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Old 30-11-2006, 18:59   #16
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

While you have a perfect right to be optimistic Doug, listening to John Coleman on the radio this afternoon did nothing to encourage me. I've never heard him sound as down as he did in the broadcast.
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Old 30-11-2006, 19:12   #17


Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
While you have a perfect right to be optimistic Doug, listening to John Coleman on the radio this afternoon did nothing to encourage me. I've never heard him sound as down as he did in the broadcast.
I know, I’ve just been listening to it, for what I could understand from the garbled out throw, was that we appear to be all but grasping at straws, I heard him say that our luck will change eventually or words to that affect and that all the decisions have been against us and that sooner or later they will go our way, **** me! I think if we go out and score goals we’ll win, sod the luck, if the robbing bankers in black go against us, get stuck in and score again.

What did scare me was the reference to the fact that we might have to resort to the youth team over the next few weeks for players.

However, I’ll stand behind the Clayton End Goal and pray that we have everything we need to pull ourselves back up.

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Old 30-11-2006, 20:47   #18
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
However, I’ll stand behind the Clayton End Goal and pray that we have everything we need to pull ourselves back up.
I might be in a different location, but I'll be praying for the same thing too.
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Old 30-11-2006, 21:06   #19
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

I don't care what team we put out, as long as the players put in the effort. Lets hope we see a little bit of what Brits in general have always been good at: defiance in the face of adversity. Shrewsbury are not any better than us and we have home advantage at our 'fortress'. Bring it home boys.
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Old 30-11-2006, 22:47   #20
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

I was at the Coley press conference this morning (and responsible for some of the crapper questions ) and this is going to sound really daft, but I thought that he was really upbeat and optimistic.
I don't know where you heard the audio (presumably that station that covers Stanley from time to time and isn't 2 boroughs ) or how much of it you heard (from memory there was nearly 20 minutes) but having been there and seen Coley's body language as well as heard all of his comments, I came away feeling a little more optimistic.
He did talk about the absence of luck and falling victim to poor decisions, but he also said that he was probably "the biggest moaner in the world" at this moment, and that whatever team he picked couldn't keep hiding behind bad luck, poor decisions etc etc. The general message was that the luck WOULD change, and if necessary loads of hard work would be done to MAKE it change.

The youth team issue was brought up in a discussion about the transfer window. He simply made the point that because the "emergency" window is closed, another batch of injuries would mean that they would have to look for players from within, Andy Smith being on the bench on Tuesday being the perfect example of that. As far as I remember (I listened to it about a dozen times at work!!!!) he didn't say that he planned on using youth team players, just that he would if that was the only option.

Everybody knows that this is a really, really bad time for the club, including me, you and the management team. But Coley said he still thinks he has the best job in the world and as relishing the challenge of getting back to form.

Once the mics had stopped recording, he was jovial and cheerful. Didn't strike me as a man who planned on throwing in the towel just yet

Anyway, obviously I CAN'T speak for John Coleman, but I can give my observations of how he SEEMED this morning. And sorry I've bored you to tears with all this, but I SHOULD be writing a very dull politics essay and instead strayed here... Here's to displacement activity!!
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Last edited by Dan; 30-11-2006 at 22:56.
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Old 30-11-2006, 22:54   #21
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Johnny Colemans Red and White army!
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Old 30-11-2006, 23:04   #22


Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Cheer's for that Dan, I for one am glad to hear it, the Audio was from the BBC, the bit I heard was aired about seven-ish, it appeared to be edited and sounded a bit garbled.

I have little doubt in regard to your sincerity and I’m both relieved and pleased that you felt that Coley was upbeat. I never considered that throwing in the towel was ever on the cards; our luck will change and the gaols will come, I just feel that that extra bit of grunt from the lads will make all the difference.

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Old 01-12-2006, 00:02   #23
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

without dragging yet another thread down to negativety and despondency I think that times here at the moment are as bad as I can remember in a long long time. At least when we got relegated to the Unibond First (first ever relegation for post 68 Stanley) we didn't have high hopes anyway so things just carted on. This time around we have got used to winning ways and it is a little harder to take. However what we have to remember is that we have a bad injury list at the same time as having just lost our two 'best' players to bigger teams, at the same time as having two players suspended when we haven't had a dirty team.

Back to positivety the team will turn it around anyway because for most of the last eight defeats we haven't played that badly, and when we have played badly we have still created chances to undeservedly get back in the game. The new players will bed in and start to create and earn their keep.

The crowds are almost as low as they will get so they will start to rise again soon, the lack of commercial drive (from a fans perspective) CAN only get better now that the back room staff have caught up with backlogs on workload, we WILL have money in the bank come January and we hope that that money is invested correctly (although we are all split on whether gground improvements or new players are paramount).

With a turn in luck we will climb steadily and finish above the last remaining drop place after Macc have generously conceded their position. That will enable us to again have a nice big 250k cheque banked in the summer. Last summer that money had to go on necessary ground improvements that nobody sees or appreciates such as the gates and cameras, portacabins and miles of cabling and fencing. That is in place now and will suffice for a good few seasons enabling us to concentrate on the better looking, crowd appeasing improvements that will hopefully help to bring in a few extra and keep a few extra of the necessary influx of fans.
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Old 01-12-2006, 00:07   #24
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

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Old 01-12-2006, 08:15   #25
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Love that one MACCA..tell me,do you lot sing that at the game???
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:31   #26
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

we do John, we used to sing it quite a lot, but this season tends to only come out when the boys are doing 'the repertoire'. Good song when its sung loud.
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:36   #27
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

October 2002 away to Bradford Park Avenue Bubs and Plumb working out the words on the terrace.. a few attempts had been made before but the final wording was sorted and sung at this game.. Its by no means unique to stanley as many other teams (mostly yorkshire) sing it... it was just figuring out the words

Anyone else remember what happened at that game.... two things I can think of apart from the score..
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:02   #28
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Shotgun and Cocky doing the hundred metre sprint?

losing 3-2 to goals from Prendergast and Calcutt?

Spud climbing through a hole in the wall to avoid paying 6 quid
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Old 01-12-2006, 10:09   #29
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Race dow the running track was one.. and ya part got the other by mentioning rory

Some of you need to look at the crowd shots from that game..... how you used to look before the beer bellies.... and is that bubs on drums?
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Old 01-12-2006, 20:46   #30
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Re: Johnny Colemans Red and White army!

Bradford Park Avenue are my wife's family's team.

Seeing them pulling down the Doll's House stand on the old Football Phoenix Video (which I bought for the Stanley sequences) always brings a lump to the throat.
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