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15-04-2010, 22:11
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Why do i get the horrible feeling of de ja vu
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15-04-2010, 22:46
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Ilyas' interview got rid of my remaining fears about ownership of the club.
We're debt free and the good guy has our back. There's nowt to worry about.
15-04-2010, 23:33
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
I would suggest there is a lot to worry about including a reduction in revenue for the club due to EW being back as people will not buy season tickets with him around. Also how can we expect DON to run the club in a professional manner when he completely ballsed it up last year and nearly put the club out of business. I don't want David in charge and I certainly don't want to see EW anywhere near the club.
15-04-2010, 23:40
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
What bothers me,is seems like a "Catch 22" 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-04-2010, 05:37
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Whatever your stance on this it is clearly essential to arrange the fans forum asap. We cannot afford to have the fans split again.
 Its da beast!!!
16-04-2010, 06:24
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
In a daft sense and not from a this season perspctive, this is the most critical time of the year
Where Budgets are set and agreed for staff & players, sponsorship deals are put in place, season ticket sales are on the go, plans being put in place
But there is one major stumbling block.........
Unfortunately that won't just go away and till all the cards are on the table and certain issues are addressed they will remain and the Club will struggle to go forward as one.
Clarity, Cohesion, Honesty and Trust all point to a way forward and a Bright future on & off the field for the Reds
Under Ilyas we have had all of that but people/fans need reassurances that we are not about to embark back into another journey into the unknown.
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16-04-2010, 07:18
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Originally Posted by cashman
What bothers me,is seems like a "Catch 22" 
What bothers me Cashy is that the promised 'Transparency', after a brief period of honest (?) acceptance that all fans deserve to be kept informed of developments at the Club, (This being stimulated by the demands of Ilyas Khan's admirably stated principles after 'the crisis').is waning to say the least.
It would seem that the honeymoon period must be over as this'Transparency' seems to be either veering over towards the opaque again..or worse still revealing the sort of behaviour which led to such dramatic divisions in the relationship between the Club and it's supporters in those dark days !.
It is a very real 'Catch 22' situation as you rightly say, and one towards which you, I, and all concerned about the future of the Club can seemingly do little about except watch from the wings with worried impotence !..( and read about in vague and annoying promises made by DoN in t'Telegraph !).
Which makes Ilyas' call for an Open Forum seem all the more necessary, and URGENT !.... agree ???
See you there ???.
Last edited by yonmon; 16-04-2010 at 07:23.
Reason: doubtful grammer and speling !
16-04-2010, 07:36
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
I agree, there is a horrible feeling of sliding back towards the same old same old.
One interesting point from Ilyas's interview, though. Have I understood this correctly? What he seemed to be saying was that all the money he's put into the club could be converted into shares and it would dilute EW's (or the D'ON's) shareholding. I admit I'm no businessman, but surely Ilyas still has the potential power to ensure that the club is on the straight and narrow? No doubt, some financially-astute person will correct me if I've got hold of the wrong end of the stick over that one!
16-04-2010, 08:07
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
16-04-2010, 08:53
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Originally Posted by dabeast
Whatever your stance on this it is clearly essential to arrange the fans forum asap. We cannot afford to have the fans split again.
We had a fans forum last season and all that happened was that we were told blatent lies by Heys and O'Neill who promised us that the development of the Coppice end would commence after the last home game of the season and that grants were in place and that it would not cost Stanley a penny. These two are LIARS and I don't think that you can teach a liar to tell the truth.
16-04-2010, 09:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Originally Posted by JEFF
We had a fans forum last season and all that happened was that we were told blatent lies by Heys and O'Neill who promised us that the development of the Coppice end would commence after the last home game of the season and that grants were in place and that it would not cost Stanley a penny. These two are LIARS and I don't think that you can teach a liar to tell the truth.
That sort of thing is acceptable if n explanation had followed, as to why, Transparency they dont understand the concept. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-04-2010, 11:49
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
No disrespect to anyone concern; and certainly no disrespect to Ilyas Khan; his efforts and generosity are the reason we still have a club. But in a earlier post I did warn (and was shot down) that things would return to the same old ways. If you own something, you own it and in most situations you can "but for the Law", please yourself.
This is a dire situation only "if" fans turn their back on those running the club. Please keep faith in the name and keep investing in that name. Revenue is the only target we need to achieve now before next season. If the money keeps coming in, we'll still have a club and while the club survives we have hope that the future will clear out the rot.
What happened to the Online Store plans? lost income.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
16-04-2010, 12:19
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Originally Posted by Doug
What happened to the Online Store plans? lost income.
Currently being installed I think
16-04-2010, 12:19
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Think they are still happening as i went in yesterday to order the limted addition shirt and give my details and they sent me an email with my email and password to use online so i could buy tickets etc
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16-04-2010, 17:23
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
i am sorry for the negativity on this site. Its clear that i am not able to communicate clearly the reasons why i am not as worried as many of you. The idea of a fans forum is just a way to try and continue to communicate with you all about the longer term plans.
Along the way, here is another attempt to try and bring you along towards my perspective. I fully appreciate that this may take a few more attempts, but i would encourage you to try and see things in the way i do - not fully, but at least a little bit. I certainly try to see things from your way, thats for sure (and not always successfully).
1. when we started again after the high court debacle i committed to be available and transparent
2. i asked you to judge me by my actions, not my words.
3. i laid out a short and medium term plan. I said that the problems that come to be apparent could not be resolved over night.
4. earlier this week I was able to expand upon the way in which I will commit to ensure that the club at the end of the season has no debt and is capable of completing on the important plans for the stadium development and pitch work. I will pay for this if no other money is available.
Now turning to ownership. Doug, with all due respect, not only do i think you are way off mark, but your bulletin is misleading. Lets ask ourselves what exactly does eric/david o'neil own ? they own 51% of the outstanding shares of the club. They are not owners, but simply the largest single owner. HOwever, and this is the key you seem always to miss. Ownership of 51% of the current outstanding share capital is meaningless. Its meaningless because the club is controlled through its board, and its meaningless because at any time the number of shares could increase and eric/david's shares would be a small fraction of the percentage. Put graphically, say eric/david (and i use both their names as i respect the fact that david believes he has done the deal with Eric) own 51 shares and there are 100 in issue. lets say tomorrow there are 200 in issue. then Eric/david would own only 25%. I hope this is clear ?
you then will say - what will it take for the shares to be issued. From a purely legal perspective it requires only a board meeting. However i made a commitment to David that i would step down, and in that context i dont foresee having to or needing to or wanting to convert at this point.
Now, lets turn to what really matters. What next ?
(see next post, running out of space)
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