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Old 11-11-2006, 22:23   #76
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

the problem with mansfield stewards is that they have huge egos and think they are something big and hard they are over cautious, which might be good against teams who have a reputation of rule breaking etc they where one of the main reasons i didnt enjoy it last time i went so therefore didn't go back this time
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 11-11-2006, 22:33   #77
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Originally Posted by Redash
The problem with the Mansfield stewards is, they gave us an hard time for standing, whilst ignoring a whole block of their fans standing.
Opposite way round at the Turf. It's a constant source of irritation that they allow away fans to get away with standing yet if home fans even stand up to go for a pee the jobsworths are quick to tell you to sit down.

Wonder if Mansfield use the same company as Burnley ?
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Old 11-11-2006, 22:37   #78
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Yeh Redash the chav army lol

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Old 11-11-2006, 22:38   #79
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Cumon they took a little horn of jase now thats sad

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Old 11-11-2006, 22:45   #80
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Did you see the Mansfield Programme for the league game?

All of pages 56 and 57 devoted to "A day in the life of a Steward"!

Contains such gems as:


I spy a youngster with a lollipop, so I resort to checking my manual, Aha! My suspicions are confirmed.... A dangerous weapon, action must be taken. Of course the risk of harm to myself is a possibility but that's my job."

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Old 11-11-2006, 23:21   #81
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Thing is, everyone knows what the Mansfield stewards are like from the away game not too long ago. They are obviously total jobsworths with an idiot dishing out the code of conduct for them. So why push them?! Stupid.
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Old 12-11-2006, 09:20   #82
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

The battle of wills with the stewards actually kept me entertained throughout. Tosspots complained about everything. Jase's horn was about six inches long, sqeaked rather than owt else and was made of plastic. Jase got binned for complaining. Somebody else got binned for complaining about them complaining. I'll give them their due though, ten minutes into the game and I pointed out that we would sit when their little chav army sat down, told the Hitler to get onto his safety officer and point it out. Within five minutes five or six stewards and two coppers had waded into them and they all sat down with the exception of the two lads who got issued with the first pink slips of the day! The little horny female steward gets no complaints neither

Must give mention to Jase swimming across the lake, outsinging Mansfield in a packed Mansfield pub, outsinging Mansfield (again) in an empty stadium, Spuds projectile vomiting, Spuds big bruv fast asleep in the middle of a bouyant Ultra outing and spraying Burger King with the remnants of a friday night. Oh and the little female steward

and the vacant disabled toilets
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Old 12-11-2006, 11:02   #83
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Thing is, everyone knows what the Mansfield stewards are like from the away game not too long ago. They are obviously total jobsworths with an idiot dishing out the code of conduct for them. So why push them?! Stupid.
By standing up? & how could you see what was happening from Accy


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 12-11-2006, 12:16   #84
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Yes, by standing up!
Obviously it seems a stupid rule to enforce but that's the way it is.
If you already know that they're going to be ******* with the away fans then don't give them ammo to throw people out & spoil the day!!
Don't go dishing out digs about not being there, some of us have other responsibilities away from a game.
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Old 12-11-2006, 12:18   #85
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

When you enter a football stadium you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions that they and the FA have set. If that means remaining sat down in a seated area then you have little cause to complain.
You don't have to agree with it, but you should comply. You don't like it, don't go.

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Old 12-11-2006, 12:45   #86
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

yes come on willie miller you should know better.....its so ridiculous that you be able able to go to an away game and have some fun...tut tut tut

ill be honest its a ****e weekend without Stanley!!!
The Voice of the Terrace

Last edited by John_Timmins; 12-11-2006 at 12:48.
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Old 12-11-2006, 12:50   #87
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
When you enter a football stadium you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions that they and the FA have set. If that means remaining sat down in a seated area then you have little cause to complain.
You don't have to agree with it, but you should comply. You don't like it, don't go.

I hate to say this but I have to agree with both TM and Shakermaker, also when Accy get promoted and we HAVE to become an ALL SEATER stadium, then you will face the same problems if you refuse to sit down.

We are no longer a non league club, and to expect to be allowed to stand in a seated are is, Im afraid, not going to be tolerated by quite a few clubs...........therefore what is the point of paying your hard earned cash to get in, only to be ejected for somthing so silly?

Whilst you may think that the Stewards are 'jobsworths', just remember that they act on the say so of the Ground Safety Officer and as such are anwerable to Him/Her should they not do thier jobs correctly..............just as our Stewards are!


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Old 12-11-2006, 12:55   #88
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Shaker we where stood up trying to support the team at the very back and there is nothing wrong with that! The guys in the orange hated there jobs anyway and thought that not letting us stand up or bang the the back of the stand was so stupid!

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Old 12-11-2006, 13:10   #89
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Shaker we where stood up trying to support the team at the very back and there is nothing wrong with that! The guys in the orange hated there jobs anyway and thought that not letting us stand up or bang the the back of the stand was so stupid!
The stewards have to enforce the rules for the safety of everyone in the ground.
Even if they do have an attitude or whatever then that should be reported.
Why persist to stand up and consequently spoil the day for people when it is easier to go by the rules and watch the game.
Are you physically incapable of supporting Stanley while sat down

Last edited by shakermaker; 12-11-2006 at 13:14.
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Old 12-11-2006, 14:41   #90
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Re: It's Saturday and we're Away

this is why atmospheres at footy matches are s**t now .its killing the game that we know we go to matches to let of steam and have a laugh. sittng down to watch a footy match whatever next prawn sandwiches and a polite clap no chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cmon stanley
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