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Old 18-04-2008, 17:15   #16
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Yeah I'm with you all........ Coleman Out!

Whats he ever done for us anyway? We had derbies against Bamber Bridge & Trafford when he took over & now look at us? Its a disgrace. I miss Radcliffe Borough away. Coleman you are a clown! & Fat! & a Scouser! You were a **** teacher & now a worse football manager. Whats more you wear scarves from Oxfam & live in a ditch.....

Go now! Before we have to put up with another win against Notts Forest live on the TV!


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 18-04-2008, 19:32   #17
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Before we have to put up with another win against Notts Forest live on the TV!

................and hold a Premiership Club for 120 minutes on their own ground and win 3-0 at Valley Parade..........

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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Old 19-04-2008, 08:04   #18
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by John_Timmins View Post
name another manager who has provided constant improvement for their whole career at a football club without any investment???
Yes John, he has provided constant improvement for the last few years, but and this is a huge BUT, what league experience did he have prior to joining us, zilch, zip diddly squat and any other phrase you can think of. And looking at what he has said this year in slagging of the defence, the midfield (all players he has brought in and let go - and lets face it if your honest, some of them should have stayed and others gone), how does that give the team morale. Put simply IT DOESN'T

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 19-04-2008, 11:03   #19
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Well my worries are over, if our esteemed leader has enough confidence in the lads that he can sod off & enjoy a nice little jolly in Spain at this critical point in the season what on earth is there to worry about?
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Old 04-06-2008, 15:44   #20
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation



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Old 05-06-2008, 11:35   #21

Re: Latest Coleman revelation

From an outsider's perspective (albeit one with a slight 'angle' - having worshipped the man as a player) I reckon he's performed a minor miracle, with your gates and finances, to keep you in the League.
We (Morecambe) are a similar club in many respects and we've done well to get where we are - our further progress will depend largely on our ability to develop a new stadium (with its associated revenue streams) and the continued very well-structured support of a group of reasonably well-off directors and a very well-off chairman.
If that does continue to help our finances grow then we'll be okay. But any significant problems with any of that and I'd say Sammy Mac would be performing miracles to keep us in the League.
Of course the extent to which your position is being hampered or enhanced by Coley will only be discovered when he does eventually go and that is a big risk.
I'd suggest it's a risk that should only be taken when you've really got nothing to lose.
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Old 05-06-2008, 12:07   #22
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by shrimper View Post
I'd suggest it's a risk that should only be taken when you've really got nothing to lose.
There will not be any stage where we have nothing to lose because John Coleman would be irreplaceable for Stanley whatever level of football we had to look forward to.

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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Old 05-06-2008, 17:02   #23
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by shrimper View Post
our further progress will depend largely on our ability to develop a new stadium (with its associated revenue streams) and the continued very well-structured support of a group of reasonably well-off directors and a very well-off chairman.
Morecambe the club we'd love to hate (but can't quite manage it )! After 38 years of living in your non-league shadow it was good to finally break free and overtake you as the bigger club! how long did you give us? one bloody year you tight sods.

Do us a favour and please lose the sugar daddies and the new stadium cos we don't want to go back to the shadows!
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Old 08-06-2008, 17:40   #24
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Anything coleman says doen't surprise me,everytime i state the obvious about him and jb someone from the ultra's has a pop at me on the web.If things are as bad from the start of next season will he still be here this time next year.?????????????????????????
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Old 08-06-2008, 18:51   #25
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Morecambe the club we'd love to hate (but can't quite manage it )! After 38 years of living in your non-league shadow it was good to finally break free and overtake you as the bigger club! how long did you give us? one bloody year you tight sods.

Do us a favour and please lose the sugar daddies and the new stadium cos we don't want to go back to the shadows!
We may be many things but the one thing we are noy is reliant to a greater extent on the good will of 'sugar daddies' as you call them.

Our Board work as a collective with each and every Director responsible for his own portfolio of actions.

OK so we have a number of millionaires but they are not the kind who are here and gone tomorrow. They have worked hard in their business lives and have worked hard as individuals and as a group to deliver us to where we are today.

We do have money to spend as will be seen in this close season. But it is carefully managed and within a structured business plan. We will not spend money just for the sake of it. That is a sure road to ruin.

They have been with the club for many seasons. Some even back in the days of the Uni Bond.

To call them 'sugar daddies' is totally out of order.

Your Chairman and his colleagues no doubt work in a similar way.

Would you call Eric W a 'sugar daddy?'.........

I most certainly would never dream of doing so.
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Old 09-06-2008, 07:49   #26
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

My post was more tongue in cheek and not designed to cause offence. I didn't mean it to sound like you are bankrolled but the club has been structured in such a way that money has been provided at the base of all things to allow those things to make their own money.

Look at the new ground plans ..... £6m is an awful lot of money that is surely not 'available' from club funds? It has had to be begged or borrowed from whatever sources but someone has to go guarantor on loans that size. The ground appears to be well thought out and will generate its own money that will eventually have paid the money back outright and then you can join the bigger fish in having your own considerable funds to spend. Your message board consistently links you with players such as Brett Ormerod and Gary Roberts both of whom will cost you a lot of money, money that most fans seem to think you have - and how much did you bid for Joe Lewis?

Now compare that to what we have to offer. New ground?

We aint got any sugar daddies unfortunately and any money that is put into the club appears to be done so in order to keep us ticking along.

Personally I prefer that to being bank rolled and we know we have done things the hard way, much like yourselves who didn't escape non-league by throwing ridiculous sums of money at it. But you do still have plenty enough backing to be able to throw money at the things that need doing.
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Last edited by lindsay ormerod; 09-06-2008 at 17:25. Reason: being cautious !
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Old 09-06-2008, 17:39   #27
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

We bid £250,000 for Lewis but as everybody knows Peterboro got him for £400,000. No doubt they speculated on him but it looks as though it will pay off, sooner rather than later with a move to the Premiership more than likely prior to this coming season.

Other bids are in for players despite loosing out for a striker based in the West country.
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Old 12-06-2008, 14:52   #28

Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
My post was more tongue in cheek and not designed to cause offence.
None taken, mate. And I agree with what you say.
To be fair to our chairman he specifically doesn't want the club to rely on his pocket and is trying to establish these new income streams precisely so that, if anything happened to any individual currently providing funds, the club could meet its commitments and stand on its own feet.

Good luck next season.
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Old 17-08-2008, 13:28   #29
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Coleman Out

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 17-08-2008, 14:08   #30
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Re: Latest Coleman revelation

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Coleman Out
It's people like you that give some of the neanderthals who post on here a bad name.

Keep it up.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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