullin i think its time we had a new captain he doesnt encourage them he doesnt shout out instruction 100% effort is alright if your in the right position how many time did we lose posession when we tried the same old tactics the way we are playing now we are not good enough..and to those people who think it wont be a disaster if we go down take your head out of the sand it will be a disaster because i think the way this team are playing we would struggle in the conference and if we did the wages the players are on with dwindling crowds would bankrupt the club..so its time for action now i dont know what im not the manager bit its decision time for john coleman he could be the manager who took stanley to the league he could also be the manager who killed stanley. i dont see any drastic action from him now but maybe soon thats me finished and anybody who thinks im talking tripe look at other league clubs who have gone out of business... 
Haha, so Coley is everybody in accrington that dont bother coming to games? whats Accringtons Population? about 35 thousand? and only 1500 come (and all them arnt all from accy) thats pretty shockin IMHO.
Yes the club i feel could do alot more to attract fans like giving 500 or however many free schoolchildren tickets when we play teams like torquay at home where its never gonna be a big attendance because the kids will go home buzzin they have got a free ticket and keep annoying their mums, dads etc so if a parent comes its £13 already plus a drink or even a chocolate bar at half time, aswell as a possible fan for life, then he goes home and tells hes mates from down the road how good it was then they may come. I know maybe not all the kids will come and many people have said things like this before and nouts been done, but atleast it has been tried and i dont think we have alot to lose by this.
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