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02-04-2008, 17:50
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Re: New name???
"Just read an article on the effects & dangers of heavy drinking. It scared the life out of me, & so thats it for me ..... after today....
Last edited by Willie Miller; 02-04-2008 at 17:51.
Reason: ooh betty
02-04-2008, 17:54
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Oggy
No we don't, but don't like being shown up by people who don't seem to understand the first thing about .... well everything, really.
Why do they keep attacking the people of Accrington?
Dunno, maybe they work like dogs all week to get fans to the ground, invest their own cash, get us promoted to the football league after 44 years in the pub leagues & then when they've done ALL that, they log on to the officialish forum & see "die hards" calling for them to get sacked.............
Just a thought & only my opinion mind.... 
02-04-2008, 17:56
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Re: New name???
Blimey ! I have been without my pc for a day and this happens ! Stanley armageddon !
It's joke, it's far too stupid to be true ! ( even by stanley standards)
Now, who saw the trailer with the flying penguins on and thought they were really flying..........   
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
02-04-2008, 18:01
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Re: New name???
The thing im missing is ........because of this april fool foolery.....is what exactly is it going to gain publicity wise other than we're run by planks slagging off accy & throwing dodo's out of the pram by going lancashire...........sorry not a great piece of publicity & certainly not well thought out, is it going to make people come or attract new support........other than the new fake LSU idea.
Me now & as others nevermind new visitors to the fishy site wont know what to beleive when a story comes up, a bad joke usually backfires. The fans here despite the objection to the tone behind the joke is what people are angling at - especially as its not the 1st time Eric has slagged off the town publically not that people are peeing on the fun bonfire
For a while now its been the stanley fans that have brought new support to the FES mainly.
02-04-2008, 18:04
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Willie Miller
"Just read an article on the effects & dangers of heavy drinking. It scared the life out of me, & so thats it for me ..... after today....
 now thats a more interesting & exciting read than the telegraph 
02-04-2008, 18:06
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Willie Miller
Dunno, maybe they work like dogs all week to get fans to the ground, invest their own cash, get us promoted to the football league after 44 years in the pub leagues & then when they've done ALL that, they log on to the officialish forum & see "die hards" calling for them to get sacked.............
Just a thought & only my opinion mind.... 
Yes, that's fair enough. It isn't my usual position, but really think this taken things over the line and will lose the club a lot of goodwill.
Me and Bagpuss are usually poles apart (no pun intended), but they've pushed us together by shooting themselves in the foot again.
I was calming down but saw tonight's Telegraph, and I presume the Observer will be full of it tomorrow.
They've set the agenda, and taken us back to the demoralising discussions of last year, and for what?
Only my opinion, mind. 
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
02-04-2008, 18:07
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Now i knew they weren't real they were funny plus the showed how they did it this morning so those that saw penguins fly know it was completely fabricated...unlike the 'considering the idea' LSU stunt 
02-04-2008, 18:39
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Re: New name???
Most of what I have heard and read in the Press today just seem re-workings of yesterdays original statements and interviews (play on words perhaps  )
There is no doubt it has brought the Club a lot of publicity, the right kind well that's open to debate, hence the number of postings on here and the Telegraph website, what it has done and I don't think anybody could argue against this it has "united" (no pun intended) the fans probably in a way I certainly have not seen before on here as one behind the name "Accrington Stanley" so maybe some good will come out of it after all 
Working Towards Change
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02-04-2008, 19:01
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Re: New name???
April 1st 12am
website issues story claiming that club are changing name as of next season to Mickey Mouse R us
April 1st 12:01pm
story still on website, nobody in Accrington has remotely been taken in by so called amusing April Fools Joke
at some point various aspects of the media have contacted the club to 'check' the credentials of the rumour ...... the club at this juncture should have slapped themselves on the back and had a chuckle that they had conned a few people ... and issued a retraction stating that we have had x number of phone calls including those from Sky, Lancs Telegraph and the White House ...result all fans ROFLMAO and LOL and PMSL etc ....friday night comes and the mood is nice and fresh on the back of talks of season ticket reductions, new stands, Family Excellence awards, blooming Football in the Community programme etc etc in addition to all laughing at Sky News for being numpties
April 1st PM
club adds fuel to the fire by saying that yes it was a joke but now they were considering the idea ... cue lots of free publicity (not a bad little idea - maybe attract a good few season ticket holders from the town?) which then turns into bad publicity with slanging matches between those who think its a good idea and those that think its a bad idea, LET forum between Stanley fans protecting the club and Rovers fans slating 'rip off' Stanley, between Eric Whalley and an undeserving Accrington public.
nett result?
possible new fans attracted to the website and cheap season tickets being appalled at the idea of being 'undeserving'
existing fans being made to feel stupid and ridiculed in pubs and workplaces across the borough and considering not renewing their season tickets because they either believe the rumour or are disgusted by the chronology of events. It would have been far easier to print up 10,000 A5 doble sided full colour leaflets and distribut around town at a cost of £150 + vat
.... this came close to being a major triumph IMHO but once again we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Last edited by maccawozzagod; 02-04-2008 at 19:03.
02-04-2008, 19:02
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Willie Miller
Dunno, maybe they work like dogs all week to get fans to the ground, invest their own cash, get us promoted to the football league after 44 years in the pub leagues & then when they've done ALL that, they log on to the officialish forum & see "die hards" calling for them to get sacked.............
Maybe we spend our hard earned cash to go and support the club week in week out, when it is far cheaper to go to either Blackburn or Burnley to watch better standard football. Then we get home to see theyre making a mockery of the fans that do go to watch them. If it wasn;t for us die hards Accrington Stanley wouldn't even be able to consider changing their name because theyd be out of business.
Last edited by VitalStanley; 02-04-2008 at 19:05.
02-04-2008, 19:04
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Re: New name???
I don't understand how any floating fan would be encouraged to buy a season ticket based on this trumped up story.
02-04-2008, 19:07
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
I don't understand how any floating fan would be encouraged to buy a season ticket based on this trumped up story.
true TM, also being from an undeserved area called umm Accrington 
02-04-2008, 19:15
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Re: New name???
I'll tell you what worries me more than any name change. After reading the Telegraph site comments, it's the level of illiteracy in Lancashire that we should be more concerned about.
02-04-2008, 19:17
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Re: New name???
I am so glad I didn't log on to AccyWeb or Fishy yesterday - what a potmess !
And I can't believe there's been no follow up on Fishy today putting this to bed.
On second thoughts, of course I can .. 
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02-04-2008, 19:58
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Re: New name???
did anyone hear the interview earlier then? what did rob say.
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