to mark the passing of our non-league status and our return to club of 92 Chimer posted this idea
Just an idea .....
It had crossed my mind that it would close the circle nicely to meet up at Peel Park and have a procession through the town centre then up to the FES - but I was assuming the first home game would be on a Saturday, not sure it would work on a Tuesday evening.
Also as I've not been in Accy for the best part of 30 years, I may be underestimating how long it might take !
the idea is a good one and we are planning to do it. At the moment the plan is to meet around 6:45 at Peel Park. We will set off shortly afterwards. We hope to have a convoy of cars and foot pedestrians with flags, air horns, THE DRUMS, and anything that displays your passion and enthusiasm for Stanley. We are hoping to have the Angels with us, and I think somebody was talking to the pipe band.
As part of Red and White Fortnight this will get plenty of publicity from The Bee, 2BR, Rock FM, Lancashire Telegraph and the Observer.
All are welcome and absolutely definitely the more the merrier.
If you wish to take part in this buthave difficulty walking and do not have transport PM me and I will try to find somebody who can include you in their section of the convoy.
This is not going to be like a carnival where we meander through the streets. We will be taking the most direct route to the ground possible along Alice St, Thorneyholme Road and Ribblesdale. This will also mean the least possible disruption to traffic.
10 cars or less is not worth doing. 20 cars with walkers would be okay but still a disgrace considering the reason why. Over 30 cars with flags and noise and a Pipe Band and dancing girls would be a moment to behold.
Maybe a vicar to recite some prayers and bless the team before we leave?