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Old 24-01-2014, 20:44   #1
Senior Member

If at first..........

Please use this link then find the comment towards the end.
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Accrington Stanley | Level Playing Field

Though I may have failed with the link - not done it before.
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Old 24-01-2014, 22:01   #2
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Re: If at first..........

regards the comments in the article about only having 40% of the required disabled seating - is there any kind of timescale put on that requirement or is it only guidance?
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Old 24-01-2014, 22:20   #3
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Re: If at first..........

The DDA is the relevant Law, the rest seems to be guidance trying to get to an ideal world. But considerate action like that from Robert Houseman, and the friendly and helpful reception you get at the smaller ( i.e. poorer) clubs can make up for the fact the world is far from perfect.
Maybe the organisations behind the guidance (the Premier League, the FA, the Govt, Sport England, the Football League) should also put some money or grants into helping to improve facilities.

Last edited by Exile on Spencer St; 24-01-2014 at 22:22.
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Old 24-01-2014, 22:25   #4
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Re: If at first..........

Well the F.A. should have money to help,wi fining the small clubs.
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Old 25-01-2014, 07:56   #5
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Re: If at first..........

Nice comments things you don't always hear

One thing I have noticed more and more at Football Grounds is designated Fan Zones which are usually marked with a Banner placed into the Ground and manned so that either home fans or away fans who have any queries can go to that designated point to get problems or questions answered or sorted quickly.

I am pretty sure that as a Supporters Club we could help towards purchasing to make it happen should the Club wish to pursue?
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Last edited by Pendle Red; 25-01-2014 at 08:03.
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Old 25-01-2014, 09:00   #6
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Re: If at first..........


Why do people not know the regulations OR IF they are changed why aren't clubs informed.

Two sets of regulations; new build and existing facilities.

To my knowledge and please correct me IF I'm wrong;
All we need to comply with disability regulations is 10% of our seating capacity for wheelchairs. This we do. Whilst we sadly can't offer a dedicated for away wheelchair users neither do Man Utd.

The Clayton End is exempt as is was built prior to the changes in regulations.

Therefore whilst most of this report is excellent we'll need to question so of their so called numbers!!
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Old 25-01-2014, 09:31   #7
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Re: If at first..........

I presume Level Playing Field is a pressure group trying to improve things for those who are less able than many other people. You can't blame them for wishing to see things made better, in their eyes, but, if they live up to their title, then their reports will appear equally critical of every club. Including, as you note Mr T, such impoverished outfits like Newton Heath Inc.
I took the point of the original post to be positive in that the quality of the response from Stanley's staff overcame The Crown's physical limitations.
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Old 25-01-2014, 11:58   #8
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Re: If at first..........

nice to hear of Robert Houseman's efforts to keep the fans happy.
Question: how is the wheelchair quota arrive at, is it relative to ground capacity?
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Old 25-01-2014, 12:18   #9
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Re: If at first..........

thanks for clearing up the numbers thing Mark. Slightly further in to it though ... I don't get down the mainstand much so can't remember the make up of the disabled areas, does it cost much to make normal seating in to a designated disabled area? The only reason I ask is because this is an area I feel we could particularly excel at given that the numbers required (and numbers we get) are very, very low. If we're only providing 10 home and 10 away spaces then this could easily be doubled or triple and a push given to trying to attract disabled supporters.
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Old 25-01-2014, 18:35   #10
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Re: If at first..........

Rob, Positively it costs "nowt" other than spaces which can't be "used".

We mark space 1 disabled, space 2 career. Therefore 10 wheel chairs = 20 seats "needed". 20 wheel chairs = 40 seats etc.

In practice it's mix and match with the likes of Chris (who needs zero space as he's nearly on the pitch to others who's carer sits behind behind, or another carer who needs a front row seat.
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