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Old 11-05-2008, 15:18   #16
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Re: New Stand

speculate to accumulate? we won't.

We'll only spend what we have and at the moment that is pretty much nowt - so building office space won't happen.

That's not a moan, its not a criticism, its how it is.
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Old 11-05-2008, 16:53   #17
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Re: New Stand

Rob Heys reckons it will. He's quoted in the Observer as saying, "This could cost up to £1m but hopefully it will be self-generating with changing rooms, new offices and places to rent. If it does generate income, we can borrow the money, although there is also money available from the Football Foundation."

The sad fact is, the stand is destined to become a white elephant, but it will have to be built regardless, or we'll be out of the league.
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Old 11-05-2008, 18:39   #18
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Re: New Stand

Just reading back the article I posted up from the Telegraph, the funding or some way towards it to build Business Space could be there if it was incorperated into the New Stand from the No Limits Fund

It could be used to hold Away Fans!

Roof on, Seats in place would probably attract more Away Fans and could probably charge a few quid more

Maybe incorperate a Restaurant that could be used on Matchdays for corperate and Every other night and Weekends be generating income for the Club, possibly a gym or some other recreational use that could be used by the Sqaud during the day and by the People of Hynburn in the Evenings at Weekend again that come become self finacing or at least maybe attract grants to help build it if being used by the wider community as well.
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Old 11-05-2008, 18:41   #19
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Re: New Stand

if it is going to cost us £500,000 (then the same again from the various foundations) how long would it take us to make that figure back?

if we went down to the Conference would we as a club make less money than we do now?

I personally kinda like the idea of being chucked out of the league again! it is in keeping with the Stanley fairytale (or tragedy). Let's make a stand (pardon the pun) against the hierarchy who would have us go bust again.

Get Mr Pope involved, in light of clubs such as Halifax, Rotherham, Bournemouth etc (and another ten every year) staring closure in the face because of overspending, we should be held up as a shining light of how a football club should be run. Well maybe not quite but you know what I mean.

The alternative would be to build a tinpot temporary thing that could come down as soon as we get relegated/find £1/2m whichever comes first. But of course, Mr Heys has already ruled out the building of a temporary structure as it would be wasted money.
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Old 11-05-2008, 18:53   #20
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Re: New Stand

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
I personally kinda like the idea of being chucked out of the league again!
I DO NOT want to have to go through that again!
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Old 11-05-2008, 19:02   #21
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Re: New Stand

At least Coley is doing his bit?

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Old 11-05-2008, 19:04   #22
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Re: New Stand

Considering who's watching him, he daren't do otherwise!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 19:21   #23
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Re: New Stand

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
the funding or some way towards it to build Business Space could be there if it was incorperated into the New Stand from the No Limits Fund.......It could be used to hold Away Fans ......
Roof on, Seats in place would probably attract more Away Fans and could probably charge a few quid more......Maybe incorperate a Restaurant that could be used on Matchdays for corperate and Every other night and Weekends be generating income for the Club, possibly a gym or some other recreational use that could be used by the Sqaud during the day and by the People of Hynburn in the Evenings at Weekend again that come become self finacing or at least maybe attract grants to help build it if being used by the wider community as well.
Accy fans should take back the Accy End.

RESTAURANT Any proposed new stand should include a restaurant that could not only cater for matchday and coporate, but also for the players and staff during the week. That would save some money as well as bringing in a bit from various staff paying for their dinners (subsidised of course). The restaurant could also take care of outside catering interests, which could be discounted for functions booked at the club.

SHOP OUTLETS The new stand should also include various bits of concession stands such as a bookies, club/OSC shop, food, drink, sweets, or even one offs like AA or RAC etc. Each stall could pay a nominal ground rent of say £30 for such like as the bookies. It's not a fortune but a) it would bring in a few thousand over the season b) programme sales would increase c) club shop sale would increase d) something to do might get the fans in earlier, might make them spend more whilst here e) something to do whilst here could encourage people to come back.

FOOD/DRINK OUTLETS Should be owned and run by the club. There is no benefit to bigger gates other than more £13 being paid and an increase in programme sales that might bnot even have been allowed for. Let's own the food bar and pay a wage to someone to run it. The stall holders aren't daft - they pay good money for the pitch knowing that they will make a huge profit no matter waht the crowd.

NEW BAR Incorporate a new purpose built clubhouse that will make more money than the present one. Demolishing th epresent one will allow for a bit more car parking space and turning a bit of what is left into a better hospitality suite than what we have now. Put the entrance to the new bar as close to the junction with Livingstone Road as possible and provide car parking immediately outside it. That would help to get more frequent and better patroned functions that what we currently have. As previously mentioned - offer catering and maybe even a DJ built into a price. The room can still be free/nominal price but if we offer catering and DJ (not at extortionate prices) we should ensure being booked up friday and saturday nights for months in advance.

OFFICE SPACE Like Pendle Red stated some of the money can come from outside agencies such as No Limits. Built right each office could look out onto the ground and as part of their monthly rent they can use their office as thier own private box. This again acts as a sweetener to ensure that we get the space rented out. Once they are in we can hit em for an advertising board outside their window etc etc. The one thing we shouldn't do is increase their monthly rent from £x to £x + £10k for a season long box.

COMMUNITY SPACE We could also get money from the Lottery if we provide a community Hall. That would also allow us to lead the community in as many events as our community team can think up. It would also prevent us having to spend a huge amount of money on renting areas like the New Era for hours upon end every night of the week. It could host Youth Clubs, it could host childrens birthday parties, it could host jumble/car boot sales at weekend.

You can get money from hundreds of agencies for hundreds of reasons. The trick is to know what for and how to get it. Maybe employ somebody who knows about these things? The OSC could never have done the Exhibition without help from people who know about grants and the like - but we have profited in terms of goodwill within the community, positive Google Page Ranking national and local, and by the end of the project we should hopefully have made some money off the back of it. With a bit of luck the club will also have been thinking about how to profit from it.

NEW CHANGING ROOMS Maybe not a money earner but would help us look better and more professional to potential new signings. Maybe a gym could somehow be incorporated which would save us money on hiring out municipal gyms?

CAR PARKING Lets get the car park tarmacced and marked out, better access and exits and then charge the buggers £3 to use it. People would still use it especially away fans so we are losing around £600 per game. That pays the Stewarding bill each week

Above all else though I would make the Accy End for Accy Supporters! I kinda like being a Clayton Ender but surely the Clayton End should be frequented by folk from that end of town? Lets star trying to get some form of friendly rivalry going between ends. Put the away fans in the Cow Shed or summat. But Accy on the Accy End please but allow some form of standing area for the singers. We could put the sh!ts up the away team and officials if we were singing right above em as the leave/enter the pitch

--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxxIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxx IIII ----------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxx IIII ----------------------

dots are seats IIIII is standing and xxxx is the tunnel. Shudda been an architect eh?
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Old 11-05-2008, 19:49   #24
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Re: New Stand

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxxIIIII ---------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxx IIII ----------------------
--------------------- IIIII xxxxxxxxxx IIII ----------------------

dots are seats IIIII is standing and xxxx is the tunnel. Shudda been an architect eh?
Stick to selling Tools, lol
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Old 11-05-2008, 19:57   #25
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Re: New Stand

you gonna start buying again then or what tubs?
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Old 11-05-2008, 20:11   #26
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Re: New Stand

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
you gonna start buying again then or what tubs?
No money Apparently? Just Like Stanley
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Old 11-05-2008, 21:34   #27
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Re: New Stand

why dont they just build a temporary scaffold stand - the only thing is, the council will have to come each week and check it - but that wont cost the club anything.
And, they club can either hire the scaffold or purchase it - if its hired take it down for 3 months a year to save a bit of cash.

Halifax is a perfect example of how spending big money on big stadium can hurt you in the long run.
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Old 11-05-2008, 23:10   #28
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Re: New Stand

Scaffold stand!!! thats not the first time thats bin menstioned and i dont mean on the forum either,i think we'l just have to wait and see
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Old 12-05-2008, 12:03   #29
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Re: New Stand

Think Watford had a temporary stand for a period.

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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Old 12-05-2008, 12:32   #30
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Re: New Stand

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Yeh the new stand & other requirements will have to be done by the 1st of May 09 otherwise we will find ourselves out of the league regardless.
It doesn't have to be a stand, all that is required is extra seating, this can be put anywhere
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