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Old 25-10-2005, 16:28   #61

Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

We'd rather lose a cup game than a league game. Agreed?

agreed, but the common theme is that the team seems to go into matches against poorer (no disrespect to Worcester by the way - a spirited comeback like that deserves a win, and hopefully get them a few quid in the bank) sides.

it's the same in the league - we can cut it with the best of the conference but we regularly drop 2 or 3 points against lower sides.

the attitude has got to come from the management - if JC cant see whats going on then something needs to change. surely someone "upstairs" can see that some of the players he insists on using (particularlythe ongoing keeper situation, cook still appearing on the bench?) are clearly not up to conference football... anyway... rant over... hopefully things will change soon (before saturday) !
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Old 25-10-2005, 16:41   #62
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Anyway, York saturday & for the exiles who can't make the game, you can listen to it all as follows:

I just hope it works....

One day, I hope we can listen to it on the Bee, on-line.....

Last edited by Tealeaf; 25-10-2005 at 16:45.
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Old 25-10-2005, 18:06   #63
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Originally Posted by Distracted
Woooow hang on a minute, let's look at some positives here...

We'd rather lose a cup game than a league game. Agreed?

Dibble was at fault for 2 goals, but we should have Randolph back soon.

We scored 2 goals (and one from a defender!), so technically the score should have been 2-1 to Stanley!

Now I know football doesn't necessarily work like that, but come on everyone-it's practically an unwritten rule that sides who don't play well in the league do play well in the cup, and sides who are playing someone from a higher division have always got that extra determination, just like we did at Rotherham. It's not the end of the world. Let's get behind the lads on Saturday-we need a win!
How can you look at positives in a defeat, also technically doesn't cut much mustard, it's the result that means your either 10 grand better off and getting attractive draws in the next couple of rounds and technically we are not!!!
This is a proffesional football club with full time, full paid football players, we are not in the unibond anymore scratching to get to the next round and the sooner the manager understands then we will advance to the next level, as for it not being the end of the world well your quite correct it isn't and with no cup distractions will you look on the bright side of things if we end up 10th again with no playoffs.

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Old 25-10-2005, 19:02   #64
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Don't think we won't be up for it Saturday or not get behind them , we will!

But after embaressing defeats to Worcester & bloody Leigh RMI when we only have one game till the 1st Round, we are all entitled to be a little bit ****ed off!

It needs saying, last night was shocking because with a professional committed hard working clever performance we would have been through

I wouldn't have minded if we did everything we could & it was a couple of mistakes but it wasn't

We were Crap! Worcester are second bottom, we are full time, they went to work on the morning of the friggin game for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, I shout


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Old 25-10-2005, 19:04   #65
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

But, hey, Willie. We were good on the night, weren't we.
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Old 25-10-2005, 19:06   #66
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Andy, no hard feelings but do us a favour and go back to your forum, I ain't in the mood!

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Old 25-10-2005, 19:21   #67
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Andy, no taking that away from Worcester, they were good on the night, just as Harrogate Town were against Scarborough last Saturday to knock them out of the FA cup, and look what Scarborough have done, certainly not letting any grass grow there.
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Old 25-10-2005, 19:42   #68
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Sorry, Willie. It wasn't intended as a wind-up.
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Old 25-10-2005, 23:21   #69
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Originally Posted by Andy Bullock (Wor)
If you are of the opinion that our 'keeper Danny McDonnell had a significant influence on this round of the FA Cup by his performance on Saturday, there is an opportunity to vote for him amongst the five short-listed candidates for 'Player of the Round' at

He is currently running second to a Woking striker, who scored at home to lower league Thurrock.

I'm not trying to drum up 'block votes' - your fans are knowledgeable enough to be able to form your own opinions.
I'd already voted for Danny before I saw this. Get in there and vote for him. He had two decent games against us and took the ribbing from the fans on Saturday in the right spirit.

I wonder if Coley will have another look at him before the transfer window opens...
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Old 26-10-2005, 02:44   #70
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

He might have a look at him but would probably end up buying another overhill midfielder that you could make a coach if his performances weren't up to scratch.

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Old 26-10-2005, 08:11   #71
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

He is a good keeper and i will vote for him, he made a great double save from mangan and from boco's header. i'm still bitter bout his time wasting tactics on saturday...they worked too

Last edited by zayno14; 26-10-2005 at 08:15.
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Old 26-10-2005, 09:58   #72
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

A little bit strong Qualtrough and even those who are on Rocky's back for the slightest thing can't possibly blame him for Monday night - the lads injured for goodness sake! I felt sorry for Danny Ventre on Monday, he's hardly played a game and then gets thrown on, out of position when there's a perfectly good central defender in Mike Flynn on the bench - how insulting was that for Flynny when he was the only sub not used except for Coleman. The only solace I can take from Monday is that Coleman didn't actually come on the pitch because then we would have been a laughing stock.
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Old 26-10-2005, 11:05   #73
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Has anyone thought that maybe flynn was not 100% and coley didn't want to risk him???? It's a possibility

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 26-10-2005, 11:38   #74
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

It's a possibility but why have unfit players on the bench - surely the very fact that they are on the bench means they are fit to play. It was the same scenario on saturday when Rocky had to come off injured, we had Welshy on the bench - a perfect replacement but no, on came Danny Ventre who had to play out of position. John Coleman could clear these mysteries up if he chooses to but as far as I know he has still to comment on Monday's match
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Old 26-10-2005, 11:51   #75
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Re: Live stanley updates on 107 The Bee

Coleman on the bench to make up the numbers. Why not Martin Fearon as emergency replacement goalkeeper. More use than Coley on the bench.
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