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Old 03-11-2009, 07:02   #31
Senior Member
Shurm's Avatar

Re: Monday 10pm

Interesting post Devon thanks, I just can't believe there is no real urgency to get this sorted and no real communication between the club and Ilyas/Fans. Think I said this a few weeks back but the club (owners) don't deserve the loyal fans they have or appreciate what they have done.
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Accrington Web
Old 03-11-2009, 07:13   #32
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Pendle Red's Avatar

Re: Monday 10pm

Enough is Enough, we have little over twenty four hours to save our Club, yet the powers that be or not be are still playing mind games, power games........

Please just let common sense prevail and tell the full extent of what is left to pay and what needs to be done to save "OUR CLUB" that's right not your Club "OUR CLUB" as in belongs to everyone as in those who have dug deep over the last eight weeks, as in those who have sweated and toiled over the past forty one years to bring the Club back from the depths only to see it kicked from under them.

Please do the HONOURABLE thing
Working Towards Change

One thing I can give and still keep: my word.

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Old 03-11-2009, 07:17   #33
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katei77's Avatar

Re: Monday 10pm

sorry Google Page Ranking but its appears that atm HONOURABLE is the last thing on EW/D"ON mind that is infact if they know the meaning of the word at all!
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