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Old 26-04-2011, 19:29   #1
Junior Member

Hi There...

...Grimsby fan here. Signed up to ask you a question which has got me wondering but before I do I just thought I'd give you an update on how Arthur and Kempson are doing.

First of all i'd just like to say Well done for your current league position. I can't think of another bunch of fans who deserve it more. Your manager really has worked miracles to get you where you are on what must be the smallest budget in League 2. Shame we got relegated because I enjoyed my trip last year on Easter monday, 2-0 down to win it 3-2

Anyway, about Kenny Arthur. Split decision from our fans at the minute, He's been injured quite a lot this season and recently got dropped in place of our retired Goalkeeping coach because he had a shocker against Newport and Kidderminster. I like him, Good shot stopper, good in the air, communicates well with the defence however his kicking can be dodgy at times. Also he's one of our top earners so he may well be gone in the summer, I hope not though because compared to our previous keeper Nick Colgan he's like Gordon Banks!!!

Now then, Darran Kempson. The guys a machine!. Wins headers against big bully type strikers, outmuscles his opponents and he's nailing the current Miss Grimsby (He's done well for himself there). However, when someone with a bit of pace is running at him he shares us ****less. Against direct teams he's brilliant put against teams who like to play the channells with fast wingers he can be dodgy.

Anyway, The reason I signed up was because of your pitch. Why is there muddy lines across the middle of the pitch? It was really bugging me, Just thought i'd ask.

Good look with the rest of the season and I hope you get promoted. I always look out for your results and over the past few years you've become my second team.

P.S - Let Barnet win, We want Lincoln to come down!
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Old 26-04-2011, 19:52   #2
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Stanleymad's Avatar

Re: Hi There...

We arnt really missing kempo or kenny now but nice to hear how they are getting on

Pitch has nice designer brown lines, our buzzer is quite an artist

Oh also we had the drains reset that was causing pitch havoc over the winter contributing to PP matches over the winter period hope that answers your Q.


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Old 26-04-2011, 19:55   #3
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Re: Hi There...

muddy lines - the drains collapesed again mid season we think, so the pitch had to be dug back up again in places for repair work to be carried out. That was the reason so many games got postponed form the rain so it had to be done or we'd still have half a dozen games in hand.

King Kenny? probably the best keeper we've had here (Alex will be on it soon though). His shot stopping was A1 but above else, compared to other keepers we've had, his command of the area was fantastic. Our defence always looked better when he was behind it. In saying all that we had some dodgy defences whilst he was here. His biggest let down was that he was injury prone, but a broken leg and burst kidney isn't something you can blame on bad training or summat! We'd have loved to have him back here, but the fact that he went to Rochdale for little or nothing extra then chose non-league over FL says a bit about the guy IMHO.

Colonel Kempo? agree with every word you said mate. And I'd like to add that choosing non-league over FL says a lot about the guy and might explain why he's had over a 100 clubs in such a short career
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Old 26-04-2011, 20:10   #4
Junior Member

Re: Hi There...

Forgot to ask, Hows Andy Parkinson getting on? he had 2 really good seasons with us and I was sad to see him go. Was a bit suprised when I saw you had signed him as he was released by Gateshead last season.
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Old 26-04-2011, 20:14   #5
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Re: Hi There...

He's doing ok, hard for him as we have a strong squad, he played fine on wed nite with our reserves, tho he had a boot issue after half time during it hehe he's whippy and goes for the ball


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Old 26-04-2011, 21:08   #6
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Re: Hi There...

In fairness to the players, Their decisions could possibly have been made by the fact that the club couldnt pay them on time and with Kennys wife moving down here, would he want to sign on an just hope he got paid on time?

Also Grimsby tried the plan of getting decent players in shortish term deals but on big wages hoping to bounce straight back up, also better fan base and stadium etc.

Most footballers these days couldnt give a damn about what league their in, Most would rather drop down a few leagues for more money...Not a better example than Craney.

Cant really say we have missed Kenny and Kempo, If it all!
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Old 27-04-2011, 14:40   #7
Full Member

Re: Hi There...

I've stopped watching Grimsby at the moment (gave my ST away) and think Arthur is average at best and injury prone. Kempo is a tank in the air but thats it

Who cares about Lincoln really? Accy for League 1!
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