Originally Posted by AccyRed
A few ideas i've poached up from other supporters club sites
Legends Night- invite ex players back for Q & A's night including supper
Curry & Disco Night
OSC Barbecue Night (closed season or summer  )
Comedy Nights
I've had a look around a few other sites as well.
Curry nights seem popular and can definitely be done, need to find an Indian with plenty of seating that a) can accomodate us and b) will do something on price for us in return for some advertising
Legends night. Currently doing interviews with a few for the fanzine so the contacts are there. There is going to be an Ultras v Legends match at the end of the season, details will follow when the rest of that event falls into place.
Comedy nights. Been looking into that this week and have fired off a few emithers asking for costings etc.
Accy Jay
I like the idea of race nights and there is some good stuff on those links, reasonably cheap as well. Something will happen with these.
C'mon Stanley
Some good ideas in there, Christmas Works do's would be a good idea except that we haven't got catering facilities so any food would have to be shipped in and that would take the margin out of it. But theme nights in general are a good idea to be backed up by artistes of tha ilk performing. The club have already begun using the Gazelle lounge for corporate events (see fishy site for motivational speaker). Using the clubhouse for Slimmers clubs etc is also a good idea but those type of ideas can only be utilised by the club (keep em coming though cos they do read these message boards and so would pick up on ideas viable and profitable).
Band nights will start happening and will remain for as long as they are profitable. The CelticCross gig was excellent and made a good few bob over the bar even if the place wasn't heaving. But, they did that for free and other bands won't, therefore unless people support these events then they will die away along with many other good ideas that weren't backed in the past (Red and White Fortnight, The March)
A social club committee will be formed at the next OSC meeting on monday at 7pm. Anybody who thinks they have something to offer and would like to get involved should come along and make themselves known to me before the meet. There is no set number on how many people can form the committee but I would like to think at least one will step forward. The committee will be responsible for organising and booking the various events that we will put on at least once a month. I would prefer it if there was a good few people so that you can share the workload and split into a couple of groups and do alternate months, rather than tow or three doing every month.
Every event needs to raise money for the OSC, through either pay on the door or raffles/footy cards/auctions throughout the night. So, for every event that we put on we need people to donate stuff. Can you, through work or yourself, donate goods? Bottles of wine, boxes of chocolate, meal for two voucher fer t'chippie etc?
Keep all the ideas coming please. Either stick it on this thread every time so that people do keep looking and thinking, or just PM it to me. I have a good amount of feedback of various people over the last three or four weeks and all ideas are noted for looking into at the right time.
Can we raise ten grand this year? And fifteen next?