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Old 29-10-2004, 14:43   #1
Junior Member+

I Can`t Believe........

What I have just read in the Observer.The team have a bonding session mid-week and go
Don`t they know there is a big enough void between as it is.
Once again the Northerners triumph.As in football just because you are a scouser does not
automatically make you a better footballer.
On top of that Cav has been playing on injury and obviously not fit as his performances of late have not been good.That in it`s self is bad enough but to play him at left back when we have let Howson go on loan is ridiculous.Call him back now I say and stop the rot.
Coleman is saying he will bring more players in if need be.How much money has this club got !!!!!!!!
Play Howson and keep Lutel and we might get back to winning ways again instead of picking up 5 points from 21.
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Old 29-10-2004, 14:49   #2
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Re: I Can`t Believe........

It's called a bit of fun mate,

Cavanagh is our captain and arguably our best defender and if he feels that he is fit enogh to play then Coley will pick him.

Yes I'd like Howson back but the loan move looks as if it's doing Stu the world of good,

And there was me thinking the whole issue of people on here calling the scousers had dissappeared......don't no why I bother
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Old 29-10-2004, 15:24   #3
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Re: I Can`t Believe........

how can scousers not be called northeners! COme on mate its a bit of fun i guess there isnt a rift in the squad its just rumours which have said this.

Look ay man city apparently at the start of the season they went on a bonding sesion and look at there new found sqaud morale so stop whinging!!!!

This constant whinging about how the club is doing is starting to really annoy me

Coley is the boss he does what he thinks is best for the club!!!

Lets get behind the boys on saturday and hammer the Horich RMI because they deserve it

Last edited by Steven; 29-10-2004 at 16:52. Reason: spelling
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Old 29-10-2004, 16:47   #4
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Re: I Can`t Believe........

Well said Steven, pity i can't be there due to work commitments, but my heart will be there wishing the club on for victory 'gainst R.M.I. and against Oldham on Tuesday coz again I can't go due to work commitments - what a bummer. Lets stop the bickering and get behind the team as one voice and give them an extra player on the pitch.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 29-10-2004, 16:53   #5
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Re: I Can`t Believe........

Its not Butter!!!
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Old 06-11-2004, 23:35   #6
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Re: I Can`t Believe........

Who ever took karma points of me for comparing man city to stanley after a said this:

"Look ay man city apparently at the start of the season they went on a bonding sesion and look at there new found sqaud morale so stop whinging!!!![/QUOTE] [QUOTE]

I would just like to say grow up u prat!!! i was comparing how the team create team morale.
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