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Old 01-02-2008, 15:12   #1
God Member
harwood red's Avatar

Morning at ASFC

I spoke to Rob Heys last week about going up to the club this morning to see if there was anything that I could help with and he thought it was a good idea. In fact they are open to any ideas or help from anyone!

I arrived just after 10am and was shown to the Gazelle lounge (very posh) and Rob made me a brew had a nosy around the pitch then we had a good chat (apart from Rob having to dash off now and again for more important matters...busy busy) about ideas the club have for the future, how the fans are an integral part of the club and despite what many people think they do try to be as transparent as possible.

I think a major issue is that on the financial restraints they have, few are trying to do as much as possible.. don't forget the major issue for the club is trying to cover the large club wages each month on low gate receipts.

Rob unfortunately was called into a meeting with a visitor and eric...and no eric I didn't spill my brew on the floor so I decided to pop into the shop to see Lee.

Again we had a chat about merchandising and ideas he had, new lines, restocking etc...and he has been thinking about some stock for celebrating past 40years!

Then I decided I would have a bit of a nosy at the stock...and the poor lad watched as I decided to move railings and stock around!!!!! Come on Lee you have to admit it did look a bit better with the stock thats currently in! Ok I won't be annoyed if you moved it all back I also offered some help with printing of merchandise leaflets and some design of stanley hopefully that will be in the near future. Gary the groundsman came in and we had a good chat about the whole Brentford tomorrows programme for his take on the whole thing!!

By this time Rob had to dash off to sort out some issues in town, bank etc... so when Mick Shultz came in and asked Lee for help with the pitch covers and did I want to help...I made my hasty departure (well my back was killing from moving stock around anyway by that time..oh yeah and I did have heals on, don't think the pitch needs that much help with the drainage).

So all in all I enjoyed my few hours at the club, even though I felt I would have liked to have done more..anyone else fancy it...I say give it a go

Oooo must mention, new stock line, black insulated gloves with asfc on the back of the hand for a fiver

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 01-02-2008, 15:20   #2
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Alvin the chipmunk's Avatar

Re: Morning at ASFC

For a split second I thought this thread was called MOANING at ASFC

But good to hear about what goes on at the club apart from Saturday afternoons.
"Arbeloa has had a difficult night against McConville." Greatest line of commentary ever.
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Old 01-02-2008, 15:22   #3
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harwood red's Avatar

Re: Morning at ASFC

Originally Posted by Alvin the chipmunk View Post
For a split second I thought this thread was called MOANING at ASFC

But good to hear about what goes on at the club apart from Saturday afternoons.
Hmmm don't think you can call me a moaner eh?? But would've been a bad typo

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 01-02-2008, 15:25   #4
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Re: Morning at ASFC

No, Im not calling you, Im just saying thats what I thought it said when I scrolled down the threads really quickly
"Arbeloa has had a difficult night against McConville." Greatest line of commentary ever.
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Old 01-02-2008, 15:28   #5
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Re: Morning at ASFC

Sounds like a good morning - mmmmm u could of got me out of hole filling

Now i hope Lee has reserved me a pair of gloves - i've a cold feeling i'll need some


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Old 01-02-2008, 18:17   #6
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Re: Morning at ASFC

I might grab myself some of them gloves
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Old 01-02-2008, 23:25   #7
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harwood red's Avatar

Re: Morning at ASFC

gloves are def worth a try, they are black wooly ones with a insulated fleece inside (do they call it thinsulate or something like that) and they have

A.S.F.C embroidered on the back of each hand in white

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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