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Old 15-01-2007, 13:37   #16
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Re: I'm sorry but............

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
HERE HERE, I must admist I am one of those that isn't too bothered about if we have to go down.
If you aren't too bothered if we go down this season then last season you obviously weren't too bothered if we went up.

Are you not bothered if we win, are you not bothered if we lose, are you not bothered if we draw. What do you want ? Just to go the the Stanley and not be bothered. If so then why bother.
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Old 15-01-2007, 13:41   #17
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Re: I'm sorry but............

macca.... your the chairman of the supporters club man.. ya may need to keep some things to yourself
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Old 15-01-2007, 13:44   #18
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Re: I'm sorry but............

You've got to be able to accept the bad times as well as the good times and there's no harm in being prepared for the worst while hoping and praying for the best. That's all. We've been the subject of mirth for longer than I've been a Stanley fan. We can take it!

Kipax, the only people I don't want sharing my views are the players...
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Old 15-01-2007, 13:49   #19
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Re: I'm sorry but............

I was there when we went out of the league nearly 45 years ago, I make a round trip of nearly100 miles to every home game and I read that the chairman of the Supporters' Club isn't bothered if we go down! Why do I bother?
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Old 15-01-2007, 13:49   #20
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Re: I'm sorry but............

Originally Posted by Growler View Post
Kipax, the only people I don't want sharing my views are the players...
well thats not going to be easy when all they read on here is sack the chairman, sack the manager and unbelievably sack rob heys... then top that with loads of people saying its ok if we go back down...

there sorta swimming agsinst the flow after reading that lot from accy stanley fans
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Old 15-01-2007, 14:03   #21

Re: I'm sorry but............

Sometimes I'm absolutley gob smacked with what people come up with on this forum. But the recent trend to say it won't be too bad if we get relegated tops the lot.

How any supporter of a football club can come out with these sentiments is genuinley beyond me. With the attitude that "what will be will be" the club will struggle to survive. Negativity is like a cancer, we all need to strive to be positive in times like this - it's that attitude that helped teams like Bury and Torquay to survive. We must not get relegated and we must all believe that we will not get relegated.

The Wrexham performance demonstrated what this team is capable of and we as supporters need to inspire our team to repeat that performance throughout the remainder of the season. If that happens we will not get relegated.

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Old 15-01-2007, 14:13   #22
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Re: I'm sorry but............

I'm not saying it's ok if we go down, I'm just saying I'll still give them the same support and enthusiasm as I did when they were moving UP the league. Believe me, I would be seriously p***ed off but I'm not ready to start moaning at JC or EW. I'm still grateful to them for making it possible for me to whitness Stanley in the league however long it lasts.
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Old 15-01-2007, 14:14   #23
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Re: I'm sorry but............

I think my comments have been taken a little bit out of context. I stated my complete feelings in various other threads that are related to by Kipax saying about everybody this and that. Of course I want us to stay up and I said so in my post. I shout as loud as anybody else every matchday, I try to organise the OSC into showing their support in various different guises. If I wasn't as 'bothered' as people are making out then why would I spend hours upon hours of my own time doing the things I do? What I mean to say by not being 'bothered' is that isn't the end of the world. I don't want to keep up the doom and gloom but I have to respond to the criticism now being levelled at me.

Of course it will hurt if things go belly up, but the club will still be there, most of us will still be there and we will still be Accy Stanley. We bother because Accy Stanley is the club we love for lots of different reasons, for those that love the club we do so regardless of our stature, THATS WHAT I MEAN BY I DONT CARE. For those of you too ignorant to read beyond the words then it is pointless explaining any further
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 15-01-2007 at 14:16.
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Old 15-01-2007, 14:32   #24
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Re: I'm sorry but............

What's there to be gobsmaked about. We're intelligent fans with an oppinion, not just mindless optimists. That doesn't make us any less loyal. If my posts are negative or demoralising then I'm sorry. Trust me, I really do want to see the reds creeping up League 2 next season.
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Old 15-01-2007, 15:00   #25
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Re: I'm sorry but............

I do wish that the people who post replies on here would read beyond the first 10 words of the message they are replying to. I also wish that they would not put words into people's mouths. I do not keep saying "it's not the end of the world if we are relegated" - I've said it only once. It happens to be true. It's also true that it could be the end of the football world as we know it. What I went on to say, for the benefit of those who did not read on or who did not understand this, is that an up-and-down yo-yo existence is not what we want.

We MUST stay in the League - read again what I wrote in my previous post : "The situation now is that we are in the League - and must do all that we can to stay there. " It does not get much more positive than that. My worry, again expressed clearly (well, I thought it was clear!) in my original post, concerns those who keep looking back at what has been achieved. Of course the achievements are fantastic - but we must go on to higher things. That's ambition, that's being positive.
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Old 15-01-2007, 15:55   #26
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Re: I'm sorry but............

F*&k*ng unbeliveable thread.......we have just had the best season in the history of this club. We are in the football league and all that it entails, next season with the new TV agreement we will get some real good money and the gap between the league and the conference will get wider.
All this talk about relegation should be on the other teams boards not ours, yes we are 3 from bottom, yes we are struggling, but thats football, one year up the next down, its not the end of the world. We could be Telford or Barrow or even Spouthport they would change places with us in a heartbeat. We have no control on what happens on a saturday, the only people that do are the players. JC doesn't kick the balls, Rob Heys or Eric don't, the only one that do are the players, they and they alone are what makes and breaks a football club. A mangers instructions are only good if they are carried out correctly. I am sure JC doesn't have a game plan to get players injured or sent off, also no player goes on the pitch and says I think I will have a stinker today, thats not an excuse its just a fact of life. Lets get behind the players and the management of this club, lets come together as one unit and I am sure we will stay up and only get better. Player respond to comments and if they hear a positive attitude from the supporters then they will respond in kind. Lets be more positive and think of the club and not petty digs at people who ae doing their best for Stanley.

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Old 15-01-2007, 17:25   #27
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Re: I'm sorry but............

Unfortunately, people seem to use this forum to consistently "gripe" & pick holes in other forum users posts....

To say Rob wouldn't be bothered about Accy going down competely misses the point & to use his position as OSC Chairman as a stick to somehow beat him with is wrong

Look, we are all in this together, some optimistic some pessimistic, maybe we'll go down & maybe we won't. The main thought for me is that I'll still have a fantastic football club to feel proud of whatever happens.

What is sad is that we can't keep personal agenda's off the forum (ie Sack Rob Heys!!!!!!!). Everyone involved with ASFC I am sure are aware of the shortcomings but we all need to stop & look how far we have come in the last 6 years. Then stop & ALL try our best to repeat the process in the next 6.

Sack the "history makers" is just a hinderance


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Old 15-01-2007, 17:41   #28
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Re: I'm sorry but............

Well said [B]Willie[B].Macca shows the most amazing dedication and passion to the club that I have ever come accross. It was perfectly clear to this forumer as to what he was on about.Funny how people can read a different meaning into someones words.
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Old 15-01-2007, 17:56   #29
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Re: I'm sorry but............

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
Well said [b]Willie[b].Macca shows the most amazing dedication and passion to the club that I have ever come accross. It was perfectly clear to this forumer as to what he was on about.Funny how people can read a different meaning into someones words.
"Man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest", eh, John.

Glad to see people voicing their opinions, but do wish they'd put a bit more effort into trying to understand that it's not all black & white, and there's room for a nuance, here and there.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 15-01-2007, 17:58   #30
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Re: I'm sorry but............

thats why i said macca should keep some things to himself... .. i knew what he meant... i smiled when i wrote it....either that or do what others on this site do who are in official positions. make it clear in his sig that he isnt speaking as the chairman of the supporters club...

Rob can say some things that the chairman of the fishy supporters shouldnt... two diff people...You ahve to be ultra carefull what you say when your high up there...stick your head over the parapit and expect to be shot at
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