08-02-2005, 23:07
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Just a thought
With the destruction of the Showground changing rooms and Monroes nightclub, it would appear that there will be even more games on the hallowed turf of the I.E.S.
I heard on Radio Lancs tonight that the chairman of Great Harwood has asked E.W. if it would be possible for them to play some home matches at the I.E.S. Darwen have also offered their Anchor Ground. The problem is G.Harwood Town could quite easily go under at the end of the season. They do not own their ground, only lease it. There are no electrics now and they must wait for their landlords to solve the crisis.
So basically, the groundsman will have his work cut out. Home games for the 1st and reserve teams, reserve games for Burnley and possibly home games for Great Harwood Town. I do think we should all get behind the Chairman, staff and supporters of Great Harwood and assist them in there time of crisis.
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!