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Old 26-08-2011, 16:44   #1
Senior Member+

Kern Miller

I take it Coley has sent him back???????????????
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Old 26-08-2011, 18:04   #2
God Member

Re: Kern Miller

Not according to this Smudgie!!!

ASFC News Story > 4252

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 26-08-2011, 18:58   #3
Resting in Peace

Re: Kern Miller

Interesting from Coley in today's paper:-

"Meanwhile Coleman leapt to the defence of Peter Murphy who he feels gets a rough ride from a small minority of the Reds’ fans. The 21-year-old defender scored his first league goal on Saturday.
"Peter is a steady player and that’s why we re-signed him. He can play in a number of positions and that’s why he is important to us.
"For some reason some fans seem to want a whipping boy and, at the moment, it’s Peter.
"And, for me, it’s not because of how he plays or his attitude it just seems to me that it’s because he isn’t Chris Turner.
"Fans have their favourites but I see Peter in training, in reserve matches, in first team matches and I judge him on his football ability.
"It’s not just because it is Peter either, I would do the same with any players as people are seeming to let other matters – not football – cloud their judgement."
He continued: "I was also disappointed that the team was booed off at half-time by our fans on Saturday.
"It was a shock to hear some of the comments that were made, even if they were in a jokey way. It’s rare it happens with our fans and the players know they let themselves down but I felt some of the fans also let themselves down.
"Like I say, it was a shock to me as it rarely happens but it didn’t do anyone any good."
Coleman is hoping the fans will get behind his team against Burton who are unbeaten in the league this season."

Does this mean he reads this messageboard? I didn't notice any booing at Port Vale. Certainly the Ultras stayed faithful until the end, apart from one chant of "We're so poor(?) it's unbelievable".
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Old 26-08-2011, 19:12   #4
Senior Member+

Re: Kern Miller

I was waiting for somebody to mention it..........................
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Old 26-08-2011, 19:50   #5
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Re: Kern Miller

Oh dear smudgie,it looks like Coleys on your case!!!,I know we never agree on anything,but it looks like the gaffers siding with me.
Peter Murphy is not a bad player,indeed i wish a few others had his attitude when being asked to play out of position.
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Old 26-08-2011, 19:54   #6
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Re: Kern Miller

Supporters let themselves down booing a side especially at half matter how crap we defended,

"Keep the faith" you muppets
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 26-08-2011, 20:05   #7
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Re: Kern Miller

My case?!?!?

I think ull find you clown I said he had a decent second half.
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Old 26-08-2011, 20:13   #8
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Re: Kern Miller

I totally agree John,I must admit I found it strange when mcconville got stick despite scoring 13+ goals from midfield(just because of who hes related to is no excuse).
Now it seems to have turned to Murphy,which is strange,as despite playing out of position,always gives everything in my opinion.
You cant fault his attitude,unlike a few others,past and present.
As a side issue,whos Chris Turner playing for now ?
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Old 26-08-2011, 20:24   #9
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Re: Kern Miller

Mcconville got stick when he left and deservingly so after the amount of chances he was given to prove himself here. During 2009/2010 he contributed almost nothing to the cause, granted Sean had a very good season last year, as did many of the players. Just shows how much loyalty he had to walk out to a non-league club.

Murphy might give everything but yet again your in the minority (as it seems you are with almost EVERY view on here) if you think he has the quality to be a League player week in week out.

If you must know you absolute muppet with regards Chris, he was seriously ill during pre-season and has been on trail at a number of clubs. Which I feel Coley is bang out of order for mentioning Chris in this issue.

Can he not take abit or criticism for once?!? Sounds like no to me.
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Old 26-08-2011, 20:49   #10
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Re: Kern Miller

The booing was a definite let down. Like JT said no matter how bad the performance you never boo your players off. That wound me up.

Peter Murphy was the stand out player on an day of awful performances. Lets hope he continues to show you critics whose right
You know who we are.
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Old 26-08-2011, 20:50   #11
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Re: Kern Miller

Oh dear,Thats not a constructive reply!!,suggest you review some of your posts over the last couple of years.
Clown/muppet??,as you dont know me,please enlighten me on what topics or opinions you base this on!.
You seem to know more about me regarding young Chris,why do you assume i was aware he had an illness?( which i didnt),as he disappeared off the radar and was asking a question?
Regarding Murphy,you say i am in the minority,does that mean i am wrong?,Indeed,remind me were proccy was playing when he was 20 years old.He has got ability,just needs a decent run in the team,and i am sure he wont let anyone down,despite playing out of position.
You forget by playing Murphy at right back,Dean is again having to play at left back,which is hindering his development(for the past 2 years!),but i still wont slate him,as in my opinion,just needs to find half a yard of pace to progress
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Old 26-08-2011, 21:06   #12
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Re: Kern Miller

I'd have to disagree Ash, they simply gave up after going 0-1 down, their heads dropped, and they simply where not worth my hard earned cash last weekend, and for the first time ever they deserved some stick at half time. As coley said 1-4 flattered us. I pay out every week so its my right to cheer and voice my opinions.

Lucky you dont watch Arsenal they get booed off even after losing to Barcelona

Like I said, if they had been completely outplayed by a title winning team id have no complaints, its the way they surrendered that annoyed me and a alot of others.

Yes they improved in the second half, which they deserve credit for............. Im just hoping they can show some more spirit tomorrow, which im 100% sure they will.

Im not arguing football19 anymore you contradict almost everything I say and its becoming tiresome.
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Old 26-08-2011, 21:20   #13
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Re: Kern Miller

Yeah Let's not stray away from the debate of booing your team off. We can all bitch over the internet. Doesn't make good reading really.

Back to the booboys.
Admittedly we we're trailing 4-0 and I was devastated by the performance , but if anyone thinks that is going to make the team play better – or indeed want to play at all. they must be unbelievably deluded. Of course there is the not inconsiderable argument that these are all very highly paid young-men, and they should be able to take a bit of stick and as you have mentioned Lee you pay your money week in week out, and watching a performance like that also made me angry.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I would never boo my team off the field.
You know who we are.
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Old 26-08-2011, 23:47   #14
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Re: Kern Miller

ash have just returned from hols and you have got it right .....never boo the boys

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Old 27-08-2011, 00:03   #15
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Re: Kern Miller

Internet warriors love to hate em!
The Voice of the Terrace
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