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08-05-2010, 18:21
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
all persons are present and accounted for and yes at least one coach shored up outside the police station until everyone was released. I believe one of the tactics used by the people on the coach in an effort to get everyone released as soon as possible was to form an orderly queue for the police station toilets!!! I even overheard one of our lads shouting at one of his mates to tell the policeman that they were pregnant and to wee in his helmet!!!
08-05-2010, 19:09
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
Originally Posted by sparkie
all persons are present and accounted for and yes at least one coach shored up outside the police station until everyone was released. I believe one of the tactics used by the people on the coach in an effort to get everyone released as soon as possible was to form an orderly queue for the police station toilets!!! I even overheard one of our lads shouting at one of his mates to tell the policeman that they were pregnant and to wee in his helmet!!!
Glad to hear they didn't lose their sense of homour!
From the sounds of it a bit of banter was taken in a way I didn't think was possible. Anyone from the 'authority' side should be ashamed and if they aren't need to take a serious look at themselves.
08-05-2010, 19:55
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
I was there today, on the halfway line of the In2Print stand, and I have to say your fans were amazing.
The stewarding and Policing today dated back to the 1980's - give em an orange jacket and it gives them the power to just balls up anything they like. Trust me, they can be just the same with our fans - I know!
The noise you lot made, the songs - amazing. Your players should be proud to have that sort of following.
I would have to be honest though - the "Mummy's boy" who was arrested made quite a few "adult gestures" that his Mum might not have liked when he was taken away!
All the best for next season.
Birthdays, Elections and Accrington Stanley's Incredible Fans
Last edited by Mick; 09-05-2010 at 07:02.
Reason: language
08-05-2010, 20:36
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
I think you're talking about the wrong 'mummy's boy' the one i'm talking about got thrown out before the game had even started. The lad you're talking about was thrown out during the game and wasn't a 15 year old!
08-05-2010, 21:17
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
he could be locked up for the weekend......
08-05-2010, 21:31
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
who? Everyone that was 'arrested', got thrown out, was injured or left early came home on one of our coaches.
08-05-2010, 21:34
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
This is what was waiting for us as we entered the ground.
Three lines of police and a line of stewards. All were agressive and heavy handed from the off, a few of us decided that we would rather not hand over £20 the Cheltenham Town FC, and instead handed it over to the barman at the pub.
08-05-2010, 21:38
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
This was at the beginning of the parade.

08-05-2010, 21:52
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
gotta say a good day, a decent little ground n pitch, good pub pre match, good craic, decent game, SPOILT by heavy handed STEWARDING N POLICING, people needlessly injured through those cretins of stewards, as we witnessed, suggest anyone injured should speak to a solicter on monday, quite a few people saw what actually went on. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
08-05-2010, 22:13
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
Stunned into silence for the most part. Never seen anything like that at any football game I've been to. Some stewards were blatantly assaulting fans (they ripped the 15-year-old's shirt in two, leaving him with marks all over his neck and shoulders) and the police weren't afraid to manhandle others once called in by the luminous crew. The police arrested the 15 year old and fingerprinted/searched him without his parent present. Don't even want to go into the horrid scenes that followed the flag farce.
I walked out of the game with about 20 minutes to go to be met by two police dogs barking their heads off.
Just glad everyone is OK and everyone got home.
08-05-2010, 22:20
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
Don't know where to begin, what should have been a brilliant end-of season party day was thoroughly spoiled by the Cheltenham stewards' actions, can say definately that the 15 year old who was thrown out & arrested had done absolutely nothing to warrant even a warning from the stewards.
The lad has visible injuries which have been photographed & his family will be seeking police advice tomorrow morning & will be putting a very strong complaint in to Cheltenham Town FC (as more of us who witnessed it should do).
After that, I was sickened, this feeling was excacerbated by the incident with the elderly gentleman and I left the ground at that point - could not believe all that we have witnessed today. These two terrible incidents were not by any means isolated,
many fans were stunned & some in tears at our treatment which as I've said was not warranted in the slightest.
What had started out a good day has ended in a total nightmare - through no fault of any Stanley fan. Maybe it's as well it's the end of the season as right now I don't feel I want to see another game for quite a while, certainly not an away one 
09-05-2010, 00:24
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
I was quite appalled by some of the scenes I saw at the game today. most of your fans looked like they were out to enjoy themselves, and like all fans just gave us stick (as we did back because that's part of the game).
the incident with the bloke that got chucked out after 5 minutes was isolated. the 2nd problem where all stewards, police and fans got involved was after you got the "skull and crossbones" flag out in response to us getting our flag out. and that's when many of your fans walked out rather than kicking off again.
I actually spoke to the guy (Grimps?) who hurt his leg and was in a wheelchair and seemed alright, as did his mate with "Squaddie" on back of shirt. Hope your leg is ok.
I saw one of your young lads (wearing a red t-shirt) in tears, looking towards the Cheltenham fans as if to say "why is this happening..." and then being comforted by his mate. I felt really sorry for him.
I've not seen stewarding or police like that at Cheltenham before. I hope that it doesn't put you guys off returning next season, we really are a family club (although you may question).
Last edited by elchuddy; 09-05-2010 at 00:31.
09-05-2010, 09:05
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
Originally Posted by CT211070
I was there today, on the halfway line of the In2Print stand, and I have to say your fans were amazing.
The stewarding and Policing today dated back to the 1980's - give em an orange jacket and it gives them the power to just balls up anything they like. Trust me, they can be just the same with our fans - I know!
The noise you lot made, the songs - amazing. Your players should be proud to have that sort of following.
I would have to be honest though - the "Mummy's boy" who was arrested made quite a few "adult gestures" that his Mum might not have liked when he was taken away!
All the best for next season.
Birthdays, Elections and Accrington Stanley's Incredible Fans
Why was he a 'mummys boy', just because his family all follow Stanley & she was at the game - what was she supposed to do, stay & watch the game not knowing where her son was or what was happening - grow up!
Also, for your information, I don't know what you thought you saw but the lad couldn't have made any sort of gestures as that damned steward has his arms pinned behind his back.
09-05-2010, 09:14
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Re: Match Thread v Cheltenham
Originally Posted by elchuddy
I've not seen stewarding or police like that at Cheltenham before. I hope that it doesn't put you guys off returning next season, we really are a family club (although you may question).
The question must be asked then...why Stanley? Did they get their intelligence wrong and think that the West Ham Intercity firm or Millwall F-troop were coming to town? (you would've thought so from the lines of cops assembled outside the turnstiles)...or can they just not cope with fans who simply want to enjoy themselves and turn an end-of-season day out into a noisy, good natured party? 
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