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Old 04-07-2009, 10:47   #1
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sausage butty's Avatar

Talking I love our website...

Id just like to say that i love the official stanley website ,some people moan about it not being updated but its unique and well put together.

i was looking at other football league club websites and they are literally all the exact same and the layout is crap imho.

take a look

Stockports website

Burys website

Rochdales website

Blackburns Website

nearly all club websites are like this!

you get the idea...
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Old 04-07-2009, 13:24   #2
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Re: I love our website...

our website is good - it just needs updating more regularly. not just the front page but sponsorships are still available for the season before last, Eric is still chairman etc etc. its probably not much work to do regularly but it is when its a complete overhaul.

I'd like to see micro sites set up within it so that the Ultras and the ladies teams are in there with the reserves, youth and academy sides. I know there are reasons not to link to websites that may cast aspertions on the club but to contain all details for the various teams would enhance our website. but then it would take more people to update them.
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Old 04-07-2009, 16:27   #3
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Re: I love our website...

Its standard in the football league, to have a primetime club website. IMHO i think they work well.

The club could offer the role unpaid to a student for example. Who gains experience from filling in the CSS and HTML.
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Old 08-07-2009, 11:19   #4
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Re: I love our website...

There is a saying that goes if you cant do it properly dont do it at all. Sadly this should apply to our website which is in urgent need of a shake up. Lack of info, Reserves and Youth team always out of date ( this is a result of being a one team club for many years)
As the website is a great tool and should be used to promote the club lets hope that attention to detail is on D O'N agenda.
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Old 08-07-2009, 11:54   #5
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Re: I love our website...

Originally Posted by Long time red View Post
There is a saying that goes if you cant do it properly dont do it at all. Sadly this should apply to our website which is in urgent need of a shake up. Lack of info, Reserves and Youth team always out of date ( this is a result of being a one team club for many years)
As the website is a great tool and should be used to promote the club lets hope that attention to detail is on D O'N agenda.
Give 'em a chance! Already I detect signs of improvement on t'fishy site with a more-user responsive approach under the new regime. For instance, would the story about Kiwi John and his lads, complete with link to this forum, have appeared in the old days?

I'm no expert, but I would imagine that improving the whole site is quite a task, so let's at least give them a bit of breathing space!
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Old 08-07-2009, 12:30   #6
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Re: I love our website...

agreed wynonie.

I think that there are many things the club should be, and are, improving. I think the website will be one those things that will up and running by the time the new season gets underway. Reserve and youth team set up will no doubt be left to those that run that side of things, player profiles will probably be done when the squad is nearer to complete etc etc. The only thing that worries me is the sponsorship side of things because I would imagine that people will look there before making up their minds whether to invest money or not - for example player sponsorships.
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Old 08-07-2009, 18:27   #7
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Re: I love our website...

Without wishing to be over critical, yes our website needs some TLC, infact in needs a "chsmpion" to use a current buzz word!!

With regards to the "standard" Football League club website, here's what I can remember, and it ain't good!!

When the FL got on the t'internet band wagon they did a long term deal ( 20 year contract I believe) and promised that all (or most) clubs would join up. They estimated that for a standard format that needs daily additions and contributions an income of around £100K per club per year.

Everybody rushed along to sign up and most then employed at great expence a website manager. Unfortuately the revenues have been disappointing, but the information and effort required to make them look good is massive. (multiple daily input is a must)

I have recommended that we stay clear of this idea, althoughI notice Morecambe and Dagenham have joined up.

We must improve, but please not with a PTV site

Sermon over!!
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Old 08-07-2009, 20:32   #8
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Re: I love our website...

Our website is very good as far as design is concerned, much better than the Football League uniform. The only problem is the frequency of updates.

One thing that desperately needs fixing is the inability to retrieve archived news articles for 2009.
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Old 23-07-2009, 16:25   #9
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Re: I love our website...

Just a quick thanks & well done to whoever has been meddling with the website over the past few days. The 2009 archive is finally active and links have been organised better on the home page.

Good stuff
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Old 23-07-2009, 18:40   #10
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Re: I love our website...

It's more up to date but I'm confused about this new 'Wekly' draw they have
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