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Old 13-08-2006, 10:02   #1
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Talking Itv1

The Championship - on now - Stanley are on in a bit for those that didnt know but you lot probably saw the cameras yesterday...

Jimbo T blower

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Old 13-08-2006, 11:12   #2
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Re: Itv1

One of the worst pieces of manufactured media I have ever seen. Everytime I think ITV have sunk as low as they can, they seem to find another depth.
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Old 13-08-2006, 11:19   #3
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Re: Itv1

Actually, there was one funny bit in the report. When Eric said that he puts his hand in his pocket and diappoints his wife again! Maybe it was just my mind, but it made me smile.
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Old 13-08-2006, 11:24   #4
I am Banned


Re: Itv1

Not exactly great Google Page Ranking is it again slagging off the town for high expectation attendances, maybe Eric should disappoint his wife & improve the ground better so that it will attract more attendances specially during the winter.

The thing is if they constantly slag off the lack of supporters then its not exactly going the right way to improve it, how about promoting more ways of attracting fans rather than slating them because if they carry on doing that every home match its going to have a negative effect & will lose the interest so whats the gain in that!
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Old 13-08-2006, 11:26   #5
I am Banned


Re: Itv1

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
Actually, there was one funny bit in the report. When Eric said that he puts his hand in his pocket and diappoints his wife again! Maybe it was just my mind, but it made me smile.
LOL & other one he was saying their was more attendence in a babystore [or something to that effect] than here.
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Old 13-08-2006, 12:37   #6
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Re: Itv1

people just won't pay 13 quid to stand in the open FACT.

I fear that attendances will get a hell of a lot worse when the weather sets in.
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Old 13-08-2006, 12:46   #7


Re: Itv1

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
people just won't pay 13 quid to stand in the open FACT.

I fear that attendances will get a hell of a lot worse when the weather sets in.
Eric will have to dip a bit deeper than is wife would like and buy a cart load of those clear plastic rain Mac’s, with the Stanley crest of course, and a rain pocket for programmes and pies and the like.
Actually it’s not as daft as it sounds, if we are expected to continue to get behind the club and “there’s no f in roof” forthcoming maybe some respite from the wet and cold that allows us to still show our shirts and colours would be helpful. <O

On - Stanley – On
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Old 13-08-2006, 12:47   #8


Re: Itv1

I didn't see the report on ITV1. Anyone know of any on site footage?

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Old 13-08-2006, 21:42   #9

Re: Itv1

Eric needs to lighten up and stop slagging the fans off,

All the fans who attend the games will be watching the TV as keen fans do !! The stay aways dont give a toss so lets just accept the gates will be what they are .. average/poor.

Just down the road Bury and Rochdale get very poor gates but their respective chairman dont go on national TV and slag their fans off, they accept it for what it is, and they have Man Utd and City on their doorsteps, also Bury have FC United who average 1500 MORE than Bury for home games at the SAME venue.

Give Bury FC a call and see how they manage their affairs under this present board, they just get on with it. Both clubs have no money and no points !! have they slagged off their fans NO They have respect for them and also wish to hang onto them in difficult times.

I want to place on record a big thanks to all the staff in the background who do a sterling job at ASFC.

Lets get behind Stanley TOGETHER as one :engsmil:

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Old 13-08-2006, 23:17   #10

Re: Itv1

i watched it also and i feel that as a new supporter (started half way through last season) that to pay £13 to stand in the cold and rain as i did v darlington is not very good, when for about the same price i can sit at burnley and also get a drink at half time and a programme,i was talking to some of the clayton enders on tuesday and they told me that they have been waiting 3 years for a roof on,dispite raising money for it by walks and climbs etc,so what has happened to the donation by ilias khan for the naming rights, i am not a builder but surley it does,nt take 3/4 years to erect a roof, i am not slagging anyone off but as a middle aged lady i feel that i just cannot stand in the rain and cold which we will get from oct/jan, i believe that mr whalley has put a lot of money into the club,but perhaps if there were improvements to both ends ie roooofs on more people might come to watch, i hope i have,nt offended any one but if i wanted to get wet and cold on tuesday i should,nt have to pay £13 for the privilage.
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Old 13-08-2006, 23:23   #11
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Re: Itv1

You do know there are covered areas at stanley doncha? You are allowed in the cowshed for the same price
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Old 13-08-2006, 23:27   #12

Re: Itv1

no i did,nt thank you for that information, is the cowshed that accross from the big stand
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Old 14-08-2006, 02:30   #13
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Re: Itv1

Either the people of Accy have short memories or are very thin skinned, the reason we went out of the league was........10pts for the right answer

1. Complete and utter lack of support from the people of Accy
2. Another team in the same town
3. Lots of things to do on a Sat in Accy
4. It rained a lot

Now we get whinning about the manager and chairman telling the truth on telly, it not fair he's calling us names.
He is being honest and no matter how much it hurts its the truth, if you don't get behind the team then when we are in the Northern Prem again it will be everybodys fault except the people of Accrington.

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Old 14-08-2006, 07:21   #14
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Re: Itv1

Originally Posted by kerrie l
i watched it also and i feel that as a new supporter (started half way through last season) that to pay £13 to stand in the cold and rain as i did v darlington is not very good, when for about the same price i can sit at burnley and also get a drink at half time and a programme,i was talking to some of the clayton enders on tuesday and they told me that they have been waiting 3 years for a roof on,dispite raising money for it by walks and climbs etc,so what has happened to the donation by ilias khan for the naming rights, i am not a builder but surley it does,nt take 3/4 years to erect a roof, i am not slagging anyone off but as a middle aged lady i feel that i just cannot stand in the rain and cold which we will get from oct/jan, i believe that mr whalley has put a lot of money into the club,but perhaps if there were improvements to both ends ie roooofs on more people might come to watch, i hope i have,nt offended any one but if i wanted to get wet and cold on tuesday i should,nt have to pay £13 for the privilage.
Here is a prime example of exactly the sort of new supporter we should be attracting. I realise that huge amounts have been spent to get the ground up to football league standard, but the club really must find the money to cover the Clayton End. Yes, I know that people can go into the cowshed but it looked pretty claustrophobic to me on Tuesday night and there's just not the the same atmosphere as there is on the Clayton End.

For the last three years we have been given false promises about the imminent construction of the is the time to act!
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Old 14-08-2006, 08:01   #15
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Re: Itv1

Originally Posted by Bazf
Now we get whinning about the manager and chairman telling the truth on telly, it not fair he's calling us names.
He is being honest and no matter how much it hurts its the truth, if you don't get behind the team then when we are in the Northern Prem again it will be everybodys fault except the people of Accrington.

None of the above makes any sense.. The people on here are the ones that go to the game.. so it isn't "us" he is calling names... then you go on to that "you" have to get behind the team etc.... well excuse me but again your saying this to people who do..

Where have you seen NON stanley fans"whinning" about what he said?

Why are you telling stanley fans who go to the games that he is talking about them and then saying they must get behind the team.

Its exactly what your saying that the real stanley fans dont like being told... go tell the ones that dont come to stanley all the above.. dont come whinning to us with it bazf..

Remember we are all people of accy.. so when people slag off the people of accy there slagging us all off... tell it to the poeple who dont.. not the people who do.. or at the very least refer to them and not to all of us. thats you and eric and coley...
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Last edited by KIPAX; 14-08-2006 at 08:03.
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