10-05-2012, 17:54
Resting in Peace
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Re: Harvey McCreadie
Originally Posted by Am wake up call
ref amanda mccready. I recently found out my dad is dead. He died at the age of 66 yrs. From a massive heart attack, having had a stroke. Never saw him from the age of 3 yrs . Moved down to london, never saw him again. So you tell me, how he was such a great person. Probably cuz he bought you a few drinks!!!!!!
Sorry about your problems, but Harvey was around my age, never did anything wrong to me and I knew little or nothing about his private life, only got to know the chap in the mid to late seventies, like you meet lots of people, I judge people as I find them, never did me any harm so can't find a reason to call the chap, the fact that he didn't do right by you, is hardly the fault of people who never know anything about his personal life, don't be quick to judge others for things they had nothing to do with and certainly no control over