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Old 01-07-2020, 12:12   #271
Full Member+

Re: Next season??

I was purely on about travel times as was the conversation, not which is better for a day out.
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Old 02-07-2020, 08:08   #272
God Member

Re: Next season??

for me a lot of the better days out have been lost and some for good. halifax. hartlepool, stockport, bury, morecambe plus york and darlington having new grounds. infact i much prefered burndan park and the old show ground to what and where they were replaced with.
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Old 02-07-2020, 10:40   #273
God Member

Re: Next season??

According to reports coming out of the BBC this morning the two proposed start dates for new season in August and September are for Premiership and Championship behind closed doors. It goes on to say a big percentage of leagues 1 and 2 and national League clubs are very reluctant to start with no or reduced crowds because it forms the majority of their income.
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Old 02-07-2020, 17:04   #274
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Re: Next season??

I have it from a very good contact that the start date they are working to for Leagues 1 and 2 will be Sept 12 and clubs will be allowed a capacity that is the most they can fit in adhering to the 1-metre social distancing measures but also taking into account ingress and egress arrangements at most grounds that will be somewhere between 33 and 50% of their actual capacities. All those present will need to be season ticket holders so as the club/authorities have the name/address/seat number/standing position of everyone attending.

Each club will play 2 home games under those conditions and then [ provided nothing has gone wrong ] will be allowed an increase ranging at some clubs say another 20% but others an increase up to 100% two examples would be one where it would probably be a stepped increase is Blackpool which is an enclosed stadium with very constrained concourses compared to say Carlisle where an average attendance wouldn't fill 25% of the ground and where ingress and egress are good [ although it atrocious in the main stand and I could see that having very tight limits put on it]

As far as that goes I could see it being ok for Accy as both stands empty without the use of enclosed concourses and even at 33% the standing areas would give a capacity even at the first stage in excess of last year's season ticket totals.

As no away fans will be allowed initially I believe the plan is to make each club's first six fixtures against the most distant teams who would have brought the fewest fans thereby reducing the amounts that would be lost by having nil away fans.
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Old 02-07-2020, 17:31   #275
God Member

Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by NORTHERNSOUL View Post
I have it from a very good contact that the start date they are working to for Leagues 1 and 2 will be Sept 12 and clubs will be allowed a capacity that is the most they can fit in adhering to the 1-metre social distancing measures but also taking into account ingress and egress arrangements at most grounds that will be somewhere between 33 and 50% of their actual capacities. All those present will need to be season ticket holders so as the club/authorities have the name/address/seat number/standing position of everyone attending.

Each club will play 2 home games under those conditions and then [ provided nothing has gone wrong ] will be allowed an increase ranging at some clubs say another 20% but others an increase up to 100% two examples would be one where it would probably be a stepped increase is Blackpool which is an enclosed stadium with very constrained concourses compared to say Carlisle where an average attendance wouldn't fill 25% of the ground and where ingress and egress are good [ although it atrocious in the main stand and I could see that having very tight limits put on it]

As far as that goes I could see it being ok for Accy as both stands empty without the use of enclosed concourses and even at 33% the standing areas would give a capacity even at the first stage in excess of last year's season ticket totals.

As no away fans will be allowed initially I believe the plan is to make each club's first six fixtures against the most distant teams who would have brought the fewest fans thereby reducing the amounts that would be lost by having nil away fans.
Is it possible for you to divulge your scource.?
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Old 02-07-2020, 17:39   #276
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Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by NORTHERNSOUL View Post
I have it from a very good contact that the start date they are working to for Leagues 1 and 2 will be Sept 12 and clubs will be allowed a capacity that is the most they can fit in adhering to the 1-metre social distancing measures but also taking into account ingress and egress arrangements at most grounds that will be somewhere between 33 and 50% of their actual capacities. All those present will need to be season ticket holders so as the club/authorities have the name/address/seat number/standing position of everyone attending.

Each club will play 2 home games under those conditions and then [ provided nothing has gone wrong ] will be allowed an increase ranging at some clubs say another 20% but others an increase up to 100% two examples would be one where it would probably be a stepped increase is Blackpool which is an enclosed stadium with very constrained concourses compared to say Carlisle where an average attendance wouldn't fill 25% of the ground and where ingress and egress are good [ although it atrocious in the main stand and I could see that having very tight limits put on it]

As far as that goes I could see it being ok for Accy as both stands empty without the use of enclosed concourses and even at 33% the standing areas would give a capacity even at the first stage in excess of last year's season ticket totals.

As no away fans will be allowed initially I believe the plan is to make each club's first six fixtures against the most distant teams who would have brought the fewest fans thereby reducing the amounts that would be lost by having nil away fans.
Accrington,s average attendance last season was 2862 away fan average in league 1 was 800 approximately that leaves 2000 roughly, Stanley have I believe around 1000 season ticket holders someone correct me if I,m wrong.Wether that when sales commence increase is anyone,s guess but on your figures wouldn't appear a problem for Stanley wether it's enough income is questionable.
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Old 02-07-2020, 18:14   #277
Senior Member+

Re: Next season??

Its all conjecture.
I nailed my colours to the mast ages ago and will stick to it.
26 September no restrictions.
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Old 02-07-2020, 18:32   #278
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Post Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by Twenty Eight View Post
Its all conjecture.
I nailed my colours to the mast ages ago and will stick to it.
26 September no restrictions.
I sincerely hope you are right.
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Old 02-07-2020, 19:07   #279
God Member

Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by andyd View Post
I sincerely hope you are right.
If that start date proves to be right that will be 30 weeks with no football and little or no income let's hope there are still 72 clubs left to participate.
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Old 02-07-2020, 20:45   #280
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Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by andyd View Post
If that start date proves to be right that will be 30 weeks with no football and little or no income let's hope there are still 72 clubs left to participate.
And little expenditure and a little bit of support
called furlough !!!!
Come on mate balanced views.
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Old 03-07-2020, 03:19   #281
Full Member

Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by andyd View Post
Accrington,s average attendance last season was 2862 away fan average in league 1 was 800 approximately that leaves 2000 roughly, Stanley have I believe around 1000 season ticket holders someone correct me if I,m wrong.Wether that when sales commence increase is anyone,s guess but on your figures wouldn't appear a problem for Stanley wether it's enough income is questionable.
Well that's the million-dollar question isn't it but the way they're looking at it is if you play your two games that would have attracted the lowest attendances anyway first the loss on those games is the least it can be and will be mitigated by selling the I player packages [ with the blackout period remaining suspended ] which if they follow how they're doing it now in the championship the model appears to give the home club a bigger cut than before and modeling has shown that players should in effect be able to remain 50% furloughed right up until the scheme ends if they play ball with the clubs.

If clubs then put season tickets on sale a club selling 2k at an average of £200 would bring in 400k which will do wonders for their cashflow.

Then get through your first couple of games and move on to stage two where Accy could well be given a capacity in excess of the season ticket holder numbers and may well then be able to sell individual match tickets online to ensure that they have the name and address of everyone attending.

The DCMS have realised that if they put unreasonable obstacles in the way of a restart and more clubs start to go bust they will have a very large, powerful and vociferous lobby attacking them and may then have to allow a less managed restart but I believe nothing will happen for a couple of weeks while they assess the impact that the likes of opening the pubs has on the figures.

The date they are looking at for returning to normal [ not sure whether that means away fans present or not] is Nov 1st or after each club has played 8 games 4 home 4 away.

This comes from a company who are already involved with about 15 or 20 FL clubs and who did some modeling on the restart and offered their services to the FL and i believe it was mentioned briefly at a meeting this week.
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Old 03-07-2020, 03:40   #282
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Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by andyd View Post
Is it possible for you to divulge your scource.?
Yes without naming names

This comes from a company who are already involved with about 15 or 20 FL clubs and who did some modeling on the restart and offered their services to the FL and I believe it was mentioned briefly at a meeting this week.

I did some work around a concept that would have revolutionised lower league football finances about 5 years ago with the guy whos now the managing director of this company I recognised his name in a tweet sent him a message and we now speak regularly and it seems he has the ear of someone at the FL and I think the idea is that they create a policy for each league that all the clubs stick to as from what he,s said the league is a bit concerned that different clubs are going off in different directions, for example, some going ahead and selling thousands of season tickets and others holding back till they better know how the land lies.

He's been pretty open with me and did, in fact, point something out to me regarding the Stanley/AH situation re the club and AH.s other businesses that he announced but that I hadn't put together that can only be good for the survival of the club if his assumption is correct.
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Old 03-07-2020, 07:27   #283
God Member

Re: Next season??

just do not understand why there can be no away fans at games. clubs like manchester united would have more home fans from accross the country than even clubs like sunderland brought to the wham. then there could be the stupid situation if bradford city where still in division 1. if i purchased a ST again i could attend the game where my near neighbour and others in my town could not.
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Old 03-07-2020, 09:16   #284
God Member

Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by Twenty Eight View Post
And little expenditure and a little bit of support
called furlough !!!!
Come on mate balanced views.
If that start date is the one given I suspect most lower league clubs will want some assurance about returning crowds, pre- season would presumably start about six weeks in front of that date when all furloughing would stop thus increasing spending surely some insurance of a definite date for crowds returning would be a necessity.
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Old 03-07-2020, 20:33   #285
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Re: Next season??

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
just do not understand why there can be no away fans at games. clubs like manchester united would have more home fans from accross the country than even clubs like sunderland brought to the wham. then there could be the stupid situation if bradford city where still in division 1. if i purchased a ST again i could attend the game where my near neighbour and others in my town could not.
I get what you're saying but Man Utd aren't the FL.s problem.

And yes I get the disease spread issue certainly at the first two games and its a problem they would have to resolve but it's no different to a train leaving Glasgow with an asymptomatic person on board and passengers joining at up to a dozen trains along the route buy the time that train reaches London god knows how many people could be infected yet that was happening hundreds of times a day even at the height of the virus.

My guess is the first two home games home season ticket holders only. 2nd two home games home season ticket holders and [ depending on clubs ground capacity and season ticket sales more season ticket holders or like in Accys case online sales to non season ticket holders ] and 3rd set of two home games [ from the start of November ] hopefully away club season ticket holders would be able to buy available tickets to away games [ that way they still have the names and details of everyone in attendance in case the worst should happen ]
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