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Old 08-08-2005, 10:10   #16
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

it was a long while ago kipax, but yeah i used to do the kit when it was footymad's website and had a little pic in the banner - it was fun. also did a piece on eric's bonnet - but thats another story!!
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Old 08-08-2005, 16:43   #17
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

Originally Posted by KIPAX
stanleybabe.. its a messageboard and a difference of opinion.. A debate.... theres no falling out ever gonna happen


Why is it a bimbo thing? Why isn't it constructive help to the club? If a gorgeous looking girl can help the club by showing off her charms then why not.... A fat bloke dressed as a monkey can make a pillock of himself so why not other people?

respond... its a debate not an argument
Course we're not going to fall out, Kipax, I've said what I think and if I'm in a minority then so be it. I would like to think we've got past the days of judging women solely by their appearance, but obviously I was wrong. I don't really think I've got anything more to say about it, I just find the whole idea repugnant. Perhaps instead of a Miss A.S the club could make use of both the male and female supporter of the year, once they've been voted for, that seems to be the end of it, but they could be used to raise the profile of the club, eg modelling kit and so on and that would get round the problem of judging people by appearance. Just a suggestion, and it sort of ties in with MaidstoneAccy's idea. Anyway, off to get ready for the Supporter's Club meeting

Life's a game, FOOTBALL is serious!!!
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Old 08-08-2005, 17:27   #18
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

only go to a few games as i am always working saturdays.but if you like i think garinda off the accrington web site would make a lovely miss accrington stanley. has started to go to a few matches and would give him something to do!
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Old 08-08-2005, 17:57   #19
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

I know it's not politically correct to say this these days but I have no objection to beauty concerts. As long as the women who are participating are aware that they are doing it and are reasonably intelligent enough to avoid exploitation then it's probably ok. I draw the line though when rough women win this type of thing simply because they're prepared to go a step further and degregade themselves in a skimpy costume or no costume at all. They give all women a bad name and down grade the contest and the people who select them.

There is nothing wrong, in my mind, for being acknowledged for being beautiful - and I am totally envious of long limbed women who win, I would love to be attractive enough to be able to enter.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 09-08-2005, 09:39   #20
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

Sorry Kipax, but I have to agree with Stanleybabe on this one. it's a ludicrous idea - what would be next, a 'page 3' girl in the programme every week?
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Old 09-08-2005, 10:14   #21
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

Sorry Kipax, but I have to agree with Stanleybabe on this one. it's a ludicrous idea - what would be next, a 'page 3' girl in the programme every week?
AccyMad- genius! What a great idea!
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Old 09-08-2005, 10:31   #22
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

Originally Posted by Smiffy16
AccyMad- genius! What a great idea!
Why am I not surprised!!!
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Old 09-08-2005, 10:37   #23
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

I'm in two minds on this one, and can see both sides of the argument.

Like someone suggested why not have a Mr. Accy Stanley as well so it gives the numerous female fans something to get hot under the collar about too?
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Old 09-08-2005, 10:46   #24
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

Originally Posted by garinda
I'm in two minds on this one, and can see both sides of the argument.

Like someone suggested why not have a Mr. Accy Stanley as well so it gives the numerous female fans something to get hot under the collar about too?
It's really not about that Garinda, in my opinion it would be a cheap & tacky publicity stunt that Accrington Stanley can well do without.
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Old 09-08-2005, 11:11   #25
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

AccyMad I'm with you. It does seem a bit tacky and a bit 70's. We don't even have beauty contests on TV anymore.

There is a great family feeling at the ground, it seems silly to perhaps alienate the sizable, dedicated female fans by having a Miss Stanley.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 09-08-2005, 12:16   #26
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Talking Re: Miss Accy Stanley

i think its a great idea to have a miss accy stanley but as others say why not have a mr accy stanley too it would be a boost around the ground and also accrington too.this way its not too sexist and im sure there would be plenty of people up for giving it a try.
beautiful people showing of a beautiful kit and beautiful game!!! what more needs to be said?
id be more than happy to enter if its going to support my local town!
if it was to get off the ground i think the fans should be the judges so at least they have a say in the matter!
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Old 09-08-2005, 12:33   #27
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

I reckon it shoud be called the "Accy Stanley Family" then you can introduce all kinds of people and get a widest audience as poss. I think if more people could see the families that come along to stanley I think it would help bring more in. Miss Stanley would only interest some men and the odd woman who was interested in entering. Mr Stanley? how, where's the talent? so that's a non starter . Whereas if it was centred round families then obviously a family coming to stanley would require more tickets and therefore increase attendances!! There you go....... I thank you

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 09-08-2005, 12:34   #28
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

As has been said we already have a male supporter of the year & a female supporter of the year who are voted for by the fans at the end of each season - difference is the winners each year are not voted for based on how they look but for what they do for the club!
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Old 09-08-2005, 12:39   #29
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Re: Miss Accy Stanley

I can't see anything wrong with it as long as they are working for world peace and helping sick children.

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Old 09-08-2005, 15:55   #30
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Thumbs up Re: Miss Accy Stanley

The girl who runs the club shop, the one with the glasses - she gets my vote to be 'Miss Accy Stanley'......such a lovely, helpful girl

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