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Old 26-09-2007, 21:33   #151

Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I recall asking you about supporting a football club and you said you didn't.

I fail to see how anyone who doesn't actually support a club to understand what 'soul' means to a true football supporter. Anyone can watch from an armchair but the only soul there is the one you sit on
My local football club (an amateur team) folded many years ago after spending years struggling to survive - emigration of people in their late teens and twenties from the west of Ireland throughout the 1980's eventually put paid to its continued existance. I spent a number of years coaching one of the underage teams but by 1990 we couldn't even find enough kids to make up the underage teams because all the young families had left. It's not a very nice experience to see something you (and a lot of others) are passionate about, fail for economic reasons (and this with an amateur team). Makes me want to do what I can to ensure that other clubs survive - and MFC is an ideal vehicle for me to play a role and have an impact. I believe if it is a success it could actually change the way people look at football. Having moved from my home town I still continue to coach a youth team (both at football and basketball) but the team where I live now were one of my own clubs main local rivals (couldn't ever see myself actively supporting them - although I do attend games on a fairly regular basis and my son plays for their youths team).

I also do enjoy watching football on tele. Don't see the crime in that.
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Old 26-09-2007, 21:40   #152

Wink Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by Oggy View Post
If he doesn't get banter, he won't get soul, and most of the banter directed at this guy has gone totally over his head.
You know exactly what I get and don't get - well done - nice to know you can see inside my mind - maybe it's a cultural thing.

I am not on this thread to engage in banter - but to address mis-information and mis-conceptions that have been posted here about what MFC is and is not.

Ever heard Dylan's, "Ballad of a Thin Man", Mr. Doheochai ?
This one I get - good one this.
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Old 26-09-2007, 21:44   #153
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Re: Myfootballclub

These people are really getting on my tits now.
I hope they buy Leeds.
& completely run it into Unibond obscurity
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Old 26-09-2007, 21:49   #154
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Re: Myfootballclub

If you or your fellow members did understand the real meaning of "heart & soul of a football club" then you wouldn't be picking one of 8 clubs (or in reality, the biggest who'll have you)

You'd be doing what FCUM did, starting your own because you where disillusioned with the game. Or picking because of history or because they were most in need.

Like one of the posters said, why not rescue a club who has no real hope, like Gt Harwood FC. That would show you to be REAL fans of the beautiful game. Not nomads with an opportunity to "grab" a club & make it your own.

You talk very well & argue your case with passion BUT you really do not understand the impact you will have on a League Clubs current regime

Halifax I can understand, they seem as inpassionate (?) a set of fans as I have seen............... They probably won't realise whats going on. Although they do like to throw stones at anything from outside the village

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 26-09-2007, 22:06   #155
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Re: Myfootballclub

MFC? Taking Over? Get them Edward!
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Old 26-09-2007, 22:11   #156

Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
If you or your fellow members did understand the real meaning of "heart & soul of a football club" then you wouldn't be picking one of 8 clubs (or in reality, the biggest who'll have you)

You'd be doing what FCUM did, starting your own because you where disillusioned with the game. Or picking because of history or because they were most in need.
(1) if we were to start a club the question I would have is where? No matter where MFC went it would be stepping on someone's toes.
(2) I would like to see MFC picking a club with history and tradition and that was in serious trouble (i.e would fold without MFC intervention) but even with the 'potential' finance MFC could bring, many clubs are in too big trouble for MFC to help.
For the MFC takeover team to purchase a club - it needs to have a debt that we can manage and stabilise - it needs to have potential, either for growth or a return to it's former position (having dropped because of various difficulties) - it needs to own or have access to a ground that isn't owned by an individual who will crank up the rent - and it needs to be a club where MFC can have an impact and demonstrate that football fans can run a club, involve a community and not need the billionaires to make progress.

You talk very well & argue your case with passion BUT you really do not understand the impact you will have on a League Clubs current regime
The members of MFC know exactly the impact we can have, not just on a club, but on football as a whole. If MFC is successful it has the potential to grow and develop a football club with the fans as the 'heart and soul' of the club - not the men with money - and to place football supporters at the forefront of the game of football for the first time in one hundred years. And this is what I want to see happening. Football is a game for fans - and fans should run their game. As I said before - time will tell if it works - but if it does then every fan in the country (if not the world) will be better because of it.
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Old 26-09-2007, 22:37   #157
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Re: Myfootballclub

Fans who don't genuinely care about the club (ie actually supporting it in the first place - aside from their membership fee) are NOT fans at all, and would be as soul-less to the club they 'buy' as you make out the owners of other football clubs to be.

Last edited by shakermaker; 26-09-2007 at 22:44.
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Old 26-09-2007, 22:41   #158
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Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
Now to address the real comments -

Football fans have had to sit by and watch their clubs (in most cases) being driven into debt by owners who couldn't care less about the club they own and what happens to it or the supporters.
Funny,but I can't seem to remember MFC showing any interest in Boston or even Scarborough

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
The interest that some MFC members have in Accrington Stanley is not 'fake' interest. It's a genuine interest in helping any football club that we can and that need our help.
Again, Surely the two clubs mentioned earlier would be better alternatives??

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
As I said before I do not think that MFC will become the new owners of Stanley. The ownership, board, staff and fans at Stanley have done a magnificant job over the past period. I personally wouldn't want to disrupt this situation. I sincerely hope that Stanley continues to develop,
I am sure the majority of Stanley fans on this forum echo your sentiments.

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
I want MFC to purchase a club that is in serious need of the help we can provide (both financial and organisational) that has fans in desperate need of a new situation and that has an owner who doesn't give tuppence about the club.
In that case, instead of sniffing around clubs which,in all honesty don't welcome the unwanted advances of MFC,why not approach one of the non league clubs who ARE desperate for financial intervention?? If MFC did take over a league side it would be a similiar scenario to the "M.K. Dons" farce. And before you say the M.K situation is a shining beacon,think about the TRUE Wimbledon fans who have had their club hijacked/stolen from them !!

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
The members of MFC are very confident that we can make a positive contribution to a club and to football in general - here's hoping time will prove us correct.
Whilst I'd wish you the best of luck in your "quest", I can only see this ridiculous concept being doomed to fail. The pity is that a club will be ruined in the process. And I'm sure all A.S.F.C. supporters hope that we are not part of that equation!
"Once in a while you will stumble upon the truth, but most of us manage to pick ourselves up and hurry along as if nothing happened" -

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Old 26-09-2007, 22:45   #159
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Re: Myfootballclub

You really are pickled...........

Money is the very thing that you argue has ruined football. Yet you harp on about how much money you can invest.............

You need to get your argument straight fella, its either that or end up having your argument pulled apart.

One big wig or 50,000 wanabee big wigs, it don't really matter if you ain't passionate about the club to start with

Can you not see that?

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 26-09-2007, 22:59   #160

Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by carpon View Post
Funny,but I can't seem to remember MFC showing any interest in Boston or even Scarborough

Again, Surely the two clubs mentioned earlier would be better alternatives??
I agree - although given the financial implications of both - I don't think even MFC could solve the problem.

In that case, instead of sniffing around clubs which,in all honesty don't welcome the unwanted advances of MFC,why not approach one of the non league clubs who ARE desperate for financial intervention??
Not sniffing around here at all and not trying to make advances (as I said I don't think that MFC should try and buy AS) - just trying to correct mis-conceptions

If MFC did take over a league side it would be a similiar scenario to the "M.K. Dons" farce. And before you say the M.K situation is a shining beacon,think about the TRUE Wimbledon fans who have had their club hijacked/stolen from them !!
Fundementally different to MK Dons - MFC doesn't want to root up a club and move it - doesn't want to change and re-name it - does want to include in the running of the club the very fans who have been shafted by the MK Dons fiasco. Practically every member of MFC (all 25,000-30,000) wouldn't touch MK Dons with a barge pole - why - because we are all football fans and we know the implications of what happened to Wimbledon.
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Old 26-09-2007, 23:01   #161

Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
You really are pickled...........
Willie - please read the posts - you will see they are consistant on the topic of money.
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Old 26-09-2007, 23:13   #162
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Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by doheochai View Post
Willie - please read the posts - you will see they are consistant on the topic of money.
I have & if thats all you can bring to the party then big bloody deal. I am an idealist & the profit & loss sheet of a football club is something I give 2 hoots about. As football fans in the 70's & 80's wouldn't have.

Even if you can't leave us in debt you could just ruin our saturdays & when you've gone? What then? No debt but a souless club with the characters who were there before you.......... gone forever I would suggest!

Do you get it now?

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 27-09-2007, 01:20   #163
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Cool Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by melonhigh View Post
I could possibly, just possibly, have been tempted to risk £35 with MyFC, but having read the above it's blatantly obvious that it involves morons and no brainers. Think I'll save my money and buy some extra pies at the next home game. What rubbish!!!
I don't think so im a member of Myfc & most the people ive spoke to are sound & pretty level headed its worth a punt for 35 quid once you've paid you get to go to the forums then you can make your own mind up.
I personally would be chuffed if the powers that be took charge of Accrington i think you could go places down not being one of them.
Is anyone on here not against the idea?
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Old 27-09-2007, 09:12   #164

Re: Myfootballclub

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
I have & if thats all you can bring to the party then big bloody deal. I am an idealist & the profit & loss sheet of a football club is something I give 2 hoots about. As football fans in the 70's & 80's wouldn't have.
Sorry to say Wille - if this is your interpretation of my comments - then you haven't really read them. While I have pointed out that MFC would bring extra funding to a club - this is not the most important impact by a long shoot. MFC is about putting fans in control - fans worldwide - fans locally and the local community.

I suggest that you read my comments again - maybe with a little bit more of an open mind.

Even if you can't leave us in debt you could just ruin our saturdays & when you've gone? What then? No debt but a souless club with the characters who were there before you.......... gone forever I would suggest!
How would the members of MFC ruin your Saturdays?
- I think if/when MFC buys a club football fans all over England and further afield will be surprised at the genuine impact the members of MFC will have. Like I said, time will tell - all I ask for is an open mind to something that can actually change football positively for the fans of a club and for all fans.
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Old 27-09-2007, 12:08   #165
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Re: Myfootballclub

This snippet was on their forum:

"Members - please stop posting unnecessary comments on club ...
The following was posted by a member of MFC on the Accrington Stanley messageboard - now from the stuff he has posted on here I am surprised by this intervention (particularly given the fact that he has spoken about the need to have the ...
MyFootballClub forums - "

Sorry its incomplete but we can get the gist.

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