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Old 10-03-2007, 22:24   #16
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Re: If

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
well said Stav.

It is a right point that the whole club is out of its depth. Hopefully we stay around long enough to learn to swim. But if we dont then WE ALL need to spend the summer taking stock and seeing if we could more to help, or if you are already doing can you do it better?

If the worst does happen (and I am resigned it with the FA charges) we need to regroup, recharge and then rewin the bloody non-league!
That is the big worry though isn't it macca.

There are far better equiped clubs than Stanley in the conference let alone the league. If it wasn't for Coley working miracles on a shoestring, not even a shoestring really, then I think we'd be nowhere.

I think it might be expecting too much for him to do it all over again.

The re entry to the league was a golden opportunity for this club but the one thing that was needed most, and its not exculsively a problem here by any means, was missing.....INVESTMENT.

The roof debacle is far far beyond a joke now and to have come up a league and not only failed to buy players but sold off the two best....well, the writing was on the wall really wasn't it.

I think it again a credit to John and Jimmy that we are even in with a shout of staying up at this stage given the conditions they are working under.
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Old 10-03-2007, 22:32   #17
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Re: If

ALL CREDIT to John and Jimmy - Eric had nowt to do with that side but ALL CREDIT to Eric for the club being in the position where it could aim for the football league.

Historically, relegated teams do not fare that well in the Conference, but do they not usually come down with allsorts of financial problems and players on wages they can no longer afford?

The team should remain, well the ones we want anyway. Once more we should be able to compete in the transfer market, crowds (home fans) will not go down significantly although there will be a big drop in away fans.

The club have to get the basics right so that we have the product and not just the team to show to new fans and appease existing ones. They will have at least a year to sort out any problems that league football brings (such as the lack of drink facilities). With the doom and gloom comes opportunity.

I hope
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Old 10-03-2007, 22:50   #18
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Re: If

Originally Posted by accymel View Post
the problem Coley has is his contacts for potential players.

Sorry but I don't think its that. Well not on its own.

You've got to ask yourself, are ASFC an attractive prospect to a professional footballer in league 2 or above?

The answer I believe is NO.

Would you come to a football club with :-

an inexperienced management team (League wise),
no supplemantary coaches (keeping and otherwise),
where the training facilities aren't that good unless they're borrowing someone elses,
the poorest ground in the league,
a very poor commercial outlook,
a very inexperienced club staff and structure,
what appears to be very little available funds,
poor support in way of numbers,
the worst wages in the football league by some distance,
on the whole a poor disciplinary record,
and top all that off with the prospect of relegation.

If you weren't a Stanley fan (which players won't be) you'd be looking for somewhere else to go aswell.

Please don't berate me for this post, most of you know there is no place I would rather be, but for any prospective targets we must be the last chance saloon.

Sorry people.
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Old 10-03-2007, 22:55   #19
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Re: If

ok then so coley hasent got the league experience but who has a better non league experience than the man who won it the season before? Get rid? Get stuffed!


its not over yet still plenty of twists and turns left
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Old 10-03-2007, 23:11   #20
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Re: If

Good post macca. The club is still non league in the way it operates. That's not a swipe at the club though i just think that we have achieved a hell of a lot in a very short space of time and the club itself has struggled to keep up with that.
At the end of the day if we are relegated i would sooner have that then never to have seen my club play league football.
The people of Accy should get behind the club. The amount of people that moan to me about how bad Stanley are doing yet have not actually seen them play this season beggers belief. This could be the last chance we get for league football for some time so make the most of it and support the club.
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Old 10-03-2007, 23:35   #21
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Re: If

Originally Posted by Staveros View Post
Listen, if Coleman leaves I am 100% sure it will be of his own accord and good luck to him.

If JC hadn't found all the players he had through his contacts imagine where the club would be then?? Nowhere.

Accrington Stanley is very very lucky to have John Coleman IMO and if people start asking questions of him I wouldn't blame him in the slightest for walking away. I have no doubt whatsoever that he would get fixed up at another good club in no time.
Thanks Staveros for your disagreeing karma comment hey we all have an opinion, but i really dont think he's made for league management as is Erics finances - just the way it is been this season, even him himself didnt bank on the difficulty & pressure of league management. Football is dog eat dog to survive certainly in lower leagues, but i dont think the club has backed him well either IMHO!! You only had to look/hear the match today to know that - Coley arguing with ref upon half time then 2nd half up at the stand, leaving Jimmy in dugout dealings by phone even he nearly walked!!! What impression is that giving [yeh we are all passionate about ASFC] but is that behaviour at this level & with this contentious game what must of that said to the players!!

I agree with sparkie about the club attraction & that doesn't help Coley with minimal pay/deal. We cant be doing long balls all the time, we need good passing play to create chances, too many high balls not a good advantage to our team with mully our only tallest asset as has happened previous matches. Im not calling Coleys head but a serious hard look at our team play certainly for our next 2 home matches - thats his priority atm, this FA thingy has seriously effected everyone concerned with ASFC & fans - even the players when ebb isn't high anyway.

It depends on your point of view whether we stop living the past & get on with asfc's football future, if that should mean improvements at high level down to low level within the club infrastructure then so be it, do we want to be in the league or go back to non league???? I think that needs to be answered & will with the 9 games remaining.

I hope & pray to stay in league 2 - we all fought hard & long for it

Last edited by accymel; 10-03-2007 at 23:38.
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Old 10-03-2007, 23:35   #22
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Re: If

Posted deleted for swearing.

Last edited by ZOMBIE; 11-03-2007 at 06:59. Reason: Swearing
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Old 10-03-2007, 23:39   #23
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Re: If

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Old 10-03-2007, 23:52   #24
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Re: If

lets make it a cup final atmosphere have accy pipe band get coley to walk round the ground before kick off to gee the crowd up ...
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Old 11-03-2007, 02:56   #25
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Re: If

Nice post Bannana man.(the first of the treble above.)
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Old 11-03-2007, 03:08   #26
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Re: If

Re Coleman.

I was not caught up in the euphoria that would've prevailed here (forum)and in Accrington after the success of 2005/06,so I was not putting JC on the highest pedestal around,(although I'm sure I would've).But as a relative outsider looking in,and to a lesser degree as an ex businessman,I have no hesitation in saying that if I was made chairman tomorrow.Coleman would be gone- pronto.Football is like any other business-results must be obtained.No reults-no job.I think Eric must be at his wits end 'cause I would guess he knows he should do something,but maybe he has got to close to JC in the last 7 (?) years.

Nothing personal towards Mr Coleman,just my thoughts.
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Old 11-03-2007, 08:46   #27
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Re: If

How on earth can anyone think sacking the manager is the solution?The two best players have been sold,and Coley has had peanuts to spend.How does anyone know what he could have done with a little money?No top manager is going to come here anyhow,harsh but true.Its looking very grim at the moment,but best of luck anyway.By the way,person who suggested KK,time to sober up-he would want more a week than Coley gets in a year.
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Old 11-03-2007, 09:40   #28
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Re: If

Originally Posted by norwich stanley View Post
How on earth can anyone think sacking the manager is the solution?
My thought exactly.

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Old 11-03-2007, 11:31   #29
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Re: If

In my heart i would love stanley to stay up but i honestly feel even if we put some sort of points gathering run together now it may all be in vain depending if/when and how many points we get taken away?
I do not know what the answer is, would we do better without JC? IMO no,any manager that did come (because of the money situation)would probably be some out of work no hoper and i do not think we would be any better off.
The fans (the one,s that can be bothered to turn up anyway) have shown their passion for ASFC remember Bury and Rochdale away superb, lets give the boys the same support at the FES and at least try and lift the gloom,at the end of the day even if we do go down lets go with our heads held high and look to the future (cos we will be back),hopefully with JC at the helm, IMO we have had nothing but bad luck this season with injuries and suspensions and to be honest i have not seen any side at the FES this season that we have not been capable of beating but we have not had the breaks and if lady luck aint on your side what chance have you got.
So come on stanley heads up and if we gotta go lets do it with style so people remember ACCRINGTON STANLEY in the league for the right reasons.
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Old 11-03-2007, 13:29   #30
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Re: If

You are quite right Sparkie. I haven't posted for several weeks after warning of exactly what is happening. I still stand by everything I said and what you have stated. We are an amateur club playing in a professional game. Eric Whalley and John Coleman have done a brilliant job over the last seven years in achieving the accolades that we have won and reaching League status BUT
the time has come to think seriously of the future. We all have our limitations
and I personally think that these have been reached by the Chairman and the Manager. The way forward, short term is to spend some money on players that can help us out of our predicament and keep us in League 2 and hope that it is not a little too late. Long term is to allow investment from other interested parties that are prepared to plough money into the club i.e. players and facilities. Rumour has it that several people have approached Mr Whalley with the offer of financial help but this has been refused, WHY? Is it that he wants to retain full control regardless the harm that it may do the club? As to the running of the club, we need experienced professional people in situ who can promote / market Accrington Stanley as a club 'that wouldn't die' . To do this we also need players of a calibre that are capable of winning more games than they lose. I appreciate this all costs money but where has the money gone that was received from transfer fees, sponsorships etc. - certainly not on the ground improvements i.e. the 4 years in waiting for the Clayton End roof which once again rumour has it that this will never happen. Yes A lot of rumours, but unless the club quash them then, for me, there is no smoke without fire. Finally as to asking the people of Accrington to turn out and support their local team, only the die hards will be there week in,week out, yes me included, to watch a losing team. Sadly the fighting spirit has gone and it shows both in the players and supporters. I do not blame the players because the majority of them are out of their depth, why hasn't the team been strengthened only by has beens or very inexperienced players?

No doubt I will receive back lash for my comments but I will sleep tonight knowing I have aired my views and opinions . I cannot hide my disappointment of waiting 44 years to return to the Football League - to be relagated after one season without putting up much of a fight. I have no doubt we will the brunt of many a joke in the coming years if we are not already.
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