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Old 14-04-2006, 23:18   #1
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Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

A lot of people were under the impression at the time (and this includes Ilyas Khan's brother) that the 50,000 pounds donated by Ilyas Khan was to pay for the Clayton End Roof. Now it appears according to the club that this donation was only for the naming rights of the project if and whenever its completed. Does anyone know the exact truth on this matter.

Last edited by george ivan; 14-04-2006 at 23:24. Reason: bold heading
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Old 14-04-2006, 23:26   #2
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

the club and ilyas do any of the couple of thousand who where at the game when the cheque was presented.... it went over the tannoy at the game where ilyas presented the cheque that it was for the naming rights.. so how can his brother or anyone else be confused? theres also been thousands of views of the official press release on the official stanley website.. its still there for you to read.. heres a bit

Accrington Stanley are delighted to announce a naming rights deal for the Clayton End covered terracing. For three years after it is completed the covered terracing will be known as The Sophia khan Stand, following an agreement with long standing friend of the club Ilyas khan, who has chosen to name the stand after his mother.

Nothing confusing there... Naming rights... who are these lots of people ? and why are you saying now it appears.. as if somehting has changed... it was announced while the man was stood there givign the cheque!
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Old 14-04-2006, 23:27   #3
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

great timing for trying to stir up a bit of bother george? the fee that you inaccurately quote was named as a five figure sum for the naming rights to the end, and all parties involved were well aware of what the deal consisted of.

ilyas and his brother are great friends and supporters of accrington stanley, in fact ilyas was on the phone only this week and we are looking forward to working together over the summer on a number of initiatives, further details to be announced shortly...

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Old 15-04-2006, 19:29   #4
Full Member

Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

I have more faith in the management of this club than I have in most things. The knockers and stirrers need to find somewhere else to do the deeds and leave us (Stanley supporters) to gert on with enjoying the coming seasons in the Football League
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Old 16-04-2006, 08:26   #5
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

Well said Fettler, there a lot of peeps who constantly knock the management team down, BUT look what they have acheived in such little time.
I for one am KEEPING THE FAITH with Coley etc.
:engsmil: ON THE EDGE OF NOWHERE:engsmil:
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Old 18-04-2006, 11:52   #6
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

im rather confused with this as well??

i was under the impression as was the lancs telegraph amongst a number of other people that the money donated to the club from Mr Kahn was to help pay for the roof and not just for naming rights?

i see a number of banners appeared yesterday at the scarborough game that reminded us about the whole Kahn situation?

oh and fettler and bordermann i cant see how george is knocking the club management?? he was merely asking confirmation on an issue?
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Old 18-04-2006, 12:01   #7
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

Why are you confused? The club made an official announcement... rob is even in this thread backing that up.. ilyas khan was on the pitch when it was announced it was for naming rights..

sorry.. but whats so confusing... because the telegraph says one thing and the club and ilyas khan says another.... ? you must really like the evening telegraph
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Old 18-04-2006, 13:44   #8
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

Originally Posted by rob
great timing for trying to stir up a bit of bother george? the fee that you inaccurately quote was named as a five figure sum for the naming rights to the end, and all parties involved were well aware of what the deal consisted of.

ilyas and his brother are great friends and supporters of accrington stanley, in fact ilyas was on the phone only this week and we are looking forward to working together over the summer on a number of initiatives, further details to be announced shortly...

Actually, I never told you but I knew about that 2 months ago, was just asked to keep it secret.........

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Old 18-04-2006, 13:45   #9
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Re: Ilyas Khan Puzzle?

Originally Posted by fettler
I have more faith in the management of this club than I have in most things. The knockers and stirrers need to find somewhere else to do the deeds and leave us (Stanley supporters) to gert on with enjoying the coming seasons in the Football League
Thats what I'm talking about.......................

The Voice of the Terrace

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