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02-04-2008, 20:05
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Re: New name???
He said theyd call the ground the arse ticklers stadia if it made them extra revenue 
02-04-2008, 20:05
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Re: New name???
I've just come back from the FES. Isn't Eric a bit old to be up a ladder with some stencils and a marker pen. Good news for those against the name, he was struggling to fit it on the signs, so it might get shortened to Lancy Stanley Utd 
02-04-2008, 20:56
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Willie Miller
Saw it for what it was - not another chance to have a cheap dig at the club just because I couldnt get a joke.... The club do it every year. I too saw the flying penguins on BBC1 - there was also a joke news item on the local evening (yes thats evening) news where they were training pigeons to fly in formation to replace the planes in the Eastbourne Airborne show by showing them arrows and directions written down on a piece of paper hahahahaha  It was beyond me how they kept a straight face...
Jimbo T  blower
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02-04-2008, 21:08
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Re: New name???
02-04-2008, 21:34
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Jimbo T Hornblower
Saw it for what it was - not another chance to have a cheap dig at the club just because I couldnt get a joke.... The club do it every year.
You'd have to be an idiot not to have understood it was a poor attempt at humour.
Big joke, though. Just when they should be launching a full scale drive on the brilliant season ticket prices, the local press has got Eric saying that the public of Accrington don't deserve a league team, front page two days running.
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
03-04-2008, 05:43
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Re: New name???
1. The local press are exactly that - press - they will print whatever they want to and normally do - in a very similar way to people posting on here whatever they want to and normally do
2. Thats nothing new from Eric - he's been saying that for a long time as we all know and sometimes you can see why (re-reading this stupid thread for one)...
Jimbo T  blower
Born and Bred in Accrington - You cant BUY class
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03-04-2008, 06:32
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Oggy
You'd have to be an idiot not to have understood it was a poor attempt at humour.
Big joke, though. Just when they should be launching a full scale drive on the brilliant season ticket prices, the local press has got Eric saying that the public of Accrington don't deserve a league team, front page two days running.
It's a Blue morning!!...First thing on my MP3 when I turned it on ?...
Howlin' Wolf....'Goin' down slow!!!', then I re-read the piece in the 'Telegraph'' Oggy !, which ends 'Without doubt it was a bit of fun and an April Fool. But the more we think about it, the more it makes sense '...then I sat at my Piano and played some more Blues !.
Because if there is one thing to ponder upon when surveying the collective
reaction to the 'fishy spoof', it is surely the fact that none of it makes any sense whatsoever !!, and anyone who can arrive at any other conclusion
must be THE April Fool!!
The whole affair, in the opinion of one who has supported 'ACCRINGTON STANLEY' since watching George Stewart glide his headed gems between
the Peel Park goalposts, has done little to enhance the reputation of those
who perpetrated this not-so-subtle attempt at ' Veiled Irony', and, worse still, gone on to use the original words in a ploy to get a more sinister concept accross to the people of Accrington and it's surrounds !...SHAME ON THEM !!..... ' Quo Vadis ?'.
So Alfred.E. and I are Blue, (Where we should be 'Red all over'!)...and, to use aother 'blues' phrase!...'Is it any wonder?'.
I'll try and cheer up before tomorrow night...Honestly!!!!!.
03-04-2008, 10:16
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Re: New name???
Oh what a way to stuff up all the brilliant publicity surrounding the club recently!
I'm not a Stanley fan but do follow their results being from accrington and posted on here regarding the new season ticket prices etc.. hailing the club for it's good work then they go and do this!
As a joke it was ok but to carry it on the way they have is ridiculous and makes the club look very amateurish but to all the fans considering not going because of this,don't be so silly!
It may be a joke for now but if attendences drop further don't you think it might become more of a reality?
You have already lost the club once do you really want to go through that again?
 Diesels' Wife!!
03-04-2008, 10:51
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Re: New name???
Nobody is saying that they wouldnt go to Accy stanley matches what they did say if the consideration for name change became a reality then they would get on the bus to Accrington Stanley not LSU.
03-04-2008, 12:02
Accy Red
Re: New name???
I made a decision a few weeks ago that if I couldn't post anything positive then I wouldn't post. Whatever Eric and co. where thinking has to me now fallen flat and once again made us a laughing stock, I wonder what our new director is making of this and I hope it's not stopping him getting a few more southern money men investing in the club.
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
03-04-2008, 14:58
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Oggy
You'd have to be an idiot not to have understood it was a poor attempt at humour.
Big joke, though. Just when they should be launching a full scale drive on the brilliant season ticket prices, the local press has got Eric saying that the public of Accrington don't deserve a league team, front page two days running.
The worst thing of all Oggy ??
The 'Spoof (?)...and it's consequent fall-out...
Was, and is, totally unnecessary for everyone concerned !!.
Where is OUR great Club going to next????
'WHAT ME WORRY'...Both Alfred.E. and I do when faced with
such calamitous behaviour!!
03-04-2008, 15:20
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Bagpuss
I made a decision a few weeks ago that if I couldn't post anything positive then I wouldn't post. Whatever Eric and co. where thinking has to me now fallen flat and once again made us a laughing stock, I wonder what our new director is making of this and I hope it's not stopping him getting a few more southern money men investing in the club.
Baggie, you and I have often not seen eye to eye on here, but in this case , whether you like it or not,  , I echo your thoughts/concerns 100%.
03-04-2008, 15:52
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Re: New name???
Well the front page of the Observer this week tells you where the idea for the new name comes from 
03-04-2008, 15:53
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Re: New name???
What a F***** Joke That Is... Front Page Of the Obsever that is.
03-04-2008, 15:58
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Re: New name???
Originally Posted by Nickelson
What a F***** Joke That Is... Front Page Of the Obsever that is.
The last thing Stanley need is a clown like Batchelor taking over, he should be charged by the CPS for being a nuisance to football.
Interesting quote from Eric though, "I would not sell to anyone who wants to take the club out of Accrington or change it's name dramatically". Could have saved a lot of genuine passionate fans a lot of arguing on here if that had been put on the website instead of the stuff that has been published.
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