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Old 28-09-2006, 19:50   #1

Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

Over the past few month's i have noticed a trend at Accy at Bury and possibly Burnley...

Let me elaborate Home games Saturday and Tuesday, what's odd about that ? attendances, we have had some up and down attendances a win Saturday should mean a higher home support Tuesday NO this has also happened at Bury and at Burnley.

Is football to expensive do we live in an area (Lancashire) were a lot of people work for lower/minium wages ??

Is their to much football ??

Are their other distractions ??

I personally think Accy is priced about right, we have had price increases but we are watching better football that their is NO doubt.

What are your thoughts ??
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Old 28-09-2006, 20:35   #2
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

There used to be 5 of us going every home game... now theres me and maybe another every now and then... all due to cost.
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Old 28-09-2006, 21:31   #3
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

I think that there is now a larger variety of entertainment available and begging for our monies. Kids expect to have consoles plus the interwebbery plus I-pods. Bloody bowling alleys, cinema, eating or drinking out have all risen considerably and got more attractive and more plentiful. More people have Sky or Freeview than ever before. The demands on the pound have never been greater but yet will get greater still.

The only way around it is to have as much as possible at the ground. Bury have a beautiful ground but it still doesn't get them the crowds and probably neither would it do for us (maybe another 500 or so?). There needs to be regular functions at the club, maybe improve the facilities there no end and we could aim for conference (business meetings not shiddy non league type) facilities, training (first aid etc) seminars etc, what happened to the proposed floodlit all weather pitch? that would bring in the extra dollars.

Thats the direction I think the club needs to look at taking. Price wise £13/£15 is a lot of money to watch a football match, but in the context of being the lowest priced in the league then we've got it right. Again though I've said in the past that we could look at giving a few games away practically for nowt with a view to trying to nick money of the floaters with merchandise, pies, pints, programmes maybe shirt sales.

We should have a real concerted two year effort at waking Accrington up and making them proud to support, actively or financially, the town team. Whether you like football or not, the town team is the focal point of a towns success, it is the hub of a wider community pride. We shout and sing as loud as we can not to tell Paul Mullin that their is only one of him, but to tell the buggers in the home end that we are Accrington and we are proud of it. Thats the basis of why you should support you home town team and not someone at the other end of the country who has a nice shirt.
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Old 28-09-2006, 21:36   #4
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

I think this topic has been done to death, it's all pretty obvious.

Football fans, IMO, put up with a lot of manure. (When do you get screened going to the opera?)

No real problems with Stanley, although I think they have missed some tricks on the marketing front.

Personally, I'm getting to as many away games as I can this year, but I'm not going back to any ground where the stewarding is out of order, and certainly not to any ground where they enhance the home vocal support, such that it is, over the tannoy; and definitely not to listen to the naff DJ at Stockport.

If all supporters could organise a total boycott of the ground with the worst stewarding we might move forward a bit, of course it's not going to happen.

When I complained to Stockport, they admitted they contract out the running of their match days!!!!! Most clubs stuff their own supporters.

Obviously not Stanley, or your own club.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 28-09-2006, 22:05   #5

Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

Some good stuff coming out of this, sorry Oggy if this post or similar has been done before i am Johnny come lately !

Marketing i think we are a mile off the mark, i occasionally subscribe to the Gazelle Lounge, it's overpriced (£40) - £25 at Bury for much better facilities but Eric will tell you we are new to this and will need time to catch up so i can live with that.

I noticed in the Bury programme the number of non football related staff 21 count them.. how many staff are their at Stanley 6 ? I think if we are to go forward Eric needs more staff (By the way i think the staff we have are first class) but they need help to go forward with new and fresh ideas to market our world famous club.

See you all out there...
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Old 29-09-2006, 12:38   #6
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

Originally Posted by SamF
There used to be 5 of us going every home game... now theres me and maybe another every now and then... all due to cost.
You looked at the new family tickets SamF??
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room
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Old 29-09-2006, 15:54   #7
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

Originally Posted by baldy
You looked at the new family tickets SamF??
All 16/17
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Old 29-09-2006, 16:18   #8
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

Did you see that in the Bury prog? Bury v Accy in (was it 1958). 18,000 there! What has happened? The season before last Bury were dire, they nearly got relegated (again) and sold some of our best players for joke prices . . . it still hurts to think Nugent went for only 100. After that season they put prices up by 20 per cent. I refused to go after that and told the club so. I missed the whole of last season and wrote to the club each time I didn't go to a ame I would have normally have gone to and told them why. I never got a reply. Anyway before this season started they dropped prices by guess what . . . 20 per cent. I wasn't the only one who grumbled so maybe the fans can make a differance.

Footy is overpriced. I don't think I could afford it if bury got to The Greed Is Good League!!
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Old 29-09-2006, 19:35   #9
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

I think the poor attendences are not to do with the ticket prices entirely, i think it is to do with the standard of football and also the fixture list. Bury versus accy is a big game, so what do they do, they play it on a cold tuesday night when champions league is on, i guarantee there would have been 4,000+ plus if the game was played on a saturday. Also why have they got the return fixture on boxing day at accy surely it would have made sense to play that game at gigg lane where there would be a bigger crowd, accy will be packed but how much does your ground hold, More lost revenue. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GAME
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Old 29-09-2006, 23:08   #10
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

of course its got do to with the prices us football supporters have been taken for mugs for the last 17 years the football clubs treat us like s*** and then have the cheek to extort as much money as possible out of us dick turpin would have been proud of all the underhand tactics they use soon evrybody will have to have pay per viewto watch footy on telly and then theylle raise the prices again at matches wheres it gonna end ill tell you where its gonna end its gonna kill off all the smaller clubs and well just be left with regional superteam in a so called euro super league..the beginning of the end of the football boom has started attendances all over the country have started to fall they cant even fill stamford bridge so its just not about accrington stanley and calling the people of accy cause they cant afford it is not a good Google Page Ranking excercise is it? just look at the boomtime in the1940s 1950s they kept it affordable and when they raised the prices attendances started to fall to most people football is a hobby what sane person is going to spend a thirdof their income on a hobby and those who say it has nothing got to do with the price of tickets take you head out of the sand just you wait until you have to save up for a deposit to buy a house itll be a different kettle of fish then wont it .....
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Old 29-09-2006, 23:17   #11
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

and all we are doing is subsiding overrated arrogant footballers life styles cart on stanley .........cmon stanley and their minging golddigging slappey birds....and then theyve got the cheek to put them on telly were not interested were here only for the football

Last edited by cmonstanley; 30-09-2006 at 12:57.
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Old 30-09-2006, 08:17   #12
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

and now he pauses for breath
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Old 30-09-2006, 12:45   #13
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Re: Is it asign of the time's is football to expensive ?? have your say !!

that means i say football is tooo expensive all football fans should boycott all games for a season theyll soon drop prices then but thatll never happen the theiving
b******s its all men in suits if it was a bunch of chavs there would be uproar. anyway im off now to watch stanley

Last edited by cmonstanley; 30-09-2006 at 12:50.
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