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Old 11-03-2010, 11:10   #16
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Re: Macc. Programme

Joe, fairly sure that it is a requirement of most senior leagues, that a programme has to be available. Will re-read the FL rules and advise.
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Old 11-03-2010, 16:01   #17
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Re: Macc. Programme

It was a one off that the club and the people who do these programmes should learn from and move on from it! I don't buy a programme usually as I never have done except from on certain occasions! However i got a free one after the Notts County game in the clubhouse off a sponsor and after reading it there's not that much content in it, well there is, but not that exciting that someone would want to shed out £3.00 for! Just the same old welcome from the Chairman, Chief Exe, Manager, Captain, Stats and about the opposite team! Alot of it just looks like their trying to make up pages to make it look asif the programmes got alot of content in so not to rip the buying customers off. But the quality of the programme material is very good and the colour and paper is superb! also the grammar I don't see a big problem with and I didn't encounter any of bad grammar on my read yesterday!

It could do with a few more better pages but all in all its not too bad! And its not the worst!!

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Last edited by fc:stanley; 11-03-2010 at 16:05.
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Old 11-03-2010, 16:18   #18
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Re: Macc. Programme

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
also the grammar I don't see a big problem with and I didn't encounter any of bad grammar on my read yesterday!
That's perfectly understandable!!
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Old 12-03-2010, 16:10   #19
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Re: Macc. Programme

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
That's perfectly understandable!!
Haha! Really, im not one for grammar. However i can understand alot of people do actually care! They have the right to complain though as they do buy it for £3.00!!!

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Old 12-03-2010, 20:18   #20
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Re: Macc. Programme

Along with Dan I'm one of the editors of the programme. I started with the club in November and personally believe that we've improved the programme by a long way since then. As Dan says it is a work in progress and we are constantly looking for new ways to make the programme more value for money and thus more sellable.
We are open to any comments and constructive criticism about the programme and media output from the club.
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Old 12-03-2010, 20:34   #21
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Re: Macc. Programme

Personally I think the previous programme editor did a very good job and produced a very worthy product. I think that the Macclesfield programme should have been removed from sale, it was a very bad move to keep it on sale mainly as a lack of respect towards Keith Alexander. I think the proofreading was better with the previous editor and was a lot of more value for money.
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Old 12-03-2010, 20:48   #22
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Re: Macc. Programme

Slightly off topic but I liked the 'fan vs player' quiz type thing that I saw for the first time in the Notts Country programme (I think). Good little inclusion, that.
The only gripe I have with the programme is the value for money which is the reason why I only buy a few throughout the season. If there were more interactive things like the fan vs player quiz and if I didn't have to struggle past the grammar to read what's intended then I'd have no problem paying (at most) £2.50 every home game for the programme. £3 is just too much, even for the better programmes.
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Old 12-03-2010, 20:48   #23
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Re: Macc. Programme

Its the 21st century.
do we really need a programme?
Why not a match podcast or email people can subscribe to?

Tradition is great, but paper programmes have had there day IMO.
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Old 12-03-2010, 20:56   #24
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Re: Macc. Programme

bdc I didn't mean that as a negative point against the last editor, I think he did a very good job, especially to say he did it on his own.
Thanks for the feedback on the fan vs player inclusion, we're looking at bringing more things like that into the programme.
I agree that it is overpriced but as Dan said that's over our heads and we can just try our best to make the programme as interesting and readable as possible!
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Old 12-03-2010, 21:06   #25
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Re: Macc. Programme

unfortunately one of the answers in the fan v player quiz was wrong. The St Ledger is run at Doncaster not Derby!!!
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Old 12-03-2010, 21:34   #26
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Re: Macc. Programme

The Programme was very much my baby and something I enjoyed doing greatly and miss doing it in some senses and in others no I don't.

As someone who see's a lot of games and bought a lot of programmes from said other games I took inspiration from them and where I could looked to bring in different things and different angles that did not already exsist.

My big hope when the New Editors took over was that it could continue to grow and expand and I think there was very much more bitten off more than you can chew that went with it. I took no pleasure in seeing it going down the gurgler, as experience has been gained it has got better and will continue to grow I am sure.

Getting Dan on board has been the shot on the arm the Progaramme needed from a journalistic point of view and someone to pull it all together.

I am sure the more people that are involved can only be a good thing to take it forward.

The big miss is Kipax's pictures, sometimes a picture can be as good as a thousand words.

It probaly is a very much work in progress but the basis is there to move it on as has been happening

I would from an ordering point of view look at maybe ordering less and selling out every week.

Taking up Davo's point there must be room at the Club for somebody on that side of things along with the website and normal day to day Google Page Ranking stuff.

That would generate it's own headlines and put out positive spin etc.
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Last edited by Pendle Red; 12-03-2010 at 21:38.
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Old 12-03-2010, 21:40   #27
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Re: Macc. Programme

Just on the subject of the Macc Programme why was the original sleeve not just replaced by the new outer jacket, staples out of the old one and staples in the new one or was that tried?
Working Towards Change

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