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Old 28-01-2010, 08:55   #31
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

They weren't very swift in there actions,when it came to gritting Livingstone Road,and other side roads!!

Just to let you know there is a working group in place re Whinney Hill / Sita, through Altham Parish Council, and Councillor Miles Parkinson and info available on the Environment Agency Website.
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Old 28-01-2010, 08:57   #32
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

I can see you are all really trying to get the councillor on your side

Lets face it the council would have already taken action if they wanted to. Any other building without planning permission would not have lasted as long. If they don't make the right noises then anybody will think they can just build in Hyndburn without the council doing anything.

Why are the residents objecting, it's not like it's a 10 storey building blocking out their views of Whinney Hill . There is also a structure being built on the ground next door which looks slightly higher than a couple of feet, how come that got permission ?
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Old 28-01-2010, 09:45   #33
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

As most of you are probably aware, one councillor - who shall remain nameless, but who is a regular contributor to the general chat section on this website - has recently got his knuckles rapped for his supposed failure to declare an interest in the filling in of local potholes.

My question, therefore is this: If this Pritchard woman is in fact, a dingles supporter (as has been claimed) did she declare an interest as such at the council meeting when this matter was discussed? If not, why not? And will there be a subsequent inquiry into her actions?
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:11   #34
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
As most of you are probably aware, one councillor - who shall remain nameless, but who is a regular contributor to the general chat section on this website - has recently got his knuckles rapped for his supposed failure to declare an interest in the filling in of local potholes.

My question, therefore is this: If this Pritchard woman is in fact, a dingles supporter (as has been claimed) did she declare an interest as such at the council meeting when this matter was discussed? If not, why not? And will there be a subsequent inquiry into her actions?
that my friend is a damn good question, which DOES merit n answer.
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:16   #35
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
that my friend is a damn good question, which DOES merit n answer.

So basically any councillor with an alleigance to another team shouldn't attend a council meeting if Stanley are on the agenda. Is there not a minimum number of councillors needed to have a meeting ?
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:21   #36
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
So basically any councillor with an alleigance to another team shouldn't attend a council meeting if Stanley are on the agenda. Is there not a minimum number of councillors needed to have a meeting ?
no-ones saying dont attend, asking should they "Declare an Interest" bit technical that fer a dingle to understand.
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:25   #37
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
So basically any councillor with an alleigance to another team shouldn't attend a council meeting if Stanley are on the agenda. Is there not a minimum number of councillors needed to have a meeting ?
Err....that's not what I said. It would appear to me that if councillors are to make decisions which have a direct bearing on the financial and operational viability of the club, then in the interests of tranparency they should declare either their allegiance to ASFC or to any local rivals.

I don't think it would be a bad idea either for said councillors or candidates to list their support (if any) in their manifestos and other junk mail come election time.
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:50   #38
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
People who buy houses next to a football ground and then complain about the effects of having a football ground next door are obviously stupid and their opinions should be dismissed.
we live on a busy feeder road to the henthron rd area

we have a pub at the back of us,a rock pub

we ve oap sheltered housing around us

we ve a garage a few yards away

a car wash drive in

a railway crossing

do i moan about the cars up and down the rd,taxi at weekends till early hrs

do i moan about hearing the bands blasting out at weekends,ppl leaving the pub at late hrs

do i moan about the meal on wheels vans and buses taking the oaps to day centres etc

do i moan about the nosie from the cars at the garage

do i moan about the bleeping from the car wash

or the trains running on a railway

no because that was all here when we moved here

yes the club should work with the locals but they will never please them all

but the club has be there a while ie when the locals moved into the area

my daughter would be more than happy to wakeup to see the crown ground every morningmaybe they should a leaf out of her book

Last edited by katei77; 28-01-2010 at 10:52.
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Old 28-01-2010, 10:56   #39
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
no-ones saying dont attend, asking should they "Declare an Interest" bit technical that fer a dingle to understand.

I really don't see what this has to do with Burnley so maybe you're right.
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Old 28-01-2010, 11:04   #40
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Supporting a particular football team wouldn't prevent a councillor from taking part in meetings that affected it, in the same way that once having bought a pair of socks from M&S wouldn't prevent taking part in a planning meeting about their store.

Probably, the only thing in Hyndburn's Code of Conduct, which is based on a nationally recommended model, that would prevent a councillor from being involved in a meeting about Stanley would be if they had had hospitality from the club valued at £25 or more.
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Old 28-01-2010, 12:46   #41
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

I live on the Whinney Hill estate and see it as an advantage that I live so close. 5 minutes walk to the ground and I've no problems parking (the car stays on the drive).
IF there are any residents complaining (and that's a big IF), they'd be better off embracing the fact that they're so close to their local club, buy a ticket and watch the footy instead of sitting on their back-sides whingeing about a problem that doesn't exist!
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Old 28-01-2010, 12:58   #42
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by Local Red View Post
I live on the Whinney Hill estate and see it as an advantage that I live so close. 5 minutes walk to the ground and I've no problems parking (the car stays on the drive).
IF there are any residents complaining (and that's a big IF), they'd be better off embracing the fact that they're so close to their local club, buy a ticket and watch the footy instead of sitting on their back-sides whingeing about a problem that doesn't exist!
Very well said! Just out of interest, what's your neighbour's and the other residents on your estate's opinion of the football club? Is it generally positive, negative or are they not bothered one way or t'other?
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Old 28-01-2010, 15:38   #43
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

I've never heard anything said at all. I usually get asked what the score was whilst walking home.
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Old 28-01-2010, 15:59   #44
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Originally Posted by Local Red View Post
I've never heard anything said at all. I usually get asked what the score was whilst walking home.
Hmmmm...suppose that's the classic good news and bad news scenario. Good in that people aren't actually complaining about us...bad in that, despite living literally a stone's throw away, no one else from the estate bothers coming to watch apart from you.

Just adds weight to my theory that the complainers are a very small minority.
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Old 28-01-2010, 16:09   #45
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Re: Never a Quiet Week

Sod em move stanley back to peel park then

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