15-05-2008, 20:00
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: The Slums, Darwen
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New Kit Ideas
I recieved this message earlier.
[quote]An idea..
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->G'day fatgaz182,,, I loved your artwork for the new stand and abilities to do that sort of thing.I thought the other day a thread re designing a new strip for the club might keep people amused.as i don't have the skill to draw a template of a shirt or indeed know how to get an existing one from cyberspace, I wondered if you could kick a thread of using your skills to, not just give us your idea but also a blank shirt outline that people could 'cut and paste' to colour up themselves?.. do you follow me?  .
Sorry to make it long winded,its just that I don't have the know how to get a basic neat shirt outline drawn up..
cheers john[quote]
I think the current kit is o.k, but I love a challenge
And the outline as requested have fun folks

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