21-01-2010, 09:34
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How Stanley can save Accrington
For those people who over the years who have questioned the cracking support HBC has given and continues to give Stanley, Saturday is a taste of what can be achieved. Fulham will bring over 1000 folk into our town and whilst the pubs and fast food outlets will do well out of the day do not forget the hotels and guest houses as well. Raising the profile of the town helps all local business in lots of ways. I sat through a talk given by the firm in charge of Burnley’s change of image attempt earlier this year and they focused on changing people’s perceptions of the town. The fact Burnley had got into the Premiership had raised awareness from Non-football fans across the board, people in the Far East now know where Burnley is. How does this help I hear you cry , well for the most part we do have lots of small companies in Hyndburn and they need as much help as possible to get through these tough times. OK I cannot produce figures of how much will be spent or how many people will look up Accrington on the internet because of our cup exploits, but we all know that whatever the score on Saturday the towns profile has been raised for all the right reasons. So once again well done to HBC you might have missed the boat with the whole rock salt issue but when it comes to true grit and sticking with your support of our town team you are a four star general of a council!
Stephen Lowe
P.S. what about council tax reductions for all Stanley season ticket holders?....just a thought!     
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley