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  • 1 Post By cashman
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Old 17-01-2016, 14:20   #1
Resting in Peace

Hartlepool match thread

I would be amazed if we are just relying on keeping our fingers crossed for an unlikely turn up in the weather. Hopefully we have made some enquiries about switching the venue in order to give Coley a fighting chance of getting us going? After all, it was in the 70's when the turf experts were telling us "Spend 20 grand and it will be poor; spend 40 grand and it won't be too bad but it'll take a lot of work to maintain; spend 80 grand and it'll be OK but ideally find somewhere else to play, but don't try to make it a proper footballing surface as it'll never be like that"
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Old 17-01-2016, 14:41   #2
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Re: Hartlepool match thread

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
I would be amazed if we are just relying on keeping our fingers crossed for an unlikely turn up in the weather. Hopefully we have made some enquiries about switching the venue in order to give Coley a fighting chance of getting us going? After all, it was in the 70's when the turf experts were telling us "Spend 20 grand and it will be poor; spend 40 grand and it won't be too bad but it'll take a lot of work to maintain; spend 80 grand and it'll be OK but ideally find somewhere else to play, but don't try to make it a proper footballing surface as it'll never be like that"
I would hope they have made enquirys about switching a game or two? as usual nothing at all has been said to people if thats the case or not.
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Old 17-01-2016, 19:22   #3
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Re: Hartlepool match thread

It does not bode well for Tuesday night, due to be very cold. Wednesday a good bit warmer. is it too late to move the game forward a day??
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Old 17-01-2016, 19:55   #4
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Re: Hartlepool match thread

For a whole variety of sensible rules and FL regulations which we need to abide to not too much can be said anywhere on social media.

Lots is happening under the excellant leadership of Mr Holt.

We already have a fixture on Wednesday; away to Everton in the Semi Final of the LFA Senior Cup ( at Southport)

PS another Moderator has banned "Somerset"
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