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Old 19-08-2021, 12:18   #1
Coffin Dodger.

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john coleman

have just listened to his pre Crewe match thoughts and he says after 60/70 mins he could see how knackered those who had been sick where. and he needs a deeper squad to be able to replace them, that to me is complete bullshine, in other words he is saying the other players are not good enough,well fans will never know if he aint gonna try them.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-08-2021, 13:06   #2
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Re: john coleman

My biggest issue is that he doesn’t sub at the right times take Tuesdays game for example o feel Tommy Leigh would have caused their defence issues with the long throws as they seemed disorganised at the back. Plus I think Mumbungo should have been subbed on earlier as he offered more threat going forward as the others fatigued. This is prob the biggest or one of the biggest squads we’ve had so he has got options but I have always felt Coley has always picked his team round certain individuals…
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Old 19-08-2021, 13:16   #3
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Re: john coleman

its not just that tom he tells us hes got a good squad this term and then insinuates now that he has not.its not fair on the other players in my view.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-08-2021, 13:20   #4
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Re: john coleman

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
have just listened to his pre Crewe match thoughts and he says after 60/70 mins he could see how knackered those who had been sick where. and he needs a deeper squad to be able to replace them, that to me is complete bullshine, in other words he is saying the other players are not good enough,well fans will never know if he aint gonna try them.
Apart from anything else if I was one of those on the bench I wouldn't like what I was hearing in that interview doesn't fill them with much confidence of pulling the shirt on.
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Old 19-08-2021, 13:21   #5
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Re: john coleman

Rhys Fenlon sticks out as one player which needs a chance especially with McConvilles decline in pace. Hasn’t impressed me at all tbh but that injury has done a number on him I think. I know Coley mentioned about getting a couple more experienced players in too especially with Burgess going, wouldn’t be surprised if a couple of lads get loaned out to trim the squad a bit as well.
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Old 19-08-2021, 14:18   #6
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Re: john coleman

Just out of curiosity after watching the latest JC video where do the team train as the playing surface on the video looks immaculate.
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Old 19-08-2021, 15:41   #7
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Re: john coleman

We have just signed our 15th or is it 16th new player, 3 of which are strikers. Quantity over quality.....only time will tell.

Maybe JC will be given a few pennies of that huge transfer fee....was it £750k....??????

Rotherham the other night showed a professionalism in game management, something that we will face many times this season.
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Old 19-08-2021, 15:56   #8
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Re: john coleman

Originally Posted by Christies Child View Post
We have just signed our 15th or is it 16th new player, 3 of which are strikers. Quantity over quality.....only time will tell.

Maybe JC will be given a few pennies of that huge transfer fee....was it £750k....??????

Rotherham the other night showed a professionalism in game management, something that we will face many times this season.
We have a squad of 34 players of which 13 are classed as under 23,s leaves 21 2 of which are loannees, leaves 19 of which Tuesday night 1 was isolating, 3 were injured leaves 15 +2 loanees of these 17 one particular player looks like he isn't going to get picked so 16 to pick a squad of 18 for the game. Having a so called " big squad " isn't all what it seems.
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Old 19-08-2021, 16:14   #9
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Smile Re: john coleman football genius

Who is not going to get picked Andy????


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Old 19-08-2021, 16:20   #10
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Re: john coleman

Sama not in contention for first team.
Baffled at the comments about squad players thinking Coley says they aren’t good enough.
Tommy Leigh must be buzzing to even be a pro now let alone be named on the bench and then make EFL debut.
Let’s be realistic and not living in cloud cuckoo land.
I bet half of the people at least who are commenting about squad players being given a chance haven’t even seen them play.
Fenlon as a wing back instead of Sean….
I need a lie down…..
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Old 19-08-2021, 17:05   #11
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Re: john coleman

I can't understand some of the posts on this thread. In his interview Coley wasn't saying players on the bench weren't good enough. He was saying they lacked League 1 and football league experience. We still need 2 or 3 additions who can just slot straight in. Which could well include loans from higher up. Joel M looks very capable of first team football although his game time will need to be managed until he builds up durability. League 1 defenders love "getting in the socks" of inexperienced front-men. Both Colby and Dion developed their durability in non-league and have really adapted very quickly by playing with us...........not all players can do that. They are probably Coley's best diamond finds in the last two seasons.......let's hope we keep them until next May......
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Old 19-08-2021, 17:51   #12
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: john coleman

Originally Posted by Crown Grounder View Post
I can't understand some of the posts on this thread. In his interview Coley wasn't saying players on the bench weren't good enough. He was saying they lacked League 1 and football league experience. We still need 2 or 3 additions who can just slot straight in. Which could well include loans from higher up. Joel M looks very capable of first team football although his game time will need to be managed until he builds up durability. League 1 defenders love "getting in the socks" of inexperienced front-men. Both Colby and Dion developed their durability in non-league and have really adapted very quickly by playing with us...........not all players can do that. They are probably Coley's best diamond finds in the last two seasons.......let's hope we keep them until next May......
so they may lack league experience but when players are not 100% and knackered common logic to says me you take them off and give lads a bit of experience surely?
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 19-08-2021, 18:22   #13
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Re: john coleman

Originally Posted by StanleyJosh View Post
Sama not in contention for first team.
Baffled at the comments about squad players thinking Coley says they aren’t good enough.
Tommy Leigh must be buzzing to even be a pro now let alone be named on the bench and then make EFL debut.
Let’s be realistic and not living in cloud cuckoo land.
I bet half of the people at least who are commenting about squad players being given a chance haven’t even seen them play.
Fenlon as a wing back instead of Sean….
I need a lie down…..
I don't know wether people were saying Coley said they weren't good enough my post was in response to Morecambe fan Christie,s child about amount of signing,s, comments about substitute,s or lack of them have been on and off during Coleys tenure probably long before you followed Stanley it's an opinion forum and over the years not just on hear but during home and away matches the times I've heard get a sub on I,d be a millionaire. Nobody is questioning Coleys record it's outstanding, but to say you watched players tiring at 60 to 70 minutes in, something I was slated on here last season about tired legs and not using subs available is quite understandable.
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Old 19-08-2021, 18:58   #14
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Re: john coleman

I used to in my younger years watch Stanley training, friendly,s anywhere and youth cup games, lots of young lads stand out at their own level but never get a crack at the first team. Regan Ogle and Zehn Mohammed were 2 lads who stood out when given first team chances IMHO they weren't good enough and I said to a fellow fan I bet they are realeased and I was proved right. This season we haven't got a big squad and already we have had 4 out through injury and illness, Sama nowhere near and Burgess sold, so I agree we need a bit more experience brought in hopefully. But my point is all the youngsters in the under 23,s squad 13 of them make up the rest no way will we know if there good enough till we have seen them with minutes on the pitch in a first team environment.
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Old 19-08-2021, 19:16   #15
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Re: john coleman

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
so they may lack league experience but when players are not 100% and knackered common logic to says me you take them off and give lads a bit of experience surely?
I agree Cashy on the need for Subs and timing. It was the not good enough and demotivating comments I disagreed with.
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