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Old 11-03-2007, 13:37   #31
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Tin Monkey's Avatar

Re: If

Originally Posted by Tommy McQueen View Post
No doubt I will receive back lash for my comments but I will sleep tonight knowing I have aired my views and opinions . I cannot hide my disappointment of waiting 44 years to return to the Football League - to be relagated after one season without putting up much of a fight. I have no doubt we will the brunt of many a joke in the coming years if we are not already.
Why do you think you'll suffer a backlash? You haven't written anything that I and others haven't said already.

Serious mistakes have been made this season and continue to be made. There'll be a queue of jokers lining up to poke fun at the club, but what's new?
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Old 11-03-2007, 16:57   #32
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Re: If

Originally Posted by Tommy McQueen View Post
You are quite right Sparkie. I haven't posted for several weeks after warning of exactly what is happening. I still stand by everything I said and what you have stated. We are an amateur club playing in a professional game. Eric Whalley and John Coleman have done a brilliant job over the last seven years in achieving the accolades that we have won and reaching League status BUT
the time has come to think seriously of the future. We all have our limitations
and I personally think that these have been reached by the Chairman and the Manager. The way forward, short term is to spend some money on players that can help us out of our predicament and keep us in League 2 and hope that it is not a little too late. Long term is to allow investment from other interested parties that are prepared to plough money into the club i.e. players and facilities. Rumour has it that several people have approached Mr Whalley with the offer of financial help but this has been refused, WHY? Is it that he wants to retain full control regardless the harm that it may do the club? As to the running of the club, we need experienced professional people in situ who can promote / market Accrington Stanley as a club 'that wouldn't die' . To do this we also need players of a calibre that are capable of winning more games than they lose. I appreciate this all costs money but where has the money gone that was received from transfer fees, sponsorships etc. - certainly not on the ground improvements i.e. the 4 years in waiting for the Clayton End roof which once again rumour has it that this will never happen. Yes A lot of rumours, but unless the club quash them then, for me, there is no smoke without fire. Finally as to asking the people of Accrington to turn out and support their local team, only the die hards will be there week in,week out, yes me included, to watch a losing team. Sadly the fighting spirit has gone and it shows both in the players and supporters. I do not blame the players because the majority of them are out of their depth, why hasn't the team been strengthened only by has beens or very inexperienced players?

No doubt I will receive back lash for my comments but I will sleep tonight knowing I have aired my views and opinions . I cannot hide my disappointment of waiting 44 years to return to the Football League - to be relagated after one season without putting up much of a fight. I have no doubt we will the brunt of many a joke in the coming years if we are not already.
No backlash here, what u said is the truth of it & think most of us have aired simular views & feelings about it too just hope theres a turnaround soon before its far too late & if we are fortunate by footy god then those very things need a serious consideration indeed.
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Old 11-03-2007, 17:23   #33
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Re: If

Originally Posted by norwich stanley
Coley has had peanuts
And we've all heard the good olde Englishe adage: 'If you pays peanuts you gets monkeys'
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 11-03-2007, 17:32   #34
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Re: If

I think that if the club is relegated it will again lose ground to its bigger neighbours in terms of attracting the next generation of Stanley fans.

Promotion to the league was a chance to put that right and the management, teams and supporters able to attend must do all that is humanly possible to stop this happening in the remaining 9 games.

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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Old 11-03-2007, 17:39   #35
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Re: If

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
ill try again i know we are not very happy and all this doom and gloom this is time to stand up and be counted while coley and eric are here and its still to stay up we should get behind the team 100% this saturday against torquay cmon john inspire the players this is the first of many cup finals cmon eric its not he population of hynburns fault its high rents and mortgages and higher cost of living give the population of hyndburn a break make this saturday and reduce prices to a fiver or even fill the coppice end with school kids with some flags make it a real home game restrict torquay to the away shed get coley to walk round the pitch to gee up the crowd get accy pipe band. you are legendry status make yourself ultra legendry invite the community of hynburn to the fes the worst thing in the world is frustration ..i should have done least in the future you could say i tried evrything cmon everybody make this saturday a time to remmember we need your support
cmonstanley cmon
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Old 11-03-2007, 17:50   #36
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Re: If

Though I was very disappointed in the way we played yesterday at Swindon, we must all remember that we are not down yet !!!

We have nine matches in which to redeem ourselves - and though we have four very difficult away games ahead (Walsall, Hartlepool,Shrewsbury and MK Dons), those teams will also be feeling nervy for quite different reasons.They can just as easily play as badly as we can !

Don't give up hope everyone - we can still stay up - and if we do, I am sure that next season will be completely different after a summer in which to reflect.

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