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Old 04-02-2007, 12:22   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

Hyping up Rochdale

right folks, we took over 800 to Chester, around 900 to Bury on a tuesday night and used to take about 800 to Morecambe every season. How many should we be taking to Rochdale?

How many home fans do we have? about 1300? right then, we need every single bloody one of you. Lets nominate this match as a 'bring a friend' game. I know that technically you should have home matches for this type of initiative but a good away game is theee best drug for a prospective new fan. You lot provide the numbers - the Ultras will provide the noise. Rochdale spouted loads of guff about how many they were gonna bring to the FES, well bully for them they brought a few, fair play to em and thanks for the money. YOU DID NOWT WHILST YOU WERE HERE THOUGH. I have honestly heard more noise in Accy library than what 1200 first time, new derby, away fans made. It was pathetic, it was a shameful effort. Can you really see the Ultras failing to rise above their feeble offering?

You bring your mates, fill a car instead of just your passenger seat. Better still - try to raise a minibus from your local. See if you can get 10 to go. Whoever you stand or sit with at the FES, have any of them intimated that they are not going? Do not let them back out of this. It is a potential dogfight, a six point shootout between the old Lancastrian, perennial losers who have occupied the 89th spot of the Football League for 34 years, and the Pride of Lancashire, new boys in town who absolutely must maintain their hard won Football League status.

Every man, woman and child of Stanley blood needs to be at this one with their heart on their chest and their scarf held high and held proud. Ultra display of the very highest order is required and will be given. After the Bury game (in which almost everybody joined in the singing towards the end) one of the criticisms of the Ultras was that they were not directly behind the goals to help everybody join in. Well this time we will be in the ground earlier and will sit more central. Anybody who sings at all will be most welcome to stand with, beside, in front or behind us. Anybody who doesn't sing but has been known to join in with the occasional chant as the games demands - sit a lot closer to us. Anybody who doesn't want to make any noise at all - sit a little further away just to allow all the noise to be central and not having to bridge gaps.

The drums will be there, the horns will be there, loud hailers, streamers, confetti, every flag known to man, lets have the kids getting their faces painted in the pub before hand.

Can we do this?
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Old 04-02-2007, 12:41   #2
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

I'm there already, something like Bury away with bells on.

Could I suggest we all take cricket style cards, with 4,5 or 6 on, to judge the diving with , or has he changed?

[I believe the scoring can go up to 10, but he was crap at it ]

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 04-02-2007, 12:42   #3
I am Banned

Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Superb post Macca.

99% sure that away supporters are housed in the Wilbutts Lane stand which is opposite the main stand ( ie: not behind the goals) and seats 4000.

Get Mick Schultz on side to speak to their safety people so they know our travelling numbers and to see if drums will be allowed.

We will be close to the left winger for one of the halves, and we wouldn't won't him to play to well

Every game is vital now, we need 20 more points asap and we may be running out of "winnable" games. Rochdale dispite their new signings falls in the "winnable" bracket IMHO
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Old 04-02-2007, 12:48   #4
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Originally Posted by southernred View Post
We will be close to the left winger for one of the halves, and we wouldn't won't him to play to well
Even better . Triple pike with a twist gets added difficulty marks, BTW.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 04-02-2007, 12:49   #5
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Unless there is a drastic upturn in performances, I'd be surprised if there's 200 there from Accrington in a month's time.
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Old 04-02-2007, 12:51   #6
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

We will be there Macca - should be a good day out. Just one thing though, the more stick our lot give Rory, the better he's likely to play and as SouthernRed says we don't want that so probably best to leave him alone
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Old 04-02-2007, 13:28   #7
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
Just one thing though, the more stick our lot give Rory, the better he's likely to play and as SouthernRed says we don't want that so probably best to leave him alone
Don't think it's in Rory's make up to respond in a positive way, pity really, he'd be quite a player if it was.

Anyway, slight distraction from the main point. Could be the biggest, and hopefully best day of the season, let's fill those seats, well, a lot of them .

Tin Monkey, you brighten my day .

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 04-02-2007, 13:45   #8
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

well ill be there going to catch that rochdale bus i pa ss everyday on the way to work
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Old 04-02-2007, 15:23   #9
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Originally Posted by Oggy View Post
Tin Monkey, you brighten my day .
I like to see myself as a counter-balance to the rose-tinted glasses brigade.
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Old 04-02-2007, 19:53   #10
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

i`ll be there and i`ll be bringing a friend as i did at bury.poached him from the dingles!!!!
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Old 04-02-2007, 21:31   #11
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

I'll try me best to make it there, and if I do, I'll be joining in with the noise. Ill try and get a few of work-mates to get off their lazy behinds and come along.

Should be good, now lets show them Rochdale lot what a real set of fans sound like!
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Old 04-02-2007, 21:58   #12
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Macca comes up with great ideas and enthusiasm constantly, but does the club entertain his ideas ? majority of the time i think the answer is NO. I will be enticing at least 10 mates to this game who dont go religously but have stanley in there heart aswell as man u, rovers, liverpool etc. I dont want to attack the board but it has just left it as common knowledge that 'stanley are back' and not took advantage of for instance 'the mansfield replay' fiver admission would of possibly got more on. ew pockets must be bursting while we still cant get a pint at the back of the clayton end ,or a roof ,let alone spending anything on additions to the squad. Round and round in circles it seems to be. I think we will take 800 easy ,its closer than bury probably.
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Old 04-02-2007, 22:11   #13
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

why dont the club or sponsors arrange free transport as a jesture for the loyalty of the fans or the supporters club make it a annual event to our closest rivals just an idea im off ill get my coat
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Old 04-02-2007, 23:11   #14
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
why dont the club or sponsors arrange free transport as a jesture for the loyalty of the fans or the supporters club make it a annual event to our closest rivals just an idea im off ill get my coat

if and when we ever get the OSC moving then organising transport to Rochdale is something we should definitely do. Rossendale Transport will take anybody who gets the bus from Accy to Rochdale centre for around £3. I am sure that if we were to book 5 or 6 buses with 75 people on each they would do a cheaper rate!
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Old 04-02-2007, 23:19   #15
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Re: Hyping up Rochdale

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
if and when we ever get the OSC moving then organising transport to Rochdale is something we should definitely do. Rossendale Transport will take anybody who gets the bus from Accy to Rochdale centre for around £3. I am sure that if we were to book 5 or 6 buses with 75 people on each they would do a cheaper rate!
Makes sense. I'm up for that idea...
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