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Old 18-02-2008, 17:54   #31
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Re: How do they do it???

"And if I've opened the door for Depechemode again !....... Sorry!.[/quote]

Don't worry, my negative-ometer is well and truly tuned to his wavelength !
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Old 18-02-2008, 20:18   #32
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
"And if I've opened the door for Depechemode again !....... Sorry!.
Don't worry, my negative-ometer is well and truly tuned to his wavelength ![/quote]

Thanks LO !....I think that this thread has just about out-distanced it's usefulness anyway...

Perhaps we can all seek another logical, rather than knee-jerk examination regarding 'the Reds'...and their problems...which, if the last two matches are to be taken into consideration, are not as serious as we have all been thinking!....

But I am in agreement with you....destructive and non-sensical ranting won't get us anywhere....or make for interesting visits to the Forum.

Keep up the vigilance!!!.........and ON STANLEY...ON!!!!!!
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Old 18-02-2008, 21:29   #33
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
"Don't worry, my negative-ometer is well and truly tuned to his wavelength !
I hope you're not going to stop freedom of speech (or typing)?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 18-02-2008, 21:32   #34
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Re: How do they do it???

Wouldn't dream of it but I draw the line at banal ranting !
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 18-02-2008, 21:43   #35
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Wouldn't dream of it but I draw the line at banal ranting !
I know some of the threads can be boring but currently if anyone posts anything negative the thread is closed down. This IMHO is not good for the forum the way it's going there will be quite a few, me included who will not be allowed to post. Not everyone on this forum thinks the sun shines out of Eric and Coleys arse and I feel negative views should be allowed, if not I will be out of here and looking for somewhere else to release the stress of watching Stanley.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 18-02-2008, 21:48   #36
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Re: How do they do it???

No probs with that , balanced views make for a happy forum and everyone is entitled to their opinions. It just needs a bit of pruning when the same person says the same thing over and over in about 6 different threads !
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Old 18-02-2008, 22:19   #37
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Re: How do they do it???

agreed, opinions are fine but the same thing over and over is weary.
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Old 19-02-2008, 22:33   #38
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
It just needs a bit of pruning when the same person says the same thing over and over in about 6 different threads !
That's not exactly true is it, you closed a thread started by Jesus_was_A_red_ and depechemode never even made a post in it.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 19-02-2008, 22:58   #39
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Re: How do they do it???

It wasn't just a thread ,it was a poll and a negative one at that.
Constructive criticism seems to be the way forward not out an out " oh my God it's all gone wrong, let's sack everyone !" mentality. The poll didn't give the option of " If Stanley win 5 nil this Saturday will everyone be happy again? " did it? No, thought not.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 19-02-2008, 23:10   #40
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
It wasn't just a thread ,it was a poll and a negative one at that.
Constructive criticism seems to be the way forward not out an out " oh my God it's all gone wrong, let's sack everyone !" mentality. The poll didn't give the option of " If Stanley win 5 nil this Saturday will everyone be happy again? " did it? No, thought not.
I really don't like the way this is going, for one it was a members poll not yours Lindsay and if people wanted to vote thats what it was there for whether it was negative or not. This is a forum and open to everyone as long as they keep to the rules and it shouldn't matter if their posts are constructive or just plain negative it should not be up to you to stop them them putting over their point of view.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 19-02-2008, 23:33   #41
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Re: How do they do it???

Point taken, it just seems like there is far too much negativity on here at the moment, but if folk want to respond to these things I guess it's up to them.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 19-02-2008, 23:37   #42
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
Point taken, it just seems like there is far too much negativity on here at the moment, but if folk want to respond to these things I guess it's up to them.
As Jeff posted recently it's not negativity it's just being realistic.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 20-02-2008, 05:51   #43
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Re: How do they do it???

so are we only able to post threads reading " what a wonderful manager coleman is " ? wonder if we all felt the same about the ex england manager SM
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Old 20-02-2008, 10:46   #44
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Re: How do they do it???

Originally Posted by depechemode View Post
so are we only able to post threads reading " what a wonderful manager coleman is " ? wonder if we all felt the same about the ex england manager SM
The late England Manager had:-

1)...A lovely haircut! 2)..A lovely girl-friend...3.) A lovely way with Umbrellas!...but , as all Football Managers have, did have a few shortcomings as well!...

Our Manager does have his limitations...that seems to be quite obvious from what you're ALWAYS telling us!...but presently he is the only one who is in the position to do anything about the playing situation at the FES!

So lets have a thread from you which accepts this position, and makes some positive suggestions as to how a more acceptable performance from the team can be derived...

Then, (as I have never done!,)...No-one would need to criticize your rather
'blinkered' view of what is happening at the FES....or worse still. lock one ore more of your threads.


ON STANLEY!.......ON !!
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Old 20-02-2008, 13:17   #45
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Re: How do they do it???

Im hanging fire on any assumptions with the management & deal with that on game basis but as i've learnt recently is that u cant blame ONE person as fault, i blamed Rocky for our defense - granted he isn't up to scratch on his own merits but still thought he let the side down!! Hey-ho he hasn't been playing lately & we're still very below par, so now have to look for someone else to blame, most people's stance is at Coley - to a point maybe so but i dont shed the whole blame on him so not joining the bandwagon as of yet, coley can wipe his brow with releif for a bit hehehehe

So whats the problem??? Well simply the problem runs a lot wider & deeper than 1 or 2 people that are footing the brunt!! People, Stanley are a team [of more than a few people] - yes? erm well not on the pitch we dont seem to be yet & possibley even off pitch, something has knocked the potential & team bonding down - thats plainly evident before-during-after matches. Solution maybe a suggestion is a team building course, sounds laughable but many companies do it at various levels - have a team buildng short break!! A TEAM is essential & something thats noticably disappeared over the months without a TEAM how can tactics work effectively ie passing, reading the play etc between players, also i think reason for players leaving too & bringing in new players in when team morale is down altho can help but makes it very hard for them too ie Aswad.

Im not of answers its just something i have noticed that is very different from the side we had last year or previous seasons, where morale & team play is definately lacking but is also now filtering to the supporters which is worrying. Its too late in the day to sword the manangement at this stage & try to least get to the end of season - hopefully in league 2 & then review then before next season, as no management at all would be more detrimental now & hope to god coley can turn it around in the next few months, its upto him to prove that but atm we need our whole team effort working.


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