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16-04-2010, 17:27
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
edited as Ilyas is answering as I type ....
Last edited by maccawozzagod; 16-04-2010 at 17:29.
16-04-2010, 17:29
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
you will have to wait a few more minutes. my fingers are not as fast as jimmy ryans feet !
16-04-2010, 17:30
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
question please Ilyas.
You are stepping down as Chairman - Does that include your position on the board?
16-04-2010, 17:32
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
19 Years in the Football League
16-04-2010, 17:34
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Its not the chief that worries people, who have the greatest respect fer ya Ilyas, its the Indians. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-04-2010, 17:37
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
I understand what u say Ilyas, but miss the point that fans Dont trust Eric or Don at all, they trust u ilyas but not them thats the crux of the case upon the proof they have seen themselves. Hope that explains the issue of why people are worried.
Posted via Mobile Device
16-04-2010, 17:43
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
OK, carrying on now. with apologies for spelling mistakes and bad syntax.
What next ?
I am very conscious that this is something that you all want to ask, but for different reasons have not done so. In many cases i think its because the place we came from was so dark, that simply surviving and getting the basics right was a priority. DOnt get me wrong, I am not criticising the team and FG Coley. I am talking about the way in which the club seemed to have alienated so many aspects of the community, and also wracked up huge debts whilst selling players etc etc.
As you all know, Accrington is my HOME. lets say it again ACCRINGTON IS MY HOME, which means I care not just about the club, but my neighbours, my friends and all who live in this area. My thoughts, since the Salisbury game have been focused on much more than survival. The challenge I put to myself is this - having done business all over the world, could I turn the problems of stanley into an opportunity for the town ? I am sure you have all heard about the chinese character for danger being the same as opportunity. Need i say more ?
Since then, I have been thinking carefully, and learning a lot about the dynamics of the club and the commercial hub it should represent. What i mean here is that I am proof positive that "brand accy stanley" means a lot. The number of people who are not from here but want to be associated with the name and the brand is not just a figment of someone's overactive imagination.
So, what is next ?
I think we should think big. I dont mean getting to the premiership in 5 or 6 years, but I mean BIG relative to where we are. Why are we stuck in a pokey old cow shed ? what will it take to replicate some of the great success stories when club and community meet to mutual advantage.
These questions led, not unaturally also to thinking about LEGI. Its my view that the council authorities have been more than fair to asfc. In fact we owe them a huge thanks. But are our aims for development compatible with LEGI, and is it fair to try and squeeze a round peg into a triangular hole ?
Sorry to be so long winded, but I really want to try and take my time to help you see things the way i see them.
My thoughts therefore have turned in the past few months to the idea of building a really top class development in accrington, perhaps even developing a state of the art sports centre combined with a beautiful new home for the club. i dont mean a huge monstrosity, but a neat, fit for purpose, easy to access stadium that sits in the heart of a community that is proud to come along, and where, in the process, we bring jobs, economic activity and prosperity to our town and our area.
(pausing for breath here....will be back. bear with me please)
16-04-2010, 17:57
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
I have not mentioned this or talked about this to anyone - partially cos i think that during the season we should focus on the basics, and also because i have wanted to ensure that we have credibility when we talk about the future. How could i Possibly describe plans that would cost millions if we dont even have the wherewithal to pay our past debt ?
I am also very wary of the local media turning this into some sort of headline. Its not a headline, but a careful plan to help with the journey that we all started a few months back, and that, if carefully managed, can create something of value for the town AND bring the club back into the heart of the community.
I went across to reading, and then also bolton, and on a smaller scale to some other places. I also talked to various large retail park developers and international property players who understand what drives cohesive and successful ideas. For those of you who follow my career or are aware of my career you will know i was on the board of some very large property entities and have some experience - albeit outside Lancashire.
The upshot of this is that I want to turn my attention in the close season to really putting serious money into building and creating a new home for our beloved club, and also then bringing something into the town. How brilliant if the much admired "brand" that our club possesses could be usefully put to work for us all, and bring jobs and prosperity to our people ? Stanley Park anyone ?
i hope this all helps you see my perspective. I remain committed and focused. I love what we have achieved, together, but see it as just the start. And i am sure that if we provide the basic infrastructure, the team will take on a new life of its own in due course !
with my warmest respects to you all
16-04-2010, 18:01
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
What an incredible vision! This is what we have all dreamed about, but so far not dared to hope for!
16-04-2010, 18:21
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
i'll tell you Mr K, I'v e spent the last few months having been disillusioned with a lot of things and wanting only to concentrate on the football and the day out - you've probably just re-motivated me!
Forget waiting until the end of the season ILYAS OUT NOW!!!!!!!!! (so that you concentrate more on bricks and mortar)
To be honest, I'm not interested in the shiny new ground bit but more about what it can bring to the club, and you have certainly been doing your homework with a view to expanding YOUR vision of a United Accrington into a reality. Whenever you want Ilyas, I'll marry ya!
16-04-2010, 18:25
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
Whenever you want Ilyas, I'll marry ya!
Yer too late, Cashy proposed months ago 
16-04-2010, 18:26
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
... all I ask is that you try your absolute utmost to ensure the ground remains in Accrington, rather than on the outskirts of town (Whitebirk, power station etc)
and I got years and youth on my side!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16-04-2010, 18:35
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
of course in accy !!! thats the whole point.
16-04-2010, 18:39
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
I expected so with you Ilyas but there have been mutterings although in the distant past.
I know you'd play your cards close to your chest and that is very early days, but have any potential sites been identified with the Council?
16-04-2010, 19:00
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Re: Ilyas on BBC Radio Lancashire
The future sounds good. The only other thing that i would suggest is keeping an all standing end!
Stanley till i die!!!!!!
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