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01-04-2008, 17:59
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Re: New name???
The first story was obviously a joke, but I still reckon that the second story is serious. Look at the time the story was published on the Telegraph site - 3.42, a little too late for April Fool's jokes, I'd say!
01-04-2008, 18:02
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Re: New name???
Yeh true wynonie think this is one big cock up by the club - cant do a joke right 
01-04-2008, 18:07
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Telegraph.............a little too late
Sounds about right.
This is all just a good joke gone too far. To indulge in the magical world of if's though... if the name Accrington Stanley was ever changed, it's the last they'd see of me. I support Accrington Stanley; no one & nothing else.
01-04-2008, 18:17
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Re: New name???
We could become the latest Franchise FC. New stadium, better players, bigger crowds, etc. Smashing!! 
01-04-2008, 18:31
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Re: New name???
I was being serious!!
Accrington Stanley were not founder members of the football league, Accrington FC were.
Our beloved suffix of "Stanley" we owe to Stanley Villa.
So by changing our name, for ONE season ONLY, we are rekindling our connections to our heritage!
(As for East Lancs /Hyndburn United Francise, you can shove that where the sun doesn't shine) 
British by birth, English by the Grace of God!
01-04-2008, 18:36
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Re: New name???
Statement from the club please.They should be concentrating on the league instead of crap like this.
i Heart Stanley
01-04-2008, 18:36
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Re: New name???
Obvious april fools ... all of it...
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01-04-2008, 18:46
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Re: New name???
I'm not sure whether to believe this or not, I was aware of an april fools joke this morning but even then I thought there might be something in it.
But if the club are considering it because of a few emails from people around Lancashire saying they'd support us if we changed our name, then I think it's stupidity. We need to listen to the diehard fans we get on every home game.
The name is a joke in itself, Lancashire Stanley United, sounds like a friggin Sunday league team for eight year olds.
01-04-2008, 18:51
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Re: New name???
A really good April Fool joke works because it is so outlandish that only the most gullible will believe it. This one didn't work. Not because the idea isn't outlandish, but because the powers that be at the club are so out of touch they might just conceivably have come up with such a hair-brained scheme.
That's the joke.
01-04-2008, 19:08
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Re: New name???
What started out as a bit of fun, as in a bizzare way turned around and bit us on the bum!
How much is down to mis quotes who knows
The Club should always be looking at new avenues to explore and I do not have a problem with that, a lot of things that have come out of the Club over the past few weeks has been really good news! reduced prices, the new stand, looking at new training facilities etc. The problem is no matter what walk of life you are from or what you do people don't always say well done and comment when things are going well, it's when things turn slightly or get taken out of context that people very quickly turn and see negatives and it produces all the wrong debate & headlines and then you have to start all over again! 
Working Towards Change
One thing I can give and still keep: my word.
01-04-2008, 20:18
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Re: New name???
What with the manager facing discipline charges and Thomas banned for his petulance, now the Chairman and Chief exec get in on the act. Is this 'Shoot Yourself in the Foot' season ?
01-04-2008, 20:23
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Re: New name???
The idea of a name change to raise sponsorship, crowds, etc, is actually growing on me, but why stop at renaming the club after an area? We could go down the road of being named after a corporation, or a product. McDonald's Athletic has a nicely ironic ring to it, or what about Woolworth's Wanderers?
I'm all for it!! Up the Franchise FC!!!
01-04-2008, 20:24
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Re: New name???
or Whalleys Wallys fc just about sums it up today
i Heart Stanley
01-04-2008, 20:25
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Re: New name???
I really hate repeating myself, but pathetic, really pathetic.
Most football fans suffer from bad management all week, part of why Saturday is such a release.
I, for one, can do without this $h1te. Not a happy bunny, 118 and falling.
You don't play with the most famous name in the beautiful game.   
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
01-04-2008, 20:28
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
The idea of a name change to raise sponsorship, crowds, etc, is actually growing on me, but why stop at renaming the club after an area? We could go down the road of being named after a corporation, or a product. McDonald's Athletic has a nicely ironic ring to it, or what about Woolworth's Wanderers?
I'm all for it!! Up the Franchise FC!!!
...and not one sniff of a smillie!
You're angling for bites as much as the fishy 
Got to love a pun.
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