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Old 07-09-2005, 17:15   #16
Robaldo's Avatar

Re: Harwood

Mostly reserves/subs etc, along with a couple of our more senior erm... backroom staff.

Testing my memory here, cos I was only half paying attention, and don't know most of the reserves (having only just arrived on the terraces at Stanley).

Cook, Coleman, Bell, Ventre, Mangham, Boco, Cavanagh, Proctor, Paul Brown

No Barry, O'Neill, Jaggers, Roberts, Williams, Flynn, Mullin, Brown

The referee blew for everything, which got really frustrating at times. Great Harwood were really limited to one half chance, about ten minutes from the end. That said, the gulf between the teams wasn't completely obvious... some of the time, at least.

Proctor man of the match for me, absolutely dominating the right wing.

Boco? Quite a nervy start to the match, smashing a shot straight into the ground, and a second, decent chance weakly quite early on. Did settle though, and showed quite a bit of strength on the edge of the box. Great ball control, particularly on his chest. Wild, lashing overhead kick just wide of the left post, about ten minutes to half-time (nearly took the Great Harwood number 6's head off!) Went loco for the first 20 minutes of the second half, but great goal, and is one of these players who'll most likely launch himself into the crowd when he scores!

Very impressed with Coleman. Only put one foot wrong, selling a pass short, to shouts of "Through the ball... put your foot through the ball!" Great touch, and even a couple of darting runs.

On the whole, Great Harwood didn't get battered as they ought to have done, and the Stanley display was a little disjointed. It did have the air of a friendly though, and I'm not one to set too much store by such things.

I hope that answers some of your questions. Sorry I couldn't be any more definite on the team... not helped by the effin tannoy.

Oooooooooh. The bloke hit the crossbar at half-time, earning himself a season ticket... just after I'd told the missus, "No-one ever manages that!"

Last edited by Robaldo; 07-09-2005 at 17:17.
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Old 07-09-2005, 17:19   #17
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Re: Harwood

I should have done a match report really, but I was knackered when I got home and I left for work at 6 this morning.
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Old 07-09-2005, 17:20   #18
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Re: Harwood

a fair assesment...............but proccy was bossing the left wing when i saw him
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Old 07-09-2005, 19:33   #19
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Re: Harwood

Cheers Robaldo.
Brilliant report, don't know why the club can't put a report as good as that on the official website.
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Old 07-09-2005, 19:40   #20
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Re: Harwood

sigh.... have you looked at the official website.. theres match reports for most home games...what are you on about?
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Old 07-09-2005, 20:49   #21
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Re: Harwood

Originally Posted by KIPAX
a fair assesment...............but proccy was bossing the left wing when i saw him
Left/Right. It all depends erm... which end you're standing at... erm... or... something.
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Old 07-09-2005, 21:08   #22
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Re: Harwood

Yeah i have looked at the official website otherwise i wouldn't know there weren't one on, would i? The match reports aren't detailed and don't give you any information on the starting eleven. Plus notice how you say most home games, it should be all games.
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Old 07-09-2005, 21:13   #23
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Re: Harwood

What your doing is insulting the bloke that puts the effort in to do the home game reports.

If you care to check you will see that we have done everyhting to try and get reports for the website.. One man came forward and does an excellent job. in fact there really very good reports and well written...... We take what we can from him and dont complain when he doesnt do one.

unless your willing to step forward and help then i dont see the point of complaining.

to add... yes we would like reports for every game.. home and away.. we would like match previews.. we would like a lot of things mate. but if no one wants to do them then there not going to happen are they?
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Last edited by KIPAX; 07-09-2005 at 21:15.
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Old 08-09-2005, 09:30   #24
Robaldo's Avatar

Re: Harwood

Not fair, Waddy.

I used to run a club website... take all the photos, write all the match reports... write all the match previews... design all the content... moderate the message board... do all the club promotion... do live radio match reports... distribute flyers... even turn up on a Saturday morning to watch the Under 9s play. A thankless task, sir, and whoever does all of these things for Stanley does a truly fabulous job - hence the award!

Mind you, I still used to get moaned at, nearly every match. The best moan was after I setup a couple of tv interviews, got two of the local radio stations to a couple of matches, and finally managed to win a fiver off the groundsman for increasing our usual 250 attendance to over a thousand. He said to me, "You're only doing it cos you love the sound of your own voice." Perhaps he was right. Perhaps I did enjoy talking to myself while putting 3000 leaflets through doors in the ****ing rain cos no-one else would volunteer any help.

So... are you volunteering to do away match reports, Waddy? I look forward to reading them, because I'm now on the other side of the fence. One little slip where I had Proctor on the right, rather than the left and I get picked up on it. Imagine what it's like when you get something important wrong! You have to sneak out of town under cover of darkness!!

Respect to the web-team!
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Old 08-09-2005, 13:28   #25
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Re: Harwood

To be fair it would have been good to have a report from Tuesday's game and being honest I did have a few comments I'd made, stored on my dictaphone. However, I'd been up since 5am that morning and by the time I'd driven home (I don't live in Accrington, so it takes quite a while), I was knackered and really needed to sleep, so I didn't write one on this occasion. If it had been a Conference game I probably would have written it out of a sense of duty, but as it was a less important game I thought that sleeping would be in my best interest, especially as I was up at 5am again the morning after. Match reports are not written in 10 seconds, but I normally spend about 45 minutes writing mine and sometimes longer.

I would love for there to be home and away match reports on the website for every game and if there are people out there willing to do them, then please step forward!!!

Ten years ago I could have devoted myself to doing things like writing match reports, but life moves on and priorities change. I have things in my life now, which mean that I can't attend every home game anymore, and I hardly ever attend any away games as I can't 'afford' to lose a full day travelling and watching football. As I say, ten+ years ago I never missed a game and I went seasons without missing any matches, but priorites do change.

I don't want this to become a sob story, but people are so quick to criticise from the comfort of their armchair, whilst doing nothing themselves. The website won a prestigious award last season due largely to the efforts of unpaid volunteers and that's something that everyone can be proud of.
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Old 08-09-2005, 13:39   #26
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Re: Harwood

and on that note I have added peel parker to the list of contributors that make the site what it is....... fingers crossed he will do more previews.. he cant commit..needs to manage his time... maybe we can convince him ?.... Those previews and TMs reports will go a long way to a pitch at a second spell as website of the year.....why not
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Old 08-09-2005, 14:38   #27
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Re: Harwood

I didn't mean any offence to the people who run the website, i know it isn't easy putting match reports/previews on, plus keeping us up to date with all the latest news, they do a brilliant job and were rightly given the award of non-league club website of the year. I wasn't criticizing or insulting anyone! I understnd its hard work to give match reports for every game, especially away games and i would love to help the club in ensuring there was a report on for every game, unfortunately i don't attend most away games so it would be difficult but i am there every home game and would be willing to help out.

On another note why does everybody always start arguments on here? We support the same club can we not get along? I'm sorry if i started this argument.
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Old 08-09-2005, 15:46   #28
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Re: Harwood

Originally Posted by waddy17
On another note why does everybody always start arguments on here? We support the same club can we not get along? I'm sorry if i started this argument.
Sorry if I contributed to it becoming an argument.

You're right though waddy, why do us football fans make such a habit of ranting at each other?
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Old 08-09-2005, 17:29   #29
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Re: Harwood

ok lets all agree see how fun that is...
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Old 08-09-2005, 20:13   #30
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Re: Harwood

Originally Posted by AccyStanFan
ok lets all agree see how fun that is...
No way, you glandular freak!! I can't believe some of the b*****s that comes out of your mouth. that good enough?
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