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Old 11-01-2006, 22:33   #1
Steve Sumner's Avatar

Hereford slaggin us off

hi just been looking on the hereford forum when i came accross a thread about accrington stanley, and also saying they rather have grays go up because stanley are "Too SMUG"

let ya have a read for your self here is the link
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Old 11-01-2006, 22:43   #2
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shakermaker's Avatar

Re: Hereford slaggin us off

Jealousy is an awful thing.
poor hereford minnows; i actually quite liked them.
well thanks for your best players now run along to mid-table
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Old 11-01-2006, 22:48   #3
Steve Sumner's Avatar

Re: Hereford slaggin us off

lol i agree shaker, they cant fault us for bein top, having decent players is hard because most of their team walked out, browny tretts who else will leave! lol

my mates a hereford fan and she rather us go up than (her quote) "chavvy grays"
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Old 11-01-2006, 22:53   #4
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

id like grays to get promoted through the play-offs; it's a certain 6 points for the football league
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Old 12-01-2006, 00:32   #5
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

Who is worried about what a bunch of welsh ******* think. We are top of the league & they aren't in the running this year. The green eyed god strikes again! They proved what a bunch of country bumbkins they were when we received their hospitality at the end of last season. They have had their time in the league & couldn't hack it-Now its Stanleys turn & we aint comin back!!!!
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Old 12-01-2006, 01:03   #6
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

[quote=Steve Sumner]hi just been looking on the hereford forum when i came accross a thread about accrington stanley, and also saying they rather have grays go up because stanley are "Too SMUG"

let ya have a read for your self here is the link[/quote]

Of all the things of which Stanley Supporters could be accused, smugness is surely the most ludicrously inaccurate.

"On Tenterhooks" is insufficient to describe where we are hanging.
"Tempting Fate" is currently a capital offence throughout Hyndburn.
"Confident" is a word which was last uttered in public at the end of November.
Even such an innocent adjective as "optimistic" is necessarily preceded with "cautiously . . ."

Smug ? Emphatically not.
Because we know that if things go wrong, "SMUG" is an anagram of "MUGS".
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Old 12-01-2006, 17:24   #7
Steve Sumner's Avatar

Re: Hereford slaggin us off

yeah i would love us and grays in league two next season it would be great!!
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Old 12-01-2006, 19:30   #8
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

we have all been watching Stanley too long to be smug or even optimistic. We are all hoping the Dream will carry on but if it doesn't, then that is the peril of watching Stanley. If we were 10 points clear with 3 games left then Bubs would be pacing up and down praying there are no rucks or brawls from which we could get points deducted. The only people who are anywhere near smug or abhorrent are the kids who feel fit to be aggressive or nasty under the anonymity of The Internet.

Having trawled through all the message boards, it seems to me that the so-called BIG clubs such as Hereford, Morecambe and Halifax seem to think that we will cock it up, they hope we will cock it up, they call our town, our people, our hopes and aspirations - the very fabric upon which our society is weaved in the forlorn hope that Conference Royalty will be reprieved and allowed back to the Cash Cow League 2.

The so-called minnows such as Canvey, Grays and even localish rivals Alty and Southport are backing us because we give inspiration to them that a club does not need a big empty mausoleum of a ground, or wealth in the bank, or 75k strikers, or 4000 crowds, or ex-league status, or to be Welsh, or to take 1000 away, or be on Sky every week to guarantee success.

We are the blueprint on how a club should be run, financially sound, financially prudent, a young squad, an inexpensive squad, a low wage bill, fans that care about the club and back it whether it be rain or hail, or shine, in sickness and in health, with roof or without.

I hope we win the league because we would be the Phoenix from the Ashes, the first club to die and then return having rose through the ranks FROM the very bottom. I hope we win the league cos I'm a success junkie. BUT MOST OF ALL I HOPE WE WIN THE LEAGUE BECAUSE IT MEANS THAT HEREFORD, STEVENAGE,EXETER,YORK,HALIFAX,MORECAMBE,ALDERSHOT, CAMBRIDGE,DAGENHAM,CRAWLEY AND WOKING DIDN'T.
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Old 12-01-2006, 21:55   #9
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

"Don't look back in envy i hear them say"
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Old 12-01-2006, 22:23   #10
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

What the so called HUFC fans hve forgotten is that their teams and so called other big teams ARE inconsistent this season, whereas Stanley have been consistent - lets face it 8 wins and 2 draws over the last 10 matches = 23 points and second round of the FA Trophy is consistency. As one punter rightly points out, Grays and Exeter have had too many draws this season, and a season with too many draws is not going to make them champions. Stanley have drawn 4 games and won 16 ok and lost 4 as well. Our away form is decent now 6 wins in January is the best form we have had for a few seasons now. Yes we all hope, pray we continue in this rich vein of form. Personally I am not bothered about the FA Trophy, the league would be my priority, but another win on Saturday at Carshalton would not come amiss.

As the management keep saying Keep the faith and we will go onwards and upwards to the promised land

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 12-01-2006, 22:32   #11
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Cool Re: Hereford slaggin us off

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
we have all been watching Stanley too long to be smug or even optimistic. We are all hoping the Dream will carry on but if it doesn't, then that is the peril of watching Stanley. If we were 10 points clear with 3 games left then Bubs would be pacing up and down praying there are no rucks or brawls from which we could get points deducted. The only people who are anywhere near smug or abhorrent are the kids who feel fit to be aggressive or nasty under the anonymity of The Internet.

Having trawled through all the message boards, it seems to me that the so-called BIG clubs such as Hereford, Morecambe and Halifax seem to think that we will cock it up, they hope we will cock it up, they call our town, our people, our hopes and aspirations - the very fabric upon which our society is weaved in the forlorn hope that Conference Royalty will be reprieved and allowed back to the Cash Cow League 2.

The so-called minnows such as Canvey, Grays and even localish rivals Alty and Southport are backing us because we give inspiration to them that a club does not need a big empty mausoleum of a ground, or wealth in the bank, or 75k strikers, or 4000 crowds, or ex-league status, or to be Welsh, or to take 1000 away, or be on Sky every week to guarantee success.

We are the blueprint on how a club should be run, financially sound, financially prudent, a young squad, an inexpensive squad, a low wage bill, fans that care about the club and back it whether it be rain or hail, or shine, in sickness and in health, with roof or without.

I hope we win the league because we would be the Phoenix from the Ashes, the first club to die and then return having rose through the ranks FROM the very bottom. I hope we win the league cos I'm a success junkie. BUT MOST OF ALL I HOPE WE WIN THE LEAGUE BECAUSE IT MEANS THAT HEREFORD, STEVENAGE,EXETER,YORK,HALIFAX,MORECAMBE,ALDERSHOT, CAMBRIDGE,DAGENHAM,CRAWLEY AND WOKING DIDN'T.
dont forget burton-ha ha! New ground no pitch. Superb comments, sums all our feelings for the Stanley up! (no pun intended)
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Old 12-01-2006, 22:59   #12
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Talking Re: Hereford slaggin us off

Having trawled through all the message boards, it seems to me that the so-called BIG clubs such as Hereford, Morecambe and Halifax seem to think that we will cock it up, they hope we will cock it up, they call our town, our people, our hopes and aspirations

so most the teams that have been in this league for about 10 years??
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room

Last edited by baldy; 12-01-2006 at 23:03.
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Old 12-01-2006, 23:38   #13
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

aye you're right there baldy, they just want us to fall into the same clutches of the land of no ambition as they have.
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Old 13-01-2006, 16:14   #14
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

There's a Hereford fan on the confguide site claiming that Stanley are afraid of Hereford as we've now realised they are the biggest danger in the league - how I laughed - and then posted back saying the only danger from them was their ground falling down around their ears
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Old 13-01-2006, 23:16   #15
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Re: Hereford slaggin us off

Thanks Steve for being so economical with the truth. Perhaps the more fair minded of you would like to take a look at the Hereford forum to see what some of your so-called fans have been posting (and yes, some of our idiots have responded in kind!). It is a shame that fans deliberately go on to each other's forums to disrupt what it normally quite sensible and entertaining dialogue between like minded people.

Anyhow, good luck for the rest of the season and may the best team win when we next meet.
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