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Old 25-10-2004, 15:17   #1
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loweiy's Avatar


well I hope he only goes away on loan and gets match fit so we can have him back in razor sharp form!!!

P.S when will ..... be sent out on loan to get match fit
I put the name of a defender in there but it's not rigtht to get at them week in and week out is it?

Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 25-10-2004, 16:17   #2
Resting In Peace
JEFF's Avatar

Re: Lutel

What the hell is going on ? Who are we going to have up front ? Mully on his own, what a load of rubbish, why are we splitting up a potent strikeforce that other teams are frightened of ? Lutel scored 20 goals last season, I cannot understand what is going on. We sign players then send them out on loan, Smith, Flitcroft, Howson, Hindle, Carvil, now Lutel. The way things are going I think the only way is down.
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Old 25-10-2004, 16:30   #3

Re: Lutel

Ha ha, slightly alarmist jeff! You cant use smithy or flickers for your argument cos we've hardly just bought them and sent them out on loan- we've had em years! Neither does lutel qualify, cos he ain't gone anywhere yet! Finally, howson was blatantly not match fit, so coley understandably sent him to a lower div to pick up some sharpness.

That leaves you with hindle and carvill- both youngsters. Whilst it i true to say we've recently purchased them, its fairly orthodox practice to send your youngsters out on loan to get a bit of experience- especially when they're not gonna be anywhere near the 1st team!
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Old 25-10-2004, 16:52   #4
Chester Red's Avatar

Re: Lutel

What very sad news. Lutel has been an inspirational player for a long time, but it has been obvious that he has lost his edge. The last time I saw him - against Hereford - none of the magic was there. I hope that something can be sorted out in order that he will be happy playing football again. And I hope that Coley can build a team that can recapture the winning ways we had at the beginning of the season.
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Old 25-10-2004, 18:43   #5
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Re: Lutel

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Old 25-10-2004, 20:04   #6
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RossendaleRed's Avatar

Re: Lutel

What ashame! Just wish he was given a chance up front now and again and not on the wing! Mr Coleman must have a replacement lined up!

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Old 25-10-2004, 20:07   #7
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Re: Lutel

Will he have a scouse accent....

No i'm only joking, I respect any desicion made by Coley.....
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Old 25-10-2004, 20:13   #8
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Re: Lutel

Keep the 'blind' faith.
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Old 25-10-2004, 20:53   #9
Eibo's Avatar

Re: Lutel

[QUOTE=Smiffy16]Will he have a scouse accent....

Or maybe you have something my friend!

I dont normally whinge but, f.f.s., we have 2 proven goal scorers for Accrington Stanley and one of those is Lutel. Form comes and goes, class is permanent. I know we're told that we have a game plan this season, but it dosen't work all the time.
I was embarrassed at Scarborough. Cookey said, after the game, that we were dominant for the 1st 15 mins of the 2nd half with 3 good chances. Unfortunately they were dominant for 1st 15 mins of the match and scored 3 and i seem to remember Paul giving the same post match speach at Stevenage "We need to work harder, dont we"

I could go on there much point?

Its only my opinion.

Last edited by Eibo; 25-10-2004 at 20:55.
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Old 25-10-2004, 21:07   #10
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Willie Miller's Avatar

Re: Lutel

Weare missing out on promotion because we are playing 4 5 1 & are far more worried about the opposition not playing than expressing ourselves. We are one dimensional & predictable & we were the same last season. Last season we should have been play off material but were too negative. Anyone remember Shrewsbury away & 0-0 but they were sh1te & if we had just gone for it....

Oh well, maybe next season - we all go on singing our hearts out spending hundreds of pounds going away * making huge flags to show our support & still having this awful feeling after getting embaressed at Scab boro....

Keeping the faith, just!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 25-10-2004, 21:52   #11
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Outback Ozzy's Avatar

Re: Lutel

Well, I would like to offer a difference of opinion to this thread. I personally IMHO think that Lutel is passed his best, although when I have seen him, He usually gives his all. I think it might be time to move Craney or Evil up front with P.M. or even adapt the 4-4-1-1 system. Lutel has been a tremendous servant to Accy Stanley and whatever happens in the near future, I am certain all supporters will wish him well.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 25-10-2004, 21:59   #12
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Re: Lutel

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy
Well, I would like to offer a difference of opinion to this thread. I personally IMHO think that Lutel is passed his best, although when I have seen him, He usually gives his all. I think it might be time to move Craney or Evil up front with P.M. or even adapt the 4-4-1-1 system. Lutel has been a tremendous servant to Accy Stanley and whatever happens in the near future, I am certain all supporters will wish him well.
Also think that Lutel should go out on loan as he is obviously not happy....

This must have an effect on the rest, a negative effect at that!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 26-10-2004, 08:08   #13
Resting In Peace
JEFF's Avatar

Re: Lutel

Ha ha, slightly alarmist jeff! You cant use smithy or flickers for your argument cos we've hardly just bought them and sent them out on loan- we've had em years!
Quote from This Charming ManIf you can recall we went full time at the beginning of this season, so every player we have was offered a contract and signed on a full time basis, so all the players we have in the squad have effectively been signed since 1st July. My point is why ask a player to give up his full time job, join Stanley full time and then not play them.
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Old 26-10-2004, 08:51   #14
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Redskin's Avatar

Re: Lutel

Lutel has been an EXCELLENT servant however,

there is no room for sentiment and I believe we have seen the best that he can offer.

This is probably an ideal opportunity for both parties, as I understand that the initial request came from Lutel. I wish him all the best for the future!!

I hope that we address the issue of finding a "Right Winger" in the "Calcutt Mould" and play McEvilly along side Mullin in a 442 formation!
British by birth, English by the Grace of God!
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Old 26-10-2004, 09:26   #15
Resting In Peace
JEFF's Avatar

Re: Lutel

Lutel has been an EXCELLENT servant however,

there is no room for sentiment and I believe we have seen the best that he can offer.
I agree Redskin, but does this not also apply to a few other players (Smithy, Rocky, Hacker) and maybe it also applies to the management team.
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