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next seasons support rallying mission?</TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=postbody colSpan=2>so anyway, as freshly stolen from the Shakers (part 1 anyway)
Red and White Fortnight -
1 Attempt to blanket Accrington with red and white colouring. Every store on Broadway and arterial roads to be d4ecked with red and white - at their own expense. Needs only to be balloons and a scarf or something, but the point is that it would cost next to nothing for the store or their staff but it would get them invovled.
2 Need to try and get some Printers to sponsor us to the tune of a few hundred flyers. Something A5 size with a picture of The Ultras et al complete with flags. Something fun looking with details of first home match underneath. Maybe even a Lord Kitcheneresque pic of Coley saying your team needs you. They can be handed out on the saturday before our opening game (I hope it at home) by an en masse army of Stanleyites. It's been done before but lets now do it with full force.
3 Maybe the most ambitious but the more you think about it the less involving it actually becomes. A two minute video to be filmed of the club mainly utilising the fans partying and a couple of goals thrown in for dramatic effect and ending with the Conference Trophy being lifted. The accompanying music would be a terrace chant, maybe You Light up my Senses or the Stanley boys locking the doors thing. Over the top of that would be a voice a la the guy who does film trailers (you know the one - COMING SOON TO A CINEMA NEAR YOU) Have a go at composing your own script. You have to read it in that guys voice.
"44 years ago they locked the doors, but now they are back and they want justice, blah blah blah Coming soon to a saturday near you"
Why do it you ask, why not?
The telly will be full of blurbs about Stanleys first game back. Lets give em something alternative to that ****ing advert. Maybe we could look at getting it put on at the cinema as an advertising trailer. It can't be that expensive as taxi ranks and kebab shops advertise there. Imagine sitting down to Rambo 6 or Rocky 453 and all you hear is the ULTRA drummers fading in on a blank screen to DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM STANLEY and then the ad starts. We could get it aired during Red and White Fortnight.
We are gonna be short of something to do for the next couple of months so can we do this. Is anybody with me or is it too big an ask?
redandwhitedayandnite</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=postbottom vAlign=center noWrap align=middle>Fri Apr 14, 2006 5:27 pm</TD><TD class=postbottom vAlign=center noWrap width="100%">