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29-07-2020, 09:18
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by Crown Grounder
I'll be renewing my season ticket as soon as they are on sale.....the club will need all the money it can get as early as it can get it ..............................
I want to be part of the select group of Stanley supporters along with Cashy at the first game fans are allowed back into the ground.... 
Agree 100% our Club needs us at this moment

19 Years in the Football League
29-07-2020, 09:19
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by andyd
Are you sure page not on fishy site? .
Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy
Sorry Valarian, link broken, saying not found Code 404
It was there, must amending it
Sure it will be back again soon

19 Years in the Football League
Last edited by VALAIRIAN; 29-07-2020 at 09:22.
29-07-2020, 09:27
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
I will be renewing mine wether I will be attending will depend on a lot of factors that will be prevelent at the time suspect a lot will do the same.
29-07-2020, 09:41
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What will be this season............ eventually :) (we hope)
Originally Posted by andyd
I will be renewing mine wether I will be attending will depend on a lot of factors that will be prevelent at the time suspect a lot will do the same.
Wish I had your optimism Andyd.....
19 Years in the Football League
29-07-2020, 09:44
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Re: Next season??
[QUOTE=VALAIRIAN;1242507]Agree 100% our Club needs us at this moment
they might do i agree. if there was a game on saturday coming up without any restrictions then i,d be there. i,m sick to death with restrictions in my gereral life without having my enjoyment being restricted as well. for me it will be a case of sitting back to see how everything pans out before going to a game again.
29-07-2020, 10:16
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
As it will be season ticket holders we presume only In a reduced capacity all the money will have been paid upfront no money on the day refreshments not sure how that will work, programs and draw tickets will under current restrictions be a no go I would imagine. Andy Holt has said the club has coped quite well but like everyone he wants to see what the financial aid package contains before making any increase to the reduced playing budget.
29-07-2020, 10:31
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Re: Next season??
Checked quite a few other clubs fans forums this morning and the exact same debate is ongoing on them will we or won't we be attending same reasons entertainment spoilt, elderly vunerable long term supporters genuinely scared to attend, worries about forking the money out only for spikes or local lockdowns forcing loss of more games not easy down to the individual and hopefully those that choose to attend they will observe the rules put in front of them and not act as if it is normal when it is anything but.
29-07-2020, 10:41
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Next season??
at least the doom mongers cant trot out the old excuse" They will have found something else to do when all this is over. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
29-07-2020, 11:07
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Re: Next season??
I think they may have jumped the gun here as there is a lot to consider.
Some people's jobs have been completely unaffected by COVID-19 and are better off financially due to it as they have had nothing to spend their money on, and I am sure if Stanley fans would have no issue paying up front not actually guaranteed to see any football yet.
People who were on lower income jobs before COVID-19 were also the ones who lost the most, and even if furloughed it would probably mean their disposable income gones from modest to zero.
Having lost 6 games last year through Bury and COVID-19, there are those who would be cautious about paying the ticket price up front when even more games could be lost this season. Other teams have given credits off next year's season tickets to compensate for games lost games last season, it has not been something that stanley have mentioned, and I am aware of the COVID offer initially in March when it was expected matches would be played. If Stanley are not offering anything now for the matches lost last year, then they need to thanks the fans for their understanding or allow the fans to consent to it.
Then there are fans who won't think it is safe to come back, and maybe want season ticket, but don't expect to attend the first half or more, and may give a season ticket a miss and look at buying individual tickets from next Feb and go to a few if COVID-19 is no longer a threat then. Confidence in club safety protocols after not providing water for the toilets may not be too high.
Fans can't visualise what games they will probably miss due to there being no idea when the fixtures are released, with as shirt as three weeks' notice expected. To get fans snapping up the season tickets there needs to be more innovative offer, including offering to save seats for people who don't want to attend in 200/21 so they can get them back in 2021/22 for a small fee or deposit.
29-07-2020, 11:09
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Re: Next season??
A trail live music gig held in London following social distancing rules with 250 attending in a 1250 capacity venue was considered a failure by the owner as it wasn't financially viable to operate under those restrictions no surprises their then.
29-07-2020, 11:54
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by Chewbacca
Having lost 6 games last year through Bury and COVID-19, there are those who would be cautious about paying the ticket price up front when even more games could be lost this season. Other teams have given credits off next year's season tickets to compensate for games lost games last season, it has not been something that stanley have mentioned, and I am aware of the COVID offer initially in March when it was expected matches would be played. If Stanley are not offering anything now for the matches lost last year, then they need to thanks the fans for their understanding or allow the fans to consent to it
Believe only 1 person took the club up on the offer of a partial refund on last seasons season ticket due to missed games.
Need to be able to plan a budget for next season so can't imagine the offer would be extended to new season tickets.
29-07-2020, 12:03
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by Chewbacca
I think they may have jumped the gun here as there is a lot to consider.
Some people's jobs have been completely unaffected by COVID-19 and are better off financially due to it as they have had nothing to spend their money on, and I am sure if Stanley fans would have no issue paying up front not actually guaranteed to see any football yet.
People who were on lower income jobs before COVID-19 were also the ones who lost the most, and even if furloughed it would probably mean their disposable income gones from modest to zero.
Having lost 6 games last year through Bury and COVID-19, there are those who would be cautious about paying the ticket price up front when even more games could be lost this season. Other teams have given credits off next year's season tickets to compensate for games lost games last season, it has not been something that stanley have mentioned, and I am aware of the COVID offer initially in March when it was expected matches would be played. If Stanley are not offering anything now for the matches lost last year, then they need to thanks the fans for their understanding or allow the fans to consent to it.
Then there are fans who won't think it is safe to come back, and maybe want season ticket, but don't expect to attend the first half or more, and may give a season ticket a miss and look at buying individual tickets from next Feb and go to a few if COVID-19 is no longer a threat then. Confidence in club safety protocols after not providing water for the toilets may not be too high.
Fans can't visualise what games they will probably miss due to there being no idea when the fixtures are released, with as shirt as three weeks' notice expected. To get fans snapping up the season tickets there needs to be more innovative offer, including offering to save seats for people who don't want to attend in 200/21 so they can get them back in 2021/22 for a small fee or deposit.
Maybe that's why the article disappeared from the fishy site yesterday & it's being re-written?
29-07-2020, 12:08
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Re: Next season??
Originally Posted by StanleyJosh
Believe only 1 person took the club up on the offer of a partial refund on last seasons season ticket due to missed games.
Need to be able to plan a budget for next season so can't imagine the offer would be extended to new season tickets.
As Andy Holt explained in his radio interview the budget is already there but it as been reduced quite significantly I think and will be adjusted when if the financial aid arrives and each club knows what it is getting and also when income become,s more back to normal.
29-07-2020, 12:17
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Re: Next season??
[QUOTE=StanleyJosh;1242525]Believe only 1 person took the club up on the offer of a partial refund on last seasons season ticket due to missed games.
I wish !
Last edited by stanleyhouse; 29-07-2020 at 12:19.
30-07-2020, 07:58
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Re: Next season??
Question for Me.T if I may seeing as Stanley haven't got their own training ground how are they going to adhere to the Covid guidelines or have the club got a temporary to permanent venue lined up that alleviate,s the problem?
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