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Old 13-04-2004, 19:00   #1
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Is it me, or is anyone else wondering just what has happened to Lutel. From being one of the brightest stars to wear a red shirt he seems to have become a virtual passsenger. You could hold a new competition to guess when he last beat a man and he just looks to me as if he's going through the motions. Is it just that he's tired? Is it the weight of the white boots? Is it that he feels he might be better elsewhere next year? Or does it all go back to the bust-up with Coley a few weeks ago, in spite of the fact that all the right noises were made afterwards. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a bit concerned and can only hope that in the last two games he manages to make a greater impact than he has done recently or he could just end up not being offered a contract....
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Old 13-04-2004, 20:33   #2
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Re: Lutel

I think he's just having a bad few weeks. He'll be back on form in no time.
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Old 13-04-2004, 21:11   #3
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Re: Lutel

You're not alone in thinking this OG. In fact a number of people at the matches have expressed a similar view where Lutel is concerned. His overplay is way below the required standard and even simple things, like controlling a ball, seem beyond his skill level at the moment. The number of times he loses possession, or simple is caught ball watching, is a major concern.

The biggest concern for the club must be the lack of back-up for the strikers. Apart from Mullin and James, we're sadly lacking in front players and we have been for a number of seasons now. Let's hope we sign some decent options for next season.
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Old 13-04-2004, 22:41   #4
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Re: Lutel

Dont like to be negative or do someone down but quite a few times recently I have watched lutel and thought you could have got that if you had tried?????

Lets hope it is just a bad patch
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Old 14-04-2004, 09:07   #5
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Re: Lutel

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
The biggest concern for the club must be the lack of back-up for the strikers. Apart from Mullin and James, we're sadly lacking in front players and we have been for a number of seasons now. Let's hope we sign some decent options for next season.
We really miss Lee Evil By the way, Wizard scored agaist F.G.R when he came on for Lutel, I know he's getting on a bit but if he can score goals...
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Old 14-04-2004, 09:11   #6
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Re: Lutel

Maybe he thinks or even already knows that he will not be offered a full-time contract at the end of the season.
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Old 14-04-2004, 09:18   #7
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Re: Lutel

Remember, Lutel is up against more experienced defenders this season, many of them full-time. What worked for him in the Unibond last season sometimes does not work in the Conference. He is well known as being one of our main threats in front of goal so the opposition mark him out of it. Hopefully if he goes full time next season we will see an improvement. Anyway can we really criticise a player who has scored 17 league goals this season ? If Paul Mullin had put away more of the chances that he has had, or if he was a bit faster he would probably have scored 40 by now. Next season will tell.
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Old 14-04-2004, 10:00   #8
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Re: Lutel

With Coley looking to make quite a number of new signings this summer, a few players will have to go. I wonder who?...
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Old 14-04-2004, 10:05   #9
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Re: Lutel

I'm not rubbishing the bloke. He's been a great servant of the club and he has scored goals this season.

The point people are making is that Lutel has been less than effective since Christmas and although he has been up against better. full-time defenders this season, his loss of ability to control and hold a ball can not be put down to this.
Perhaps he knows he's not staying next season?

I agree with SuperAccyStan when he writes that we miss McEvilly, or at least another option when our front 2 are not getting anywhere (I don't see Durnin as an option). That's where it was a shame that Justin Jackson didn't prove to be the signing we all hoped for. A 100% fit and committed JJ would have provided us with something we don't have at the moment.
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Old 14-04-2004, 10:16   #10
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Re: Lutel

Lutel will be 32 at the start of next season... Does a striker get better with age or slow down? Lutels main thing has been his ability to run past defenders. I wouldn't bet a lot of money on him getting a contract next season... It's a shame to say things like this because as TM states.. he has been a magnificent servent to the club. More he has been an icon to many... the star of the show on so many occasions and yes we wouldn't have won promotions without a Lutel James on form. But questions have to be asked I suppose. he can't go on forever.

Touchy subject because no one wants to knock the guy... But I have a feeling he wouldn't even be getting a game on current form had we a choice .
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Old 14-04-2004, 10:41   #11
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Re: Lutel

y'know this guy is a very fast player and runs around a lot, maybe playing nearly EVERY game this season has got to him. part time and all.
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Old 14-04-2004, 13:31   #12
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Re: Lutel

Just a question: Will any exceptions be made for when we go full-time for people who don't want to who are vital to us, e.g Paul Mullin? I heard that somewhere.
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Old 16-04-2004, 12:00   #13
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Re: Lutel

as coley stated in the observer "if we are goin to bring in 7 are 8 new faces we av
got to let some go"

as kipax says lutel is 32 he is not young in the football world

i av to agree he has been a great servent to the club but has got to stop somr time
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Old 16-04-2004, 12:03   #14
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Re: Lutel

he could have more in him though *hopes*
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Old 16-04-2004, 12:36   #15
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Re: Lutel

Quote from Lutel in today's NLP, "I don't see a lot to trouble us in the Conference next season and I expect to be in the top two or three positions."

Looks like he's staying!
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