02-06-2008, 18:43
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Re: New Shirt Sponser for next season
Originally Posted by Stanleymad
Mmm maybe cheapest is not always bestest
Ahhhh lifes so much fun being a stanley fan - the thick skins we have to wear for the butt of the jokes wading in fast 
Talking of 'thick-skins' AM !.....
Alfred.E. suggested, in one of his more lucid moments that all players might have 'a strip' with an appropriate logo painted or even tattooed onto their torsos immediately on signing forms with the Reds!..
This would not only circumvent the need to keep replacing
Shirts, he went on, but might also save all of the club's
more hard-up fans a great deal of money when buying the ever-changing replicas... one would last for life !.
I quite naturally, on behalf of the entire forum, told him that this was a silly notion indeed!.
He asks however that if anyone has any ideas as to what a
suitable LOGO would be for the Reds...AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME...He would love to read them !!!
'What me worry', not on my current medication I don't!