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Old 20-03-2009, 21:19   #121
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

There's no way Paul has gone there just to have a chance of playing at Wembley,and he has not let the fans down in any way - you only need to read tonights LET to know he obviously didn't have a clue what was going on.
This is purely about saving his wages for a bit, Paul will have known that him going out on loan will ease the clubs finances for a while and that's the reason he has said yes to the move, after all when all the Shrewbury stuff was going on he said that he was happy to stay at Stanley but if ever the club wanted him to go then he would put the club before his own feelings and that is obviously what's happened.
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Old 20-03-2009, 21:50   #122
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

20th march 2009, the day loyalty died!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 20-03-2009, 22:01   #123
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
There's no way Paul has gone there just to have a chance of playing at Wembley,and he has not let the fans down in any way - you only need to read tonights LET to know he obviously didn't have a clue what was going on.
This is purely about saving his wages for a bit, Paul will have known that him going out on loan will ease the clubs finances for a while and that's the reason he has said yes to the move, after all when all the Shrewbury stuff was going on he said that he was happy to stay at Stanley but if ever the club wanted him to go then he would put the club before his own feelings and that is obviously what's happened.
Surely we can't be saving much on wages if we've just brought 3 players in?
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:15   #124
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

we're probably paying less than half of micheal symes shrewsbury town wages, we've probably got adam kay for nowt and the non league keeper is probably just happy to be here and as such is probably on less a week than jobseekers!!!

Not rocket science to figure out we've just saved a bit on wages is it?
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:17   #125
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
20th march 2009, the day loyalty died!

On whos part?


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Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:35   #126
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

I thought Dyson pulling the West Indies team off for bad light was stupid till I read this news. Reaarange the words "in cofffin the nail" .
Negativity from a mod, come on in ,the waters lovely!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:54   #127
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
20th march 2009, the day loyalty died!
grow up.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-03-2009, 23:00   #128
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
the thing i see here is some are letting sentiment rule oer common sense, ferget paul mullen fer now, in bare fact Stanley are the club, Mullen is just n ex player, wish him well n get on wi it.

This is true Cashy !....Paul will not be with us tomorrow...who can say why the move was sanctioned, but it has, and THAT IS THAT !!.
BUT....'The Red's' still need the points, and whatever Team steps out on 'the hallowed turf' tomorrow will, knowing the quality of the opposition, need the support of the loyal
1000 as much as ever !!.
So without forgetting Paul's valuable and valued contribution over the years, and ignoring the prophets of doom who are already writing the incoming loanees off..
An assurance from every true fan that we are all behind our team is really required...
so let's hear it.....
' ON STANLEY....ON !!'
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Old 20-03-2009, 23:24   #129
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

1) thanks paul for your sterling service to the club. We will no doubt miss you, not least for your outstanding loyalty and willing towards the stanley cause.
2) its about time we looked to the future. Mullers has been less effective this year: maybe its his age, but i think other clubs have us figured out. We have played best this year when we have bossed the midfield and kept the ball on the deck, but often we still lump it to pm instead. We will be forced to change tactics now. That will bring us results
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Old 21-03-2009, 00:11   #130
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Wow, 129 posts, can't read them all.

So, good luck Paul Mullin.

All the best, you've been awesome, plus some.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 21-03-2009, 00:16   #131
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
grow up.
Yeah oh wise one, sorry about that.

Mullin ain't just another player. Using my head it is easy to see reasons why he would like a shot at a "big club". It is easy to see why Coleman would not stand in his way. It is easy to see that it could make financial sense.

However, as a football romantic... I yearn for a time when loyalty is valued above ££££ notes.

That time, even at lowly Accrington, has gone..........

PS Its prob more childish to respond to my point of view with just........."grow up"

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 21-03-2009, 00:19   #132
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

its probably nowt to do with loyalty, more like economics, n as fer my response,thats all yer worth IMHO.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-03-2009, 00:20   #133
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Yeah oh wise one, sorry about that.

Mullin ain't just another player. Using my head it is easy to see reasons why he would like a shot at a "big club". It is easy to see why Coleman would not stand in his way. It is easy to see that it could make financial sense.

However, as a football romantic... I yearn for a time when loyalty is valued above ££££ notes.

That time, even at lowly Accrington, has gone..........

PS Its prob more childish to respond to my point of view with just........."grow up"
OK, FFS grow up.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.

Last edited by Oggy; 21-03-2009 at 00:22.
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Old 21-03-2009, 00:57   #134
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Sparkie - I completely agree with you.

It would appear that this has been done to save some money. Rightly or wrongly it would appear that those higher up have concluded that in all liklihood Stanley will remain a League club this season.

As money is obviously very tight, and with Mullin presumably being one of the top earners at the club, they have decided to save on his wages for a few months.

Although 3 players have been brought in, the keeper was brought in on a non contract basis (presumably meaning he is here as an amateur, in which case he will likely be due expenses only). Of late I have read a few articles about how good the clubs relationship is with Burnley - I strongly suspect that Burnley will continue to pay the wages of Kay whilst he is here as they are just glad that the boy is getting experience at a decent level (as opposed to reserve football), and as you suggested, the club will likely only be paying a percentage of the wages to Shrewsbury for Symes.

All in all I think its a cost cutting exercise for a few months. With the poor form of Grimsby and Chester, and the reasonable gap between Stanley and both those clubs, I simply dont think that they both have it in them to overtake Stanley - infact I still think Stanley will win at least 2 more games anyway making it pretty much academic what the rest do.

It is that reason, and the savings that will be made, that contributed to Mullin's exit for a while.

Granted all of the above is pure speculation on my part, but it would appear the obvious explanantion as to why he is away on loan. Incidentally I am no way downplaying the importance of such a player to the club, both currently and historically, simply trying to offer a realistic explanantion to his departure.
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Old 21-03-2009, 01:11   #135
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Re: Mullers Gone To Bantams

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
20th march 2009, the day loyalty died!
Originally Posted by cashman View Post
grow up.
Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Yeah oh wise one, sorry about that.

PS Its prob more childish to respond to my point of view with just........."grow up"
that was my response to your post, but not to worry Willie yer half way there, ya can read n write. when yer learn to digest what you have actually written ya will be there.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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