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Old 15-04-2005, 15:38   #1

Marsden trophy Farce

Everyone wanted one leg at a neutral venue. Burscough don't seem happy
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Old 15-04-2005, 16:04   #2
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Re: Marsden trophy Farce

Not suprisingly it all boils down to money again. It looks like no-one wanted a 2 legged final other than our Chairman if the Burscough site is to be believed.It certainly is not ideal for the players;most of whom didn't want it and not for the fans who have to pay out twice to watch their teams.Grrr.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 15-04-2005, 18:06   #3
Junior Member+

Re: Marsden trophy Farce

At the meeting to discuss the final arrangements the Accrington chairman threatened to walk out unless he got his way over a two-legged final. He was of course backed by Lancashire FA who benefited financially through last season's final being two-legged.

Burscough had a mandate from their board, their manager and their supporters for a one-off final at a neutral ground. The reason was simple. We felt against a top six full-time Conference National club that it would give us our best (and only?) chance of winning the Trophy. After all, what are we all in it for if the priority is not winning honours?

Your chairman might not be one of my favourite people but I sure wish he had been batting for us!

It was a fine game on Wednesday spoiled only by the injury to Jonathon Smith. We played some excellent football but could never match your finishing which was clinical. You should never give up on your team but we have to be realistic and say that the chances of us pulling three goals back and going on to win must be pretty remote and I have no idea how many of our supporters will bother to travel. It is a great shame that much of the competitive element has been taken out of the tie and I hope those responsible are satisfied at further devaluing the competition.

I would like to thank you for the nice comments posted on this site regarding your visit to Burscough. Apart from the drum causing a few perforated eardrums you were most welcome visitors. You were right, we did not need a police presence.
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Old 15-04-2005, 18:42   #4
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Re: Marsden trophy Farce

Thank you for reply green'un; you have been most informative and helpful.By all accounts it was a good match;sadly I couldn't be there but it sounds like your team did you credit and good luck to you next season.Hope to see you at the somewhat farcical final!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 15-04-2005, 22:42   #5
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Re: Marsden trophy Farce

Sorry you feel that way greenun but as far as I can remember the Marsden/Lancashire cup has been played at both finalists venues for several years now so don't see any difference for this year. Maybe this is what Eric may have pointed out in the suggestion of only one leg this time. Hope you enjoy your return to our ground though & although result may be foregone trust the players will put on another worthy display of non league football for us all.
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Old 15-04-2005, 23:10   #6
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Re: Marsden trophy Farce

Big al sorry mate but I think your wrong.. Pretty sure last year was the first time.. last time we won it was against barrow and played at morecambs ground which was a big venue for us at the time of course.... pics on my site to prove it... Byt Rob Gabryzak

Last year both clubs asked for it to be two legs I am led to believe.. this year only the one wanted it... it seems .

The only thing I object to is being treated like an idiot and told its two legs to help the fans so more can get to see it...

Apart from that.....For me the more football the merrier.. make it 3 or 4 legs for me
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Old 16-04-2005, 06:11   #7
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Re: Marsden trophy Farce

Kipax is right, it has always been a one-off game until last year. Doubt if they will ever get a League ground again but a final at Christie Park or Haig Avenue would have made for a really special game. Why either club would want an extra game when they are both fighting for play-off places is beyond me. As usual the fans seem to have been bottom of the list when making the arrangements.
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